Masters Running


THURSDAY Oct. 9 Boomers Runs and Cinnamon Donuts (Read 586 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Good Morning! Once I wake up a little bit and start running, I then think to look up to see what is going on above me. Sometimes it is overcast, sometimes wisps of clouds, sometime I just say "WOW" and today was a "WOW" morning. Since moving to the country 4 years ago, the beauty of the stars just continue to amaze me. 50 degrees, so I dressed more appropriately today in shorts and short sleeve shirt. Kept the pace at a pretty even 9:42 and my avg HR was 157. Enjoy the day!! Mmmmmmmmm


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


    Marathon Maniac #3309

      Good morning everyone. Nice description of a beautiful morning Mary. Another nice run there for you...and I am starving and wondered if you could run by and let me have a Cinnamon Donut...yummmy. Thanks evryday and all are an inspiration to me and ALWAYS look forward to what up with your great running and life Smile Bob, I know I have good sprint speed, but I guess I am a little unsure how that translates into a long Marathon...guess I will find out. Hope you have a good 10 miler tonight. Paying attention to you and your super workouts over time has helped me tremendously...more than you know speedy dude Had another good workout last night that was a mid week long run, with track work. I really didn't know what my track workout would be till I ran there, and decided I would go for a 5K PR. It was pretty windy out which makes speed work on a track more of a challenge. Total: 11.5 miles – 1:27:38 – 7:38 Ave pace....MP to and from the track. 5K – 19:26 – 6:17 Ave pace and a new PR. 2ND mile was at 5:45 pace, but my legs finally were toast the last 3 laps, and really had to dig deep to PR. I had a sub 19 5K in my sights until the last few laps where I slowed down to around 6:30 pace or so. And was super hard to PR on a track alone, with no one there to push me...lot of mental pressure to keep pushing when there is not the adrenaline and excitement of a real race. I think rested and recovered, I have a sub 19 5K in these 49 year old legs Cool Whew…only 1 more track workout and 20 plus miler, then taper. Have a great day everyone Smile Hey....where has Steve been, or have I missed his posts? Tim

      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

        Tim, your training has been awesome. Your're gonna have a great race!
        Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
          nice workout Tim!! i've been slacking a little on keeping up here and with my running -- letting work and life stuff get in the way -- silly me!! anyway -- tuesday PT, wednesday 6.2 miles with an avg pace of 9:29 for a total of 58:45 - felt great -- just a little residual pinching in the nerve in the middle of my butt today so will do some cross-training and core/stability work later this morning. have a great thursday all!!


            OK I'll delete my other post and put it here! By the way I think we have a bit of false advertising here, where are the Cinnamon Donuts - I don't see any mention of Cinnamon Donuts anywhere in this post! Roll eyes Great workout Tim, that is just shy of my PR which puts you right on for a great marathon. The HS track where I do many of my speed workouts tends to get a great deal of wind as well and it does indeed make those workout tough, but it also builds strength which will come in handy especially at those long distance races. Good job - taper is right around the corner. My run yesterday consisted of 5.02 easy recovery miles again - 45:03 - 8:58 Avg HR 123 Max HR 133 in nice 62 degree weather. This evening when I get home I'm going to head out for a nice 10 miler and hope to get in some quicker miles, we'll see how the legs feel. My Yoga class really helped lossen up the quads and hamstrings and I am feeling just great this morning. We had some pretty good rain on my way in to work this morning but the forecast calls for clearing skies and temps into the low 70's by the time I get home around 4:00. Good runs all. Modified to fix those damned smilies that appear after I type in an 8 with a closed parenthisis ... you would think I would know better by now, DUH! Confused

            Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

              By the way I think we have a bit of false advertising here, where are the Cinnamon Donuts - I don't see any mention of Cinnamon Donuts anywhere in this post! Roll eyes
              I had to go buy more .....look again. Big grin


              "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
              It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



              Hill Runner

                Good morning everyone, A pitch dark humid morning here. 10.17 miles of hills @ 9:01 pace.

                Upcoming Races:

                Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                  I had to go buy more .....look again. Big grin
                  Now that is better...mmmmmmm good!

                  Renee the dog

                    HEY, why'd it rain overnight? I wanted to do all boards running this morning, but I'm not the best when they are slick (Grace was never considered as my middle name). Things are drying out now, so I'll be out for 5 at lunchtime now. Not going to chance wiping out with under 10 days until the 1/2. Good running to all today!

                    GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                    GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                      Erika—that post about clocks times, etc, was hilarious. Aamos—Richmond ’06 was my first marathon. A tad on the warm side as you may recall. Roll eyes I like the race, too, and it’s cheap and convenient for me. And they have wet washcloths at two stops. Ah! Smile Tim—you are doing great in your training. Impressive track work there. I look forward to hearing about your marathon. DW had been fighting off some stomach issues earlier this week and I think I may have picked it up. Felt queasy from the moment I woke up and my eyes were sensitive to light, etc. I dragged through 8 miles of a scheduled 10-miler before bailing. Warm and humid today, too, which didn’t help. Oh well, they can't all be good.

                      Be safe. Be kind.

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        Good Morning! Aamos – Max is neutered – I was just thinking how upset he would be if he lost any MORE parts. We got him at that same Humane Society when he was a year old. He was so gentle and friendly, not jumpy and nervy like so many other cats. In fact, we often refer to him as Max the Overly Affectionate Cat, since he tends to Bombard You With His Love at times........usually first thing in the morning, before you’ve had your coffee.... SteveP – a fine boy like that will find his niche, given a little time. Mary – you just HAD to post that donut picture, didn’t you? Now I’m drooling on my keyboard.... Tim – I love the part where you “slowed down to about 6:30 or so”.......Smile Congratulations on your new PR! 4 eerie miles outside in an dense fog and 47 degrees, followed by this on the treadmill: [5 minute slow-to-fast segments (6.0, 6.3, 6.6, 6.9, 8.0 mph)] x 4 (I think those paces are 10:00, 9:31, 9:05, 8:41, 7:30) 1 minute walk [1 min. 8.0 mph (7:30)/1 min. 6.2 mph (9:40)] x 5 plus CD makes 8 miles total. I increased the paces this week, and I have to admit this workout kicked my butt today, but I know from past experience that if I keep it up, it will eventually get easier. Our TM is in the garage, with a shelf in front of it and a small TV (w/cable) on it. DH got a DVD player for it recently and hooked it up, so I am set for winter weather. Much better than a TM in the gym. Like Dark Horse, I found that the channels were never on a show I wanted and the volume was turned down - deadly boring. Snow storms, icy conditions, bring it on.....I'm ready.... Smile

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                          Morning everyone, No run yet as I coach my speed group tonight. We are doing 2k warm up and then a series of 5 sets of the following: 400 meters at sub 5k pace with 45 second rest followed by 800 meters at 5k pace with 1 minute rest followed by 2-3k cooldown. Total distance of 10-11k Newbies get to drop an interval or two depending on much mileage they are up to. Great group of people, so much fun to coach people. It's a true love of mine to help people get better. Next week we will add a beer stop at the end of the workout at a nice little pub down the road. Holly - Do not go ove to the dark side. Treadmills are not for "true runners" You have to brave the snow and the chills to really develop character Big grin Take care Tall

                          Recent Best times: None recently

                          Marathon Maniac #3309

                            Next week we will add a beer stop at the end of the workout at a nice little pub down the road
                            Ummm Tall...can I join your group Smile Tim

                            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                              Beautiful day in Central IN. Heading out to the trail under sunny skies and 60-something deg. Yesterday was a rest day. Now, back at it. 10 days to the HM... Should I start the carb-loading? Oh, yeah, I've been doing that for 30 years. Wink TC "My life is one big taper!"

                              "I'd rather die while I'm living than live while I'm dead..." J. Buffett There are two rules in life: 1.) Don't sweat the small stuff 2.) It's ALL small stuff

                              Marathon Maniac #3309

                                Beautiful day in Central IN. Heading out to the trail under sunny skies and 60-something deg. Yesterday was a rest day. Now, back at it. 10 days to the HM... Should I start the carb-loading? Oh, yeah, I've been doing that for 30 years. Wink TC "My life is one big taper!"
                                After yesterday, today really is nice out. This weekend is suppose to be perfect also. Isn't the M and HM at Fort Harrison a fairly hilly race...that's what I hear and why I chose the Nov 1st one, that is a flat course. The other Indiana Tim

                                Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!
