Masters Running


Thursday 8-30.... (Read 445 times)

Marathon Maniac #3309

    Good morning...


    Hey, I'm getting really fond of this running at 4:00am stuff....well, getting up at 4:00, and then heading out maybe 15 minutes later.


    7 easy miles - another beautiful morning being clear and fairly cool. Was easy, but had 2 runners in front of me in the distance with 2 miles to go, so I kicked it in high gear and caught up and passed them. Kinda silly I guess, but I can't help myself....think a lot of us are like that - huh.


    No garmin....and I enjoy running more without that.


    I decided no fall marathons for me this year. I was helping Donna to run her first one, and was loving that....and I was just going to pace her to around a 4 hour marathon time. Now, I just don't want to without her. Oh, I will still runs lots and have my 20 plus milers, but will be just for fun. Maybe the Tecumseh trail marathon, but that's more of a fun event and weekend, vs a road marathon. I'm a runner that doesn't need any races to motivate me to run....but we're all different with our goals and reasons we run.


    Hope everyone has a good day...



    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


      Mornin' all.


      You'll become a hardcore member of the FOC (4 o'clock club), if you don't watch out, Tim! I'm glad you had a good run this morning. And yes, I'll bet most of us are like that: Just like Avenger Doggie - when we see a 'rabbit,' we have to try to catch it.


      No more of that lazy, sleeping half the day away for me. So I was awake early and out the door a couple of minutes past 4 o'dark. We're oh-so-close to a full moon (a blue moon, actually, which will shine in full tonight), but it was already setting behind the trees this morning, about ready to call it a day. So it wasn't as light out as it could have been, but that's OK. I went just shy of 6.2 racewalking miles in gorgeous weather: 55F, dewpoint in the upper 50s, and a bit more than a light breeze from the west. I had a few moments along the way when I felt like I was floating along the road, and that was rather nice.


      Starr, I have a headlamp too, but I don't wear it anymore. When there is rain or ice on the road, the headlamp flattens the water so you really can't see puddles, and the reflection off ice is going in the wrong direction (away from me), so I can't see that either. If there are just the usual hazards on the road (critters, people), I'll see them or they'll see me.


      Enjoy!  -  Jay

      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


        Another 4:30 runner checking in... Though I've discovered my "ripe old age" that this old body doesn't handle running 4 days in a row very well any more. So, I went out without a watch to just enjoy being out in the early morning stillness. Lots of stars in a dark, clear sky but didn't encounter any runners or walkers today. Even the rabbits were MIA Smile


        Nice to see posts from Econo and Slo yesterday. Slo, you're working WAY too hard.  How do you think the Packers will fare this year?


        Sorry to hear about your allergies, Avenger Doggie. Tell mom and dad to take good care of you.


        Off for another day of near 90° weather in a school with no AC. Stay cool everyone...


          I'll never be part of the 4 a.m. club.  5:30 or 6:00 is plenty early for me!  What time do you people go to sleep?  Wink


          Seems like the end of summer is bringing out a number of folks who haven't been around much lately.  Nice to read!


          Anyway...5.3 miler this morning, trying to slowly ease back into a normal pace.  Busy day.

          Be safe. Be kind.


          MM #6177

            Hi everyone. Big half marathon for me coming up this Sunday, and so now I have a major case of the taper blues. Can't even imagine how I'll be come late October before my marathon...


            Needless to say, rest day today. Ack.

              ...GoodLuck on the TuneUp Race OM////////




              ......double weight sessions today


              currently reading an article on Zass,

              a Pioneer in IsometricExercise



              which I figure

              I can do without actually hurting myself.


              which would be a Nice Change


              ...............................good running guys

              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                Relax and breathe, OM.


                Same routine for me this morning but I got out the door about 15 minutes earlier.  I woke a few minutes before the alarm so about 5:57 to the smell of organic Peruvian coffee with cinnamon.  Got about 6 miles and then I saw our son's truck and shut off Mr. Garmin, roused the living dead, and went back out around the block to finish my run.  Was getting close to time for work so instead of my usual strides where I walk back between, I just picked it up a little as I went around the block.  I'm worried about taking a long road trip to St. George like I'd planned because I want DS to get up and get to school on time.  DW is part of the 5:30 gym club, then on to work, and I don't want to disrupt that in any way.

                "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me


                  Have fun OrangeMat!


                  The Easy Pacer had his first run in the dark experience today. 3 miles with him, then 6 alone, well, kind of, sort of, alone.


                  Big grin

                  "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                  King of PhotoShop

                    4.5 miles for me at the park this morning.  Our mornings are a bit cooler now, mid-70's, so it's pleasant to run. I think I will race a 5-miler on Saturday, so tomorrow will be light workout.


                    Holly, we never watched "Downton Abbey" when it was being aired, but we bought the first season on Netflix and got hooked. I advise you to do the same so you can see it from the start. It has the most amazing cast of characters:  the bad people, the good people, the arrogant and selfish people, and so on. 


                    No wonder Ek knew crepes suzette.  She is quite a cook herself.  Here I was thinking no one was paying attention to these trivia questions, then I throw in a few easy ones and everyone jumps in.  Okay, here is your question of the day.  You have all heard of the Rand Corporation, a non-profit think tank.  What does "Rand" stand for?  Spareribs

                      I REALLY wanted it to be the "Rand" of "Rand-McNally," maker of maps. But I was wrong.



                        Good luck at your HM this weekend, OM!  I probably should have the taper blues, but I haven't been tapering very well... there's a surprise.  Joking  I ran 5 miles this morning to put me over 200 for the month, so I guess I can start to taper tomorrow.   My marathon isn't till Monday, though, so I have 3 days to rest up.


                        The sunrise was beautiful this morning!  I was heading west on the trail so I had to watch it over my shoulder as I ran, and try not to pull an Enke...


                        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                          Gorgeous photo!!!

                          Well, I feel like a slacker for getting up at 6, but I am sticking to my no alarm clock routine and still finding time to run before work, and I had a great sleep last night.


                          58F, 6.1 miles, and boy o boy, it felt great.  A bit of a cut back week so I guess I have extra umphh.  I did the last bit, maybe 0.15-0.2 miles at near full out speed, not sure what it was because I haven't downloaded the Garmin yet.  Solarmix1 was playing, giving me the extra sproink.

                          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                          Trails are hard!

                              Solarmix1 was playing, giving me the extra sproink.

                             You really need Solarmix 2 for extra extra Wink


                            a very slow, disappointning slog for me this morning.  made it up on time to get out, but quickly decided that I had enjoyed wing night with the plant guys more than i should have.  74 and humid in NC didn't help.  Can't wait to get back up north to the upcoming cool mornings.

                            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                              Sorry Jay, but I don't get to join the FOC today. I really intended to since it supposed to be 99° today.  I guess I’ll wait to run under blue moon tonight instead.  I doubt if I’ll ever use that dorky headlamp here in town -- with the streetlights I don’t really need it..  Maybe on a trail since it’s camo and everything.  


                              biketm – I rarely get to pick off rabbits… unless they are walking!  I sure like my Garmin but someday will do those untimed runs so many of you like. Have a great race on Sunday, OrangeMat!  You are getting so speedy.  Gorgeous photo, wild!  Wow, I’d get up to run to see that any day. Enke, I haven’t listened to solarmix for a long time, I’ll have to load some of them, although there was one that was, well,,, “angry” is I think how mc described it.  Roch, your bike rides sound brutal to me, I can understand that young’un turning back.  TomWhite, glad that you’re not hurting yourself anymore.  Nice pictures yesterday.  It was good to hear from hallar and I see PBJ and even RoyC are still around.  Does anyone know what a PBJ Special is?


                              Yesterday I was so tired and had no mojo after work.  I biked the lake first to get warmed up, then had a 40 minute tempo on the schedule.  It took a while to get Mr. Garmin programmed while I walked, sure wished I’d have done that on the computer!  I ran for 25 min at 12:25 which is great for me, then ran slower for 15 minutes more.  I was sure sweaty with this heat wave.  MrStarr had the grill going for steaks.  Man were they good!  I love steaks cooked over charcoal!  Anyone wanna buy a fancy Holland gas grill?


                              Now I need some help trying to figure out a goal pace for the Turkey Day 10K in 2 weeks.  The last time I ran it, or any race for that matter, was 6 years ago in 1:11:01.  I don’t think that’s really helpful information now.  I did run a hilly 6 miles at 12:29 a couple of weeks ago.  I’d love to run at least 12:00 by the race.  I really don’t want to be last, but that’s not likely since there’s a guy with horrible knees that runs just to finish.

                              “Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall, but by those who fought, fell, and rose again.” — Adrienne Rich

                                Does anyone know what a PBJ Special is?

                                Running 8 miles in an hour (plus or minus 5 minutes).  PBJ used to do them routinely.  Most of us only dream about doing them ...



                                "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong
