Masters Running


2's-Day, AUGUST 12 Runs and such (Read 455 times)

    Note to the Beers, I will be in Washington DC from Tuesday thru Sat. next week, any chance for a meet up to start planning out Portland party? Tongue
    Sounds like a possibility -- Friday night would work best for us. Send me an email so we can work out the details. (the address is in my signature)

    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

    Marathon Maniac #3309

      Bruce, I wouldn't go with the shoe thing like I Ribs pointed out to me. Hey, just a sub par run like we all have sometimes. Did you feel tired before hand and maybe should have put the track workout off a day? Just curious because my last track workout was carpy too....but am sitting myself up better to nail my next one tomorrow. Regardless, good job Buddie...if it were easy, everyone would be doing it Smile Tim

      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

        Twocat--squirrel yourself away in your office and however old she is, write out that many different reasons why you love her on little slips of paper--like the slips in fortune cookies. Buy a pretty porcelain jar with a lid, or wooden covered box and put each of the slips in there. grins, A ps: if you run out of ideas, think of ways she puts up with you--for example, if Ribs were to do this, he'd have 1. for patiently letting me flirt, & flirt, & flirt... 2. for listening to me sing oldies 3. for laughing at my bad jokes etc. etc.
        Masters 2000 miles


          Holly, excellent that you're back out there running again! But I think Erika has your number - don't push it too much, too soon. We're keeping our eyes on you... TimBo, nice job catching the runner ahead of you, even if it did turn out to be a guy! Happy birthday, Kevin! Hope the birthday bunny is good to you! (Birthday bunny????) Nono, I stayed up late watching the Olympics too! Love to watch those gymnasts. But the commercials drive me crazy, especially after about the hundredth time I've seen them. I liked the way the American gymnasts were so excited to win bronze. Sometimes the teams or individuals that miss out on gold look like someone just died. Like the French relay team after the 4 x 100! Tramps, I wondered too why the women's beach volleyball players don't wear shorts and tank tops. They'd still look pretty hawt no matter what they wear! DickyG, that's great that your pace is improving - 32 seconds off of a 4 mile course is amazing progress! Ribs, keep up that slow walking! You'll soon be passing old ladies and small children! Wink Rochrunner, so glad to hear that you're running again, too! And speedier than Ribs! Mary, I'd like to bottle this morning, too! IRC here - Colorado blue sky and sunshine, after what seems like weeks of overcast and rainy days! I went for a rare morning run, and it was a joy. 53 degrees at the start, 62 at the end. 11.4 miles total, my longest run since the two half marathons in June. I ran the first 1.4 with Tazzie and Ladybug. Vacation has come to an end - it's back to work tomorrow. Enjoy the day, everyone!

          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

            9 mi at GA pace in IRC. (enough acronyms and abbreviations?) I miscalculated and was steaming through my last mile with a quarter mile to go when I noticed it was actually my next to last mile. Doh! I had to turn around and go uphill. My final finish was much less impressive.

            aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

            Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason

              6.15 in 51+, 8:22 pace, 146 HR, 170 max. Some sun, some rain, some sun again! And Happy B-Day Kevin! grins, A
              Masters 2000 miles

                Ribs, that's great news. Twocat, I can't come up with anything better than what's already been posted. Well, most of them. -) hmm. I'm pretty sure it's my birthday too. Wink. Erika "Holly, yep, easy does it girlfren. I think you tend to say "well that 5 didn't hurt, let's try 11 tomorrow!" You are very very smart. Sorry your missed your IRC. Thanks you-all! DickyG, Sue, (anytime, you say the word. weather on demand) Holly, Kevin, & especially Doug because I miss your posts. Thanks for you enthusiasm. You're all very sweet. Doug, I wish you would post more, no matter what you're doing. I also vote for distance. I'm so happy you're running again!! Kevin, "there must be some special runner's logic in that it seems to make perfect sense to think that if I did so well at one distance, I can double it without any problem." Yes!!! What's up with that? re wardrobe... it's just that double standard thing, you know? Those poor beach volleyball guys must be uncomfortable . btw, sometimes I think this is the only thing I ever say, but be careful with those hamstrings. DickyG, wtg! I know I'm missing a lot, one of those days when you actually have to work.

                i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                  9 mi at GA pace in IRC. (enough acronyms and abbreviations?) I miscalculated and was steaming through my last mile with a quarter mile to go when I noticed it was actually my next to last mile. Doh! I had to turn around and go uphill. My final finish was much less impressive.
                  WTG PDR gr8 GA!

                  Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                    7.02 Miles - 54:15 (7:44) - 68 degrees, showers and 77 % humidity. I changed todays regularly scheduled speed workout and did a warm up then 1 mile at about 7 min pace 1 mile recovery 1 min at about 7 min pace etc. Then a nice little cool down. Warm Up 1 Mi - 8:24 Avg HR 118 Max HR 119 1 Mi - 6:52 Avg HR 140 Max HR 144 1 Mi - 8:27 Avg HR 129 Max HR 142 1 Mi - 6:55 Avg HR 143 Max HR 146 1 Mi - 8:16 Avg HR 136 Max HR 145 1 Mi - 7:01 Avg HR 145 Max HR 153 Cool Down - 1.02 Avg HR 137 Max HR 153 The rest of the week will be fairly easy as I rest up for Saturday's 5K.
                      I had this great run today that I was all excited to post about this morning. Then work got in the way and I could never get it posted. Anyway, I went out for 8 easy but for some reason ended up with an 8.5 mile progression run without ever leaving my (perceived) easy running zone. Where did this one come from? 9:40, 9:10, 8:47, 8:43, 8:34, 8:31, 827, 8:27, 8:22. Maybe this speed work I've been doing and the much increased resting is finally having an effect. Bill

                      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                      One day at a time

                        More rain, rain, rain. It finally stopped, but I had to run this morning, so my visiting friend and I went to the Y to run on the treadmills. It was her very first time to walk or run on a TM. Yikes, the guest pass costs ten bucks now! Seems kind of steep. My plan was 5 miles today, and 6.5 miles Thursday, but it was one of those days (which I haven't had in awhile) where I felt like I was flying, so I decided to do the 6.5 today! It took 1:11:05, so I'm getting a LITTLE faster. My ankle seems totally healed. I see my doctor tomorrow for my annual exam. Since he's a runner, I will see if he has any advice for how I should ramp up my mileage. The bloodwork I had done ahead of time shows that my cholesterol has gone up from 181 last August to 222 now!! What the heck? I've lost 14 pounds just this year (total of 35). Kind of discouraging.

                        King of PhotoShop

                          Speed day for me today. Went out at 5:30 am, 64F and 89% humidity. I did 9 miles w/6x1000m + 200m recoveries. The goal was to do the 1000's in 4:56 (7:55 pace), but I just did not have it today. My legs had no spring to them. I don't know if it was the humidity, the fact that I need new shoes or if I am just tired. Total time for the 9 miles was 1:24:02 (9:21 pace). 2 mile warm-up 21:41 1000's: 1. 4:57 (7:58 pace) 200m recovery 1:16 2. 4:57 (7:58) 200m 1:12 3. 4:59 (8:02) 200m 1:12 4. 5:01 (8:05) 200m 1:13 5. 5:02 (8:07) 200m 1:16 6. 5:06 (8:13) 200m 1:18 2.5 cool-down 2.5 miles 24:52 Have a great day everyone. Bruce
                          Bruce, good job. Remember we think in large clumps of times, like weeks, rather than individual workouts. Was there any work you did over the past 4-5 days that allowed you to hit this workout just a bit less energetic? I bet you will find it is so. Also, tomorrow's workout consists of what? I need you to tell me rather than vice versa. Spareribs

                          I Can Go The Distance

                            Was there any work you did over the past 4-5 days that allowed you to hit this workout just a bit less energetic? I bet you will find it is so. Also, tomorrow's workout consists of what? I need you to tell me rather than vice versa.
                            Ribs: Tomorrow's workout will be a sloooow recovery run of 4 miles. As I look back over the last 4-5 days there are two things that standout: Saturday's wave run (the first one I have done) and the fact that I increased my mileage last week to 54 miles. That is the weekly mileage I am going to stay at till the end of the year so my workouts should be a little eaiser as I go along. Thanks for all the coaching and encouragement Ribs. I am glad to see that your walking program is going well. Bruce

                            "Don't give up, don't ever give up." Jim Valvano

                              Evryday, Welcome back !!!! Glad to see you posting again. Kevin, Happy Birthday! 5 mile GA run tonight. I have been having heal issues and I decided to work on form tonight. I noticed lately I am looking at the road in front of me a lot now that I am running longer miles I think I just relax and sag forward. I was thinking that this could be stretching my Achilles a little more as I am probably leaning over my feet further. Today I kept my head up and picked landmarks farther down the road instead of right in front of me. I am not sure yet if it helped with my heal issue (won't be able to tell until later) but it did make for a sproinkier run. I was just plodding along feeling like a easy pace and looked at my watch and it was more like tempo pace. Had to make myself slow up quite a few times today. Maybe there is something to this form thing after all. Cool Good runs evryday and evryone Larry

                              Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

                              King of PhotoShop

                                That's the thinking Bruce. Think of weeks and trends. Good job. Spareribs