Masters Running


Wed's 3/25 Master Runs - Spring is in the Air! (Read 476 times)

    I drive a 92 Camry. it's sort of beige-with a maroon door on the driver's side. and there's a Red Sox Championship flag on my window that sticks up above the hood. so I can find it more easily, of course. Big grin
    Masters 2000 miles
      The new Camaro is trying to look like the Mustang? Bad Idea! IMO 6.2 miles with 5 at tempo 8:30 pace Auto industry has paid billions in local, state and federal taxes through the years and has provided tens of thousands of good jobs. We can not let what little industry this country has left fail. In 2007 I purchased a GMC Envoy because the engine, transmission & assembly were all from Ohio plants but they closed all 3 of them anyway...

      Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


      One day at a time

        Carolyn, I'll be thinking about your dad! I hope he doesn't need surgery. Tim, thanks for posting the photo of the Camaro - I wouldn't have recognized it, either. Here's my Camaro story: In 1982, I was a junior in college. My parents told me they were buying a new car for themselves (actually, for my little sister to drive as a senior in high school, grr). They drove up to my dorm in a brand new, white Camaro! It was the first year that they updated it. What an awesome car!! The next year, my sister lived in the same dorm I did. The deal was that I had top priority to drive it whenever I wanted to. V8 engine and so cool!! Later, DH and I (before we were married) drove it all the way from Austin to Madison, Wisconsin to meet his parents. Then after we were married, we drove it all the way from Austin to Portland, Maine when we moved here. The car that was so awesome in Texas didn't do so well in the Maine winter. Driving it through blizzards to go skiing was a little scary! We finally sold it in 1988 to a young guy who wrapped it around a tree. I still miss that car. I saved its Texas plates - "ZYP 989" (not vanity, just random).

        Marathon Maniac #3309

          I choose to be a WINNER today too Tim!! Nice run last night in IDR!! Big grin In an effort to listen to my body, I took an unscheduled rest morning. Oh hell .... it was raining out and I decided to cuddle with Hailey on my lap. Smile I did do 300 various crunches and tonight I plan on driving over to my mom's, run a mile over to a hill and do some repeats on it. I feel better having a plan now .... Happy Hump Day!
          Mary, you are soooo very sweet and honest hun...luv ya. Sometimes I don't get to read responses till late night, and are a true Joy!!! TimmiBo

          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

          Marathon Maniac #3309

            I think I am going to go for whiner. Its cold out. Its going to rain tomorrow and the next day. We are out of blueberries at home . . . oh woe is me . . . Big grin
            Twokitty, you my fren have such a great and positive rubbed off on me, really! I don't want the stoopid record, but I really don't want you to have it either...I want you well and running Bro! TimBo

            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

            Marathon Maniac #3309

              Vette Corvette 2010 ZR1 rolled off our show room $30,000 above list attorney from Ohio bought the first one....damn, must of been the attorney my ex wife used, lol. Ok, do we get the profit....sorta. But GM sets the price and standards according to demand...high demand....hey, we are losing $$$ selling cars right now, really giving them away. Let me say this, ok. If I was hurting money wise and I had a house for sell, and lets say I would sell it for $100,000 dollars. Some one gives me an offer of $30,000 dollars over what I am asking...what would ya do...take the freaking money right...that's the way it works. Tim

              Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                Timvee, you probably won't need it Big grinBig grinBig grin but what kind of car would you like to have awaitin' for you at the giant hill at mile 16? Big grinBig grin In the meantime, in case it might be needed, tramps' national is a model rr, . . . and Mt. Washington will probably be even better. Congratulations lucky tramps.

                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                  What a difference a day makes! It was warmer today (got up to almost 40 in some places), and about 30 when I headed out for my run. And hardly any wind... yay! We've had enough road grading going on that the shoulders are pretty clear so the roadside was good for running, with just a couple slick hardpack spots. Mile 3 of this run is up a really big hill, so when I hit that mile in under 8:50 I figured this could be a peppy little run after all. Miles 4, 6 and 8 ended up at HM pace or better. Most of the others were sub 8:10. Yes, I took advantage of the terrain and pulled out the stops on the downhill parts, but what the heck. That's what I like to do! 10.2 miles, 8:05 avg pace.

                    Prayers out to the Wildchild family Though there was no running, there had been a couple of good days. Late Monday afternoon, a delivery truck came in with 57 interior doors for one house. the average price was 1,000 each. After they were unloaded, the sales man came out and nearly cried. They were not manufactured right. I went through them again. One of them was right! That's nearly 2%! After work, there was a meeting with Mom's estate attny. After over a year, we may finally be getting near the end. Last summer, it was clear she owed more than she was worth. I tried walking away and the court sent a letter telling me that, they would hire some one to finish closing out her estate and I'd have to pay for it. I asked the lawyer if the receipt from getting bailed out should be listed as household expense or entertainment. She said, "Steve, we can't talk about this!". I told her it was at the memorial.....She yelled, "I can't hear this!"..She's going.."Stop...Stop..", as I asked, "Doesn't every one have the cops show up for funerals?". When I told her I was kidding, the lawyer couldn't quit laughing. Wednesday is typically a rest day.

