Masters Running


Christmas Eve Day - Master Runs and running around (Read 417 times)


Half Fanatic #36

    Still snowing in the Eastside....I've been shoveling all morning at work....I don't dare try the trail.... it was already too icy yesterday......what do you think Robert, will we be able to see the trail on 1/1 for the First Call to Run Marathon..? We'll call it a day at work soon.........and go home start the cooking......gnocchi.....ravioli...all the Italian traditional stuff.... Happy Xmas Eve everyone!!! Francesca
      Good afternoon all. I am finally getting on to log in today's run. I am off work today and wrapping presents and yes, doing a little bit of last minute shopping. Per my local paper, today is actually a good day to shop as merchandise is deeply discounted this year. Bob, I hope that your son heals up quickly and is able to be home for Christmas, though certainly you want to be sure he is okay before he leaves the hospital. I had viral meningitis over Christmas when I was in HS and it was truly horrible. I remember eating jello for Christmas dinner. Sad Hopefully, your son will be feeling much better very soon. Great intervals for Steve! I don't have a good track near my home just yet, but they are building a new middle school a couple of miles from me and putting in a new track. I think it will be ready some time next year. I am not sure if they will lock the track, though. The track that I used to run at is also a middle school and never was locked. They do, however, lock the HS track sometimes. It is open at other times for the public to use. Today's run was 14 miles. As predicted, it was near 60 this morning with south winds at 15-20 mph. All in all, really nice weather for running. The sun had not come out yet and the temp was under 60 degrees. I was aiming for 8:00 miles for the first half, but wound up closer to 7:50s. Feeling pretty good, I decided to push a little and ran the next 5 at 7:40, 7:30; 7:25; 7:20; 7:05 and then two cool down miles back in the 7:45 range. Total time was 1:47:16. I felt good out there running today, the knee did not bother me too much and I was actually able to finish a 14 miler feeling strong. These are not quite true long runs yet, but I am getting there. I hope everyone has a nice holiday tomorrow. Those of you dealing with snow and cold, I know it gets old for you but a white Christmas is nice. We never see them here. Our Christmas will be 50 and rainy so look on the bright side - at least it's pretty!

      Once a runner . . .

        Tim, I'm no expert so take this with a grain of salt if you wish. But here's my perspective of your training: You are a fast runner. And a tough one too. But in my view you train too fast and too hard and don't seem to take easy recovery days. Now, I'll be the first to admit that to a certain extent to run fast you have to run fast. Your body and mind must get used to running at race pace (or near to it). This is why tempos, marathon pace runs, and progression runs are so important. But ... and I think this is key in your case ... especially as we get older, we MUST take it easy on some running days and rest altogether on other days. To not do so is a recipe for burnout, or worse, injury. Sound like anyone we know? Wink And recovery days have to be really slow - a jog really. I'd like you to run no more than 5 days a week. And I'd like to see you never run a hard workout two days in a row. On hard workout days, run lots of tempo miles and sprinkle in some repeats - but don't let your high pain tolerance get confused with the normal hard workout feelings that build stamina. Your low pain tolerance friend, Bill

        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        King of PhotoShop

          Grapevine, TX is where my running club is, the one on the lake. It is a pretty cool town and the Saint and I enjoy going there. Here is an insight about the folks in Grapevine that seems appropriate on this day: Spareribs

            Still snowing in the Eastside....I've been shoveling all morning at work....I don't dare try the trail.... it was already too icy yesterday......what do you think Robert, will we be able to see the trail on 1/1 for the First Call to Run Marathon..?
            Perhaps. Although I'm also doing Last Chance up in Bellingham on 12/31. Not sure what will happen. And I have plane tickets and a paid hotel to go to Springfield MO on Saturday for something called Run for (to?) the Ranch. Not sure I'll even make it out for that. My new worries include the potential of a leaking roof and/or a flooded basement. Neither have occurred yet. We'll know over the next few days. But at least my roof slopes. I have a friend with a house that has a flat roof. I finally got her to understand how much this all weighs by handing her the large sheet of ice from the top of my truck. If we can get out of here later, I suspect I'll be up on her roof with a broom and a hoe.


              .........and go home start the cooking......gnocchi.....ravioli...all the Italian traditional stuff.... Francesca
              Seven Fishes! (I'm cheating and putting several in a cioppini, yum!)
              Masters 2000 miles

              Half Fanatic #36

                Seven Fishes! (I'm cheating and putting several in a cioppini, yum!)
                We've got to get together Amy...for some running ...and cooking..... Francesca
                  Good day to all! 3 easy miles for me this afternoon. A beautiful day in OK. Temp is 50F (10C) (283.15 K) (509.67 R). Very light wind. IRC
                  Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                    This is a chinese white dolphin: ...and the Snow White Dolphin slept while the Seven Fishes kept guard. Hi ho.



                      HAPPY CHRISTMAS! Hectic few days. Two wonderfully big and fluffy snow storms gave us a good ski weekend ( though hard driving). My new A4 is very good in the snow although with lousy wipers. That I do not understand. Despite all forecasts of a "southern strom", northern NH got a foot of snow last Friday night and another 18 inches on Sunday. Drizzling rain in southern NH today but snow showers in the mountains. Still not running. I need to get my epidural shots going sooner. I may try a short one tomorrow as the Y is closed. I did a good long workout today, 65 hard minutes on the elliptical then a swim of about 1350 yards. Now finishing up last minute work and chores/shopping. I think I am at least 6 weeks into the non-running club. Yikes. I can ski though and presumably snowhoe. I have to be a bit careful because slipping and pulling my left leg makes things hurt more. Ho HOHO

                        P.S. maine, all the best to your son. I hope he recovers quiclky and can be home for Christmas.!

                          5 miles on the dreadmill this morning, but I had company for a change - my sister is home from Florida for Christmas and her daughter joined me. Then we stopped for coffee and some girl talk. I need 8 miles to make 1,500 for this year and I'm hoping that the snow will stop long enough for me to get a run in tomorrow morning. We're on track to break a December snowfall record from 1879 - 37 inches. It's snowing now and we're supposed to get another 4 to 5 inches tomorrow night and Friday. I like winter as much as anyone, but SOMEBODY STOP THIS MADNESS!!! Healing prayers to Bob's son and hoping he'll be able to be home for Christmas. To all of my RA friends, I appreciate the kindness and support you've given me this year. I'll never be a marathoner like most of you, but your encouragement and advice have meant more to me than I can say. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas, blessed with family, friendship and health. Or, as Tiny Tim would say, "God bless us, everyone." Peace, Jeanne

                          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                            go home start the cooking......gnocchi.....ravioli...all the Italian traditional stuff....
                            uhmmm, that reminds me of the feast at your place with mari/enki/dive and, somehow, has me looking even more and more forward to the Seattle Rock'n'Roll in June. ps - yes, go home, it's Christmas Eve, ho ho ho.
                            CRAP IN A BUCKET! GO AWAY, SNOW. BE GONE. It'll be the first white Christmas I've experienced in 42 years.
                            sorry robert but being from north of Seattle in the first place I LOVE SNOW. sloppy, dry, frozen like ice cookies or smooth as glass. In fact, don't tell anyone (especially my back) but I love shoveling snow too. have you been in kona most of the time? timas - glad you got lots to do to keep you busy, maybe even check for volunteering at some soup kitchens. With all this snow in Seattle, I didn't have any trouble tapering through a marathon and two 50K's last weekend and am now absolutely confident that I'll be on taper day 32 for the first run planned for the new year on January 1, 2009. In fact, some last minute travel plans might even make it possible to keep on nonrunning until February. franci - whew, not sure how much I was looking forward to 26.2 miles on New Years Day instead of the Resolution 5K and quick Dip into Lake Washington but will probably be out-of-town. If not, I'll be there wherever you are to start the year off with a fantastic italiano dea. It's hard to imagine that last year at this time, after but a single marathon a couple years ago in Vancouver, you were still almost four months from the first ultra of your life and now you've done 50-milers, 100K, 12-hours nonstop. The ultra-world better watch out if arf can make it to the RnR too and you guys get together, . . plus ultras-in-her-heart posalina.

                            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                              have you been in kona most of the time?
                              No, I have been in Seattle this entire time. I have barely gotten out of my house in almost two weeks.


                                Just ran 3 mind- and sinus-clearing miles. Just need to shower, get gussied up, and drive 70+ miles to church gig and I'm ready to sing!!! Cloudy. Temps in the mid 40s felt absolutely balmy. I'm so grateful to not be dealing with snow like so many of you that I won't even complain about forgetting what sunshine looks like. Eliz

