Masters Running


Friday December 23 Runs and Recipes (Read 486 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good Morning!


    1.  I have today off, but DH has to work

    2.  It's a balmy 39 misty degrees outside, with a cold front moving in tonight


    These two things make this the perfect day for a LR.


    However, the sandwich I wolfed down at 4pm last night, plus a couple cookies later, did not work well to fuel my morning run, and by the second mile my stomach was growling and I was feeling weakly.....


    So, 3.25 miles this morning, upper body weights planned for later today.


    First I'm going to run out early to do some last-minute Christmas shopping.  Most stores open at 8am, so I hope to be done and home by 10am, before it gets too crazy...


    Slo_Hand - I am serving prime rib for Christmas, too! 


    I never cooked prime rib until my SIL shared her recipe.  I will share it here with you, because it turns out perfect EVERY TIME!


    Prime Rib  (actual cut of meat is called Standing Rib Roast)


    Preheat oven to 500


    1.       Remove standing rib roast from fridge and package.  Leave on counter at least 1 hour or until room temp. Cut away ribs from meat, following along the rib - set aside the rib to reattach after seasoning.


    2.       With fat side up layer roast with flour, seasoning salt and pepper.


    3.       Place cloves of garlic in each side of the roast or more to taste.


    4.       Reattach rib to meat with string.


    5.       Salt bottom of pan liberally to prevent smoking.  Set the roast directly on the salt, fat side up.  Do not cover roast.


    6.       Bake roast 5 min. per pound then turn oven off. DO NOT - I repeat - DO NOT open the oven door for 2 hours. 


    This will get you a perfect MR every time.  Add an extra 5 minutes at 500 degrees if you want it cooked more.  I serve it with GFS au jus, which has a great flavor. A winner every time.



    Will you share a recipe from your table this year?


    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      Good Morning Holly. Thanks for sharing the recipe. That's pretty close to the way I've made it. I've experimented with different rubs over the years.


      I've got a huge grocery list for today.


      7 good hard miles this morning. 2 x 2mile tempo runs. 1st 2 miles @ 7:03 pace...(a little to fast) 2nd 2 mile tempo @ 7:18 pace. Dead on.


      I've got the day off but that doesn't mean I ain't busy. Lot's of running to do.


        good morning Holly!   good morning everybody else!


        I have a surprise day off today too, but won't take time to elaborate, headed off to the gym, and am out of time.     

        oh, I went to the gym yesterday (first time since 'ski' trip,   my calves got much worse & I could barely walk for about 3 days)... anyway, thought I could try the bike, then thought, welll, I could at least try to run, even though it seemed silly.   & I could.  5 miles.   so so happy.


        love and peace & happy everythings!


        mta, hi Steve : )

          Nice run, Slo!

          Good to see Ribs made it home.  And, yes, his version is true.  Apparently my wife goes to bars and strikes up conversations with strange men.  Who knew?


          It's amazing how warm the mid-50s can feel when you're not acclimated.  Just 5.2 easy miles today (8:29) but I was sweaty by the end.

          Be safe. Be kind.

          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

            Thanks for the recipe Holly!    We have one of those Ronko Rotiserries that we put our prime rib in which frees up the oven.    My brother in law is a butcher so he seasons it all up for us too.    YUM!


            I got new shoes this morning via the UPS man!!    They are purple with aqua accents and shoe laces ..... I just love them!!   Brooks Adreneline 11 which is what I have been wearing and they were on sale too at Zappo's.   They make me smile ..... I might just have to wear them around the office today.   It will drive my boss nuts which is an extra bonus.




            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



            Mike E

            MM #5615

              Apparently my wife goes to bars and strikes up conversations with strange men. 

              Where is she going next?


              Oh--good morning everybody!  I thought about going out for my run this morning but...I didn't.  It's kind of weird.  When I used to work, a long time ago, (last week) I knew that when I got home I would run.  I didn't have to plan anything or think about anything else--when I got home--I ran.  But, now, it seems like I have to plan my whole day and figure out when the best time will be for my run.  I suppose the Christmas shopping has something to with that, too.  Maybe next week will be better. 


              But if I did run in the morning--there is no way I could do that pace, Slo.  And that's odd, too, since races are typically in the morning.  Hmmm...


              5 miles for dg!  Way to go!  I hope your "surprise day off" wasn't like my "surprise day off" last week...although, it really wasn't much of a surprise for me.  But...I'll mind my own business.


              Hey, Mary--have fun with your new shoes!


              Holly--my recipe:  

              1. Lay out 2 pieces of Oatnut bread

              2. Spread Jiff crunchy peanut butter evenly over one slice of bread (you can use creamy, but it's not as good)

              3. Spread strawberry preserves evenly over the other slice (I use Smuckers, but the brand isn't as important as the peanut butter)

              4. Now, carefully, lay one slice of bread over the other with the peanut butter and preserves touching each other.

              5. I don't cut mine at all but feel free to cut it in half or in quarters or any other way you please.

              And there you have it--Mike E's peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 


              Okay that 's it.  Oh--my goal for today: finish my Christmas shopping!




                Holly--my recipe:  

                1. Lay out 2 pieces of Oatnut bread

                2. Spread Jiff crunchy peanut butter evenly over one slice of bread (you can use creamy, but it's not as good)

                3. Spread strawberry preserves evenly over the other slice (I use Smuckers, but the brand isn't as important as the peanut butter)

                4. Now, carefully, lay one slice of bread over the other with the peanut butter and preserves touching each other.

                5. I don't cut mine at all but feel free to cut it in half or in quarters or any other way you please.

                And there you have it--Mike E's peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 





                Big grin


                5 miles on the track this morning, 9:32 pace trying to burn off a big honkin' peanut butter sandwich I ate last night!


                Purple and aqua? Sounds like a great color combo Mary. Do you have shorts to match?


                Yay Deb!


                Here's a recipe to go with your prime rib dinner, Holly and Slo.


                It's a salad with sugared walnuts that's to die for:



                2 cups walnut halves

                2/3 cup sugar

                1 package (5 ounces) arugula

                1 small head butter or Bibb lettuce, cored, cleaned and torn into bite-size pieces

                2 ripe pears, halved, cored and sliced

                1/2 cup sweetened dried cranberies

                1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese



                3 tablespoons raspberry-flavored or traditional balsamic vinegar

                2 teaspoons honey-Dijon mustard

                1/8 teaspoon salt

                1/8 teaspoon black peppter

                1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil


                For salad, combine nuts, sugar and 1/4 cup water in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook 6 to 8 minutes until almost all the liquid has cooked off, stirring constantly for the last 2 minutes. Pour nuts onto a foil-lined sheet and spread out. let cool


                In large bowl, combine arugula, butter lettuce, pears, cranberries and blue cheese. Set aside.


                For dressing, in a medium-size bowl whisk vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper. While whisking, add oil in a thin stream. Gently toss salad with half of the dressing, serve remainder on the side. Coarsely chop 1 cup of the nuts and sprinkle over the salad. Reserve extra nuts for snacking or another meal.


                This is a delicious salad but sorry for taking up so much posting space.


                Two more shopping days people!


                Rose Colored Glasses

                  My reluctant coach allows me 2 days off per week. This week I arranged it so that I would run 7 miles on Thursday morning so that I could donate a pint of red oxygen carrying liquid Thursday afternoon. (Thank you, Red Cross, for facilitating the donation) And now, I have today off from running so that I can try and build that pint back.  

                  It was fun to donate yesterday because Ralph and Mike (our friend) joined me at the hospital. So one gift turned into three.

                  Recipe?  Well, I'll just describe what I made for breakfast this morning.

                  Trader Joe's Breakfast Patties (vegetarian sausage)



                  salt and pepper



                  1. melt butter in a big ol' frying pan

                  2. cook the patties in the butter and then chop them up with a spatula

                  3. stir in some flour to make a sort of paste

                  4. pour in some milk and cook and stir until bubbly, reduce heat and stir until perfect

                  5. season with salt and pepper 

                  6. Toast whatever bread you want. Today we used vegan whole grain and honey English muffins

                  Ladle the sausage gravy over the toast and enjoy! 

                    ...thanks for the recipe mike//.........I'll print this out later.......

                    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                      I've fixed Christmas Eve's main dish the last few years, and have fixed a couple of beef roast recipes that were a ton of prep work but turned out very nicely (such as Beef Daube Provencal)! This year we're not doing as much since my DS probably won't get here in time, and it's my MIL who will be doing the honors on Christmas Day. I hope all your culinary adventures turn out just great this year, Holly and all the others!


                      Brisk again as it was about 28F this morning, but a clear blue sky and almost no breeze. I ran on a section of trail that I hadn't done for a long time and had a very nice 5-miler. That makes 23+ so far this week and I might do another 6 tomorrow. That's a very long week for me these days, but things are going pretty well right now so I might as well take advantage of it.


                      My MP3's battery finally died during my run even though I was carrying a spare. The battery had lasted so long that I was convinced that my spare battery was a sort of magical talisman; as long as I carried it on my runs, the battery in my player would never die. But if I ever forgot to bring it along...


                      Have yourselves some good runs today, everyone!

                      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                      Top 'O the World!

                        Recipe Day! Yay!


                        Irish Cream: 1 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk

                                             1 C heavy cream

                                             1 C Feckin' Spiced Irish Whisky

                                             2 TBS chocolate syrup

                                             1 tsp coconut extract

                                        Mix well & serve immediately over ice, in strong coffee, etc.

                                        Makes a bit less than a quart. Stores in the frig for a bit.....not that we've usually had any left TO store! Wink


                        Waiting for it to warm up a cpl more degrees before I go out.....prolly should just snowshoe as I have that much new snow!

                        Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

                        King of PhotoShop

                          Sounds just right Holly.  It's a good technique to bring meat to room temperature like that.  I do it with all red meat cuts.



                          3.5 easy miles at the park today with my RP. Now off to grocery store for all the weekend food.  Spareribs

                          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                            A little something for after dinner ..... it is called the Candy Cane.


                            1 shot Bailey's

                            1/2 shot Cream de Cocoa

                            1/2 shot Pepperment Snoops


                            Serve over ice.


                            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                            MM #6177

                              dg, I loved your sign-off: "love and peace & happy everythings!" Smile Right back atcha! Enjoy your surprise day off. 


                              Good luck with the last minute shopping, Holly, and anyone else who's heading out to the stores. I can't even begin to imagine what the mall parking lots will be like today and tomorrow...


                              New shoes are always worth celebrating. Enjoy them, Mary!


                              Mike E, I prefer the chunky variety too, but have been buying the natural/organic style peanut butter lately. The ingredients list only peanuts and salt. And the upper body workout you get from stirring it up when you first open the jar is a good bonus too.


                              Ooh, Jlynne, I liked your recipe! Though for meat dinners, I'd have to leave out the cheese. Yeah, I know, big spoilsport.

                              Interesting recipe Rosie. Even with it being vegetarian, I hesitate... sausage gravy over toast? For breakfast? Maybe it's a southern thing, because honestly, I've never heard of such a thing. But then again, my heritage (or my husband's at least) espouses having pickled herring in cream sauce and cow's tongue on rye... [shudder]


                              Traditional Chanukah food is anything fried, hence the latkes (potato pancakes) and jelly doughnuts. Neither are to my taste, so I serve falafel. I'm actually having close to 50 people for our family party on Monday, but again, true to my heritage, I'm having it all catered. Wink


                              Opie, I meant to respond yesterday about your shoe recommendation. I have high arches and wear custom orthotics to support them, so if anything I supinate rather than pronate. I looked at the shoe weights of the women's models of those shoes, and yes, my Mizunos are the lightest (8.7 oz). Though I'm wondering, could I use my orthotics in the new PureProject series? If so, which would you recommend I try?


                              My schedule says no running today, but I missed yoga class, so I'm dressed to run. Roll eyes I also took an unscheduled day off on Wednesday, so I guess it wouldn't be so horrible to go out for a little jog... I do have some local errands I could "run"...


                              Well, happy Friday all! 

                                Here's my Singing Recipe for Christmas Eve.  I'm going to give the vocals chords a break after this night!


                                Praise Team - Worship the King

                                Praise Team - Joy to the World

                                Praise Team - Unto Us

                                Praise Team - Angels We Have Heard on High

                                Men's Quartet - Sent By the Father

                                Praise Team - Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful

                                Praise Team - Infant Holy, Infant Lowly

                                Praise Team - Silent Night, Holy Night

                                Choir - Gloria!

                                Praise Team - Christmas Manic Panic!

                                Choir - Carol of the Bells

                                Choir - Is There Room?

                                Choir - Do You Hear What I Hear?

                                Choir - Come Celebrate Jesus

                                Solo - Rose of Bethlehem


                                6 easy-paced miles this morning.  Avg. HR 127.  Tomorrow the plan is for 16 miles with a few quicker parts in there somewhere.  That will give me 50 for the week.



                                "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong
