Masters Running


Tiring Tueday 1-29 runs and wo's (Read 647 times)

i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

    Tried 1000m repeats imbedded in an 8 miler usi the Garmin. Target hard but not killer effort: 2.2 mi wu w/ Tory (8:40) then 4x1000m w/2 min jog intervals: 6:50, 7:05, 7:13, 7:16. It was all more and more uphill, no downhill portions for the last two. Then 2.7 mi @7:55 cd. Good first try. Have great runs! Steve Overall: 8.2 mi in 1:05:54 (8:02, AHR 158)

    Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

      No wonder you're tired, Perch. Nice steady effort. An easy 10 miles for me at 10:08 pace in relatively pleasant 36F temps with light rain. I got out the door a bit late, and now I'm really behind schedule for the morning. (And yet somehow, I don't much care).

      aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

      Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason

        Good job Perch and PDR! 7 hacking miles at an easy pace. The middle 5 miles were run between 8:40 and 8:50 mins/mile. The Avg. HR was about 144, perhaps about 5 bpm higher than it should be, so I must still be not at full strength. The legs felt great after the forced time off last week. Nice weather 61 and 68%. I'm already signed up for next year's Miami Half Marathon. This race owes me one bigtime! (Would you believe it? The Registration Blitz opened at 6:00 AM this morning and over 500 people have already signed up for the HM as of 8:00 AM. Wow!) Bill

        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        Marathon Maniac #3309

          Morning all, Nice easy 8.5 mile run for me last night in 1:16 and some change, and 137 ave hr. I have had some decent runs after my drug debacle I posted about last week. Actually I figured out this drug was sending a signal to my brain that there was no pain, no matter how much I ran. So when I quit the drug, I felt the affects of running through pain, which I didn't realize, hence why I was soooo sore and tired when I quit....oh well, that's over! NICE workout Perch....I love repeats, but usually wait till Spring time Also nice 10 miler perfect distance to me. Way to tough one out Bill...nice temps to run in also. Suppose to be 54 degrees here today....then down to 12 degrees with windchills below o tonight and tomorrow, yuck!!! Have a great day all, Tim

          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


            Good morning, 4 miles for me this morning. Mike
              Morning, all! Wow - several nice runs already this morning. Nice repeats, Perch - you earned the right to be tired. Wildchild - those head winds are the worst. Good job sticking it out. Mary - congrats on the Garmin - you're gonna love it! {{{{{Munch}}}}}}} Hope the oxycodone does the trick. Another easy 6 miles on the treadmill. I need to stop watching the news - the political nonsense is getting old. My Zen decided to die on me during my long run Sunday, so I can't even listen to a book right now to break the monotony. Good runs to all!

              Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

              King of PhotoShop

                Good job Perch and PDR! 7 hacking miles at an easy pace. The middle 5 miles were run between 8:40 and 8:50 mins/mile. The Avg. HR was about 144, perhaps about 5 bpm higher than it should be, so I must still be not at full strength. The legs felt great after the forced time off last week. Nice weather 61 and 68%. I'm already signed up for next year's Miami Half Marathon. This race owes me one bigtime! (Would you believe it? The Registration Blitz opened at 6:00 AM this morning and over 500 people have already signed up for the HM as of 8:00 AM. Wow!) Bill
                You made a wise move to back off last week, and I know you will nail this next race. Very few people could have done the work you have done over the past two years and remained healthy through it all. You have a very strong constitution. Keep at it Bill. Spareribs

                  Very few people could have done the work you have done over the past two years and remained healthy through it all. Spareribs
                  I was about to mention, myself, how impressed I am with your progress over these past two years, Steve. Very impressive indeed! bty

                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    Good Morning! Nice way to start us out, Perch. PDR – sounds like classic symptoms of overwork...Smile Tim – that’s a good lesson for us all to learn. Spareribs - We've missed you here lately. Hope all is well. It was 48 degrees when I got up this morning, but I could hear the wind and rain on the roof, so I opted for speedwork on the treadmill. About 3 minutes into my warm-up, the treadmill stopped suddenly. I restarted it again several times and each time it stopped after a couple minutes. Drat! Although I do most of my running outside, I count on my treadmill for severe weather days and interval-training. I will check into repairing it, but we are a bit overspent on pre-moving home touch-ups, so it will probably have to wait. Guess I’ll have to finally figure out how to program my Garmin for intervals. Do you set up the program on your computer, in the Training Center, or do you do it directly into the Garmin? At any rate, I put on my rain shell and headed outside. The rain all but stopped after 3 miles, and the wind diminished somewhat, and it turned out to be quite a pleasant run after all. 9.5 miles with 3 @ MP (8:37, 8:44, 8:40), ave pace for the run 9:26. Give your treadmill a hug today.

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                      Morning Boomers. Nice runs to Perch, Breger and the others. You guys are my role models! 7.3 miles at a 9:44 pace this morning. OUTSIDE!!! A balmy 34F, but slippery, poor footing the whole run. Still, so great to not be on the dreadmill at least one day. Today's run puts me at 130 for the month of January with two days still to go! Have a great Tuesday, everyone.

                        You guys with your 8 miles in around an hour...Sheesh..... Holly:;jsessionid=0a0014491f43e138de17e2b34c869124c430fc1b99ff.e3eSbNmTb3mTe34Pa38Ta38Ma3z0 If you're looking to move to Nothern Michigan, Mom's house will be available soon. The seller guarantees your family will have more Batman stuff than you've had in the past. 3 miles with FIL's dog today. Usually I take her for the run...Today she took me. Sweet.....Very windy and it messed up my hair......I mean comb over.


                          Tiring Tuesday is right! Good runs folks...sorry about the treadmill Holly, but good on you for heading outdoors---you too JLynne and with the record miles. Rock on! I am in Bristol, RI now and ran along the ocean and around a client campus this morning. I mapped my run at 12.5 miles, but my watch died, so I am not sure about the workout part. I ran the middle portion at half-marathon pace or at least that was the perceived effort. The hotel clock said 5:01 when I left my room and displayed 6:57 when I returned (including a lobby coffee stop). It wasn't too windy and about 23F when I was out. I felt strong during the brisk miles---also had Salt -n-Pepa (you are right Arf!), The Thompson Twins and OutKast pushing me onward. you stll make solar mixes? I am into the big workout phase of training and I love it and also fear far the systems feel fine, but I am stretching and icing with greater care. Half marathon race on 2/10 will be a good test of the training thus far. Erika, I would love to join you in Alaska and I'll let you know TwoCat if I am in New Haven with time to run (usually just go there to hop onto MetroNorth into NYC). I would love company here in Northampton, MA if any of you are out here! I might be a tad too far from Boston, but I am thinking of having a marathon weekend get together here.....think about it any of you travelers. Okay.....I am posting during a break in the client action. Back to work and on to Syracuse tonight. Ciao for now CNYrunner
                            Nice running guys. I'm injured. Cry Shin splint I'm pretty certain. Swollen area on my shin. It snuck up on me during the last mile of my 15 miler on Sunday. I'm such an idiot, I should have stopped. There is a difference between an ache and a pain and I know that but I was a determined fool and kept running. Run a few for me, ok??

                            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                              Holly - you can program the Garmin either way, but I've found it much easier to do it in the training center and then just download it to the Garmin. {{{{{{{Enkephalin's shin}}}}}}}}}}}

                              Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                                Holly, directly on the Garmin. Email me if you need help.

                                "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong
