Masters Running

Thu Nov 20 Runs, Nonruns, Workouts and Nonworkouts (Read 668 times)

    Hi to everyone! Lou told me about this forum so I thought I would stop on over and say hello and thank you to everyone who signed up to be my friend on Facebook. I know I dropped off the face of the earth for awhile. It seems like I've had nothing but running trouble for well over a year now. After finally dealing with exercised induced asthma, I wound up with a knee problem that continues to plague me and now a return of piriformis syndrome. Chalk me up as another injured runner, but one who continues to limp along. Injured runners have a tendency to continue running as long as it's even remotely feasible! So for today, I ran 6 miles at about 7:50 pace inn 40 degree temps and beautiful sunny skies. For me that is a definite triumph as I actually managed an 8:00 first mile. It's usually that first mile where I have to shuffle along until I get warmed up and the hip/butt ceases to hurt so much. I think the stretches I'm doing are helping. It's good to see that everyone is alive and well and still running, or at least thinking about it. Meg

    Once a runner . . .

      We crossed posts! Let me be the first to wish a warm welcome back to Meg -- she's been missed. Hope you get better soon, Meg -- this has gone on for quite a while -- a year is too long.

      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


        Hi Meg!!! I'm so happy to see your post. A happy day. Except for all of your problems... I agree with Lou. way too long. nice you had such a good run this morning.

          I totally was NOT making the connection of Megan in Facebook with Meg/JDmom, when Ribs sent a friends suggestion on FB. I figured "Megan" must have been someone that posted there before I ever joined. So, I sent you a friends request Meg! Big grin


          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            13.2 miles at GA MP PDQ. . . . oh, that was October 25 before starting the current taper.
            Day Late Posters – . . . It’s okay, we don’t care when you ran
            poor us, . . I mean poor arf. We'll miss you so much at the upcoming Seattle Marathon/Pink Door festival but if it's like today's weather (same heavy rain/wind like the 2006 SM), hope you'll get to celebrate in a warmer clime sometime. Otherwise, see you at next year's Seattle Rock'n'Roll Marathon and as many marathons/ultras everywhere else as possible.
            I had a very bad crash as I tried to ride my bike home from work one night after a snowstorm, rounded a corner too fast and slipped on some ice.
            Chalk me up as another injured runner, but one who continues to limp along. Injured runners have a tendency to continue running as long as it's even remotely feasible!
            - thank you lou and we missed you so much meg. I vowed a long time ago not to have anything to do with facebook but please list me as your friend too (if you have a slow category). As you can see from the below, it doesn't matter if you run or not for posting here anymore. If fact, this nonrunning is getting very trying for many so the more the merrier. However, we like you too much though to hope you'll join us. ========= nonrunners anonymous - COR 11/19/08 lamerunner - 9 erika - 17 twocat - 17 timbi - 18 tet - 25

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

              Posting yet another "non" run with speedwork, whew - Then one mind numbing hour on my cycling trainer last night - and on day 18 of this "non" running foolishness Angry
              biketm the reason I said "technically" is that I am not sure this "counts" as an official non-run post. Seems like it could just be a cross-training post. I have to go consult the rule book . . . back in a bit . . . Clowning around

              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                Meg is on the DL but still running for 6 miles at a 7:50 pace, I've gained 4 pounds the week before the biggest eating holiday of the year - somebody just shoot me...

                Marathon Maniac #3309

                  Hi Meg, and welcome back Cool You are right about what you said "Injured runners have a tendency to continue running as long as it's even remotely feasible!" I'm about to go back to running and just "tough it out" but know I really can't (I guess)...but have been dressed up for a run a few times lately (last night for one), but then wisely change my mind and ride my bike trainer. Hey Jlynne, I am up 5 pounds it's not just a woman thing...and it does bite NOT being able to run Angry TimBo

                  Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                  MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                    biketm the reason I said "technically" is that I am not sure this "counts" as an official non-run post. Seems like it could just be a cross-training post. I have to go consult the rule book . . . back in a bit . . . Clowning around
                    not to put any pressure on you guys or anything like that but I'm proud to be a real taperer, not just running. However, I don't think we need to make real-taper and running-taper categories because it doesn't seem that any of your guys' x-training makes the nonrunning any easier. Please do not interpret this as suggesting in any way that real taperers are in any way better than running-only taperers. Smile

                    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                      Thanks for the warm welcome all! Yes, a year is too long and I've been contemplating seeing the doctor about the knee but am worried about possible surgery. Anyone had this and had a speedy recovery? I tried not running and although that helped, the problem just returned when I started up again. I've been trying to rehab it myself via leg extensions and exercises, as well as some bike riding, and think it has gotten a bit better. It's a fairly classic case of Runner's Knee. I'm not overly worried about the piriformis thing. I had that before and it went away eventually with dedicated stretching. I'm afraid I am way too addicted to running and fear that the doctor will just tell me to stop. You know HMOs. Sad Tammy, I accepted your "Friend" request! Facebook could be seriously time consuming if you let it be. Meg

                      Once a runner . . .


                        TimBo - if you dare run before you are cleared to do so, you will SO get a Can of Whoop Ass taken out on you. You need to be strong and healthy for next June, so don't do something stoopid. Besides you have a nonrunning competition to win here. Focus Man!!


                        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                          So for today, I ran 6 miles at about 7:50 pace inn 40 degree temps and beautiful sunny skies. Meg
                          Oh yeah - we remember - you are the one we LOVE to hate! Wink Seriously welcome back Meg!! Good to see you here. About facebook - I signed up but have not done anything else as I got scared. How does this whole thing really work and how many of you are members? I kind of thought it was a high school / college thing. Confused


                          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                            Considering the source....
                            Chalk me up as another injured runner, but one who continues to limp along. Injured runners have a tendency to continue running as long as it's even remotely feasible!
                            I feel at least I'm in good company! wonder if that means I'll get really fast? Meg, my piriformis has been bothering me off & on for about a year. What stretches are you doing? A thought on your knee.. a book I have hear at work says that excess muscle tension in your thigh can cause patella tendinitis, (tires more quickly & strains the tendon) & of course, alignment. mta: i keep forgetting, {{{{{ Arf }}}}}

                              for me, I've found facebook to be more of a professional social networking site. I've reconnected with some good friends in highschool that I lost touch with after I moved from the area I grew up, several masters runners here, even some (lawyers) co-workers are on facebook. Several years ago, I tried out myspace for a very short while and I found that one to be more highschool-like - meat-marketish I guess I would say. I haven't found that to be the case with Facebook. You can set your profile and info to be private so that only someone you have listed as a friend can see anything about you.


                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                Just a friendly warning, although if you post using your new Garmin we will be able to track you as you flee.
                                Big grin Dg - you must be fully healed before you starting doing intervals, which you are not. I still have that duct tape, and I'm not afraid to use it. Evil grin Holly (wearing her fat pants this week)

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."