Masters Running


Weightloss Post Holiday Challenge - Week 3 (Read 306 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good gracious - another week down. And you know what? I GAINED a lb! Now I am 2 lbs up since the first weigh in of this post holiday challenge. Drat! This does reflect a trend I have noticed that when I get into higher mileage running I don't seem to lose weight,and in fact can gain it. I think I just get so hungry, and all those tiny nibbles add up, in spite of the miles. (sigh) And we have a dinner party this weekend at my house. I'm cooking up a fabulous meal: prime rib, twice-baked potatoes, balsamic glazed carrots, salad w/homemade croutons, crusty bread with goat cheese, hot apple cinnamon cake ala mode, and of course, lots of wine. (sigh) This isn't going as I had hoped. I suspect there may be yet another challenge after this one.

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      Ha, can report 129.41 lbs. Which means I lost 4.2 lbs since we started (start weight was 133.6 lbs). Guess I'm not doing to shabbily for someone who's just being mindful of what I put in my mouth so far.

      Run the day, or the day runs you.


        sorry Holly -- maybe you need those extra lbs tho for all the high mileage running - your body needs good fuel!! i maintained this week which is ok for now -- i havent been as careful as i should be with what goes in my mouth while i'm home recuuperating and this inactivity is making me crazy!! i'm hoping after a few more days i can at least start some gentle yoga and light walking - anything would be better than nothing as long as i dont overdo it!!


        Renee the dog

          Well OK. I'm finally headed in the proper direction. I'm at 133.4 which is down 2.6. I'm reading a new book called Nutrition Periodization for the Endurance Athlete. Just really started following the basics yesterday, but it did help me not overeat last night and we went out for pizza and beer! (light beer) Running 14 mi last Sat. probably helped too. Seems to me if I can consistently get more of those easy, long runs in, it would work to burn off more of my caboose. Remember it's not a one round fight! Hang tough everyone.

          GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

          GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

            Hey Gang, nice work. Holly with your running and workout schedule you've got to be one fit young lady. I say keep doing what you're doing and the pounds be derned!! I'm down 2 pounds from last week....153. I don't get it either....I'm up then down then up then down. And I've been sedentary the last two weeks! And I know I'm not as fit as the rest of you!
            Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
              And so the yo yo continues....I'm actually down a couple of lbs from last week, but then that was my highest weight in a long time. So put me down at 136 - back to where I started Confused Holly, I have the same problem. This week I've been sick and haven't run much and yet have lost. When I exercise and run more, I gain. Yes, we do eat more but geeze. I know someone who computes daily her food intake and calorie output...I'm not ready for that! BTW, what time should I be at your party? Yummm!Smile Dutchie, WTG! Denise, hang in there. And good job on maintaining! Nono, I love your attitude! Evryday - you ARE as fit as me!

              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                Holly - you should be fined for posting you nummy menu for this weekend! Wink I found that I gained too when I was training for my marathon. Like you said, all those little nibbles add up. I'm down a pound this week - surely not due to eating less! I think just getting back into a normal running routine with more mileage did the trick. Now, if I could only eat less too .... I have managed to eat all the sweets out of the house, including the 1/4 bag of chocolate chips left from my cookie baking a couple of weeks ago. Hey, I was desperate for some chocolate!! Well, I guess that is why this is called a "challenge".


                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                  Down 1.2 from last week, but I've been yo-yoing a pound or two each week, so actually, I'm right back at where I started on 1/1/09. {sigh}



                    Down 2 pounds to 123 this week. Woo hoo! That's the good news. The bad news is I tried my swim suit on from last year to make sure it looked okay for when we go to Florida next week. It must have shrunk in the drawer over the winter!!! Picture a sausage being stuffed in a casing, and that will give you an idea of how it looked. Now, I have to go buy a new one IN A LARGER SIZE. Sad Or, maybe just wear my cover-up and lay on the chaise lounge drinking vodka and tonics all week. That ought to help my weight problem, don't ya think?

                      Works for me, JLynne. I did the swimsuit thing a couple months ago because the two I'd been using were old and getting dangerously threadbare. With all the pool running I was doing, I needed a new one. So I tried on a ton, starting at the size of the ones I was retiring. Hmmm, they must've stretched out over the years. There was just no way! So I got one, but I think it's too big. Oh well. I must've been "fluffy" when I tried them on. But it's still 4 sizes bigger than the old ones!! Surprised Holly, that's what happens to me, too. Whenever you say you run extra miles for extra calories, I usually say to myself "well, that doesn't always work so well!" because at least for me, I turn into an eating machine at much over 45 mpw! I was good last night and didn't nibble after dinner. No snacks, although I really really really wanted something. I was starving when I got up, and looking forward to being rewarded on the scale with a drop from the past week. No such luck. 143.5, still. I was down to almost 140, but it must have been a "blip" (or a "dip"?) cuz I've been holding pretty steady here. Which is about where I've been over the past few months... lose a couple, gain a couple, and I end up here. Must be my body's "happy zone" which pisses me off because it doesn't make ME happy at all!!! Angry

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        I say keep doing what you're doing and the pounds be derned!!
                        Oh, bless your heart... Denise - I was cleared for walking 2 weeks after a minor surgery a couple years ago. Check with your doctor and see if you are too. Jlynne - get some of that sunless tanner and put it on, then try your suit on again. A tan makes everything look better. Smile

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                          I can't keep track of what I weighed on which day, since weigh-in day for the BL at school is Monday, but I'm in yo-yo land, too. As of Monday, I was down 2.5 from the start of BL on 1/12/09 - 2-1/2 pounds in 2 weeks was fine with me. BUT, as of today, I'm up 1 pound since Monday! Grrrr. Eliz


                            Almost missed this thread today, down 1 from last week, 8 away from my 5 week goal.

                            Prince of Fatness

                              1/16 - 171.5 lbs. 1/23 - 171.5 lbs. 1/30 - 170.5 lbs. Down one pound. Better than gaining I guess. Still not dieting the way I want ... just running a little more.

                              Not at it at all. 


                              Marathon Iowa 2014

                                Down one this week - nine pounds away from the goal.