Masters Running


The Monday Daily - 5.20.13 (Read 52 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Tet, congrats on your great day on Saturday, and on the way you've embraced your new AG!


    Ribs, you certainly have a way with words...


    Twocat, I'm sorry I misunderstood your question. Our rain barrels were each hand-painted by local 8th grade students, under the direction of their art teacher, and each in the style of a famous painter. It was the unique paint jobs that made these worthy of being auctioned. Rain barrels, as Kevin and Robin pointed out, catch roof run-off that can bet stored and reused to water plants and lawns. Each barrel holds 55 gal, and can fill up surprisingly quickly in one good rain. They also help to manage storm water runoff, which can be problematic, especially in overdeveloped communities.


    Glad you got a good run in, Stumpy. I haven't read any quivering about your upcoming marathon, which is great!


    Denise, I'm glad you had such a grand time in Marblehead!


    Robin, you're a good sport to work with DS on his bike, even on such tired legs. Thanks for the wonderful photo of a boy on an adventure.


    Enke, watch those knees! Nice payoff after your run yesterday - sounds quite tasty.


    Nice 21-miler in great conditions, Wildchild. You too, Holly, and I'm glad the knee was almost creakless.


    Mariposai, that is such a great photo, and is more amazing because it is near the end of a marathon! Congrats to you and the boys!


    Fun shots, and a great idea to do a 'Noah relay' yesterday, Steve. You got some nice stuff for your efforts, too!


    Don't worry about worrying too much, Mike. The twins sure look happy in that shot, as well they should be with what they accomplished. I'm glad you got a cooling shower at the end of your run.


    Dave, we all have a slowest race at any distance, and, as long as you didn't get injured, it's no biggy. Some people love to run in heat and humidity, and others, like me, just wilt. So it goes.


    Our racewalking races went very well yesterday. We had a small, but talented field. The winning times for the 3K were 17:26.8 (male) and 18:07.2 (female). The winning times for the 5K were 25:41.4 (male - 15 years old), and 28:26.4 (female - 14 years old). All of these winners, with the exception of the male/3K winner, came from Maine, where there is one good middle school/high school program. It'll be fun to watch these racewalkers as they continue to develop!


    Today is an SRD, so no workout. We got home late last night, so I was very glad to be able to sleep in a little this morning. We were out late at a surprise birthday party that DW threw at me. My radar had been up this weekend, but she still carried it off without giving it away. It was a lot of fun, but I continue to be mystified about how I wound up with such a terrific wife and such wonderful friends.


    I hope today is the start of a great week for you all!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Good morning Jay and all to follow. I'll just say "I agree" with Jay's excellent wrap-up of the weekend activities. You all rock!


      Sorry about your race, Dave. I got up and ran 5 miles at 6:00 AM yesterday and I was thinking "this isn't all that much better than last year." No breeze, high humidity and just a tad bit cooler. I'm hoping that the aid stations helped you out, and glad you enjoyed your trip around the stadium. But please don't say you'll never come back!


      Mariposai - that was such an awesome picture of you and the boys! You'd never know you had just finished running a marathon. Big smiles and high knees all around.


      Two weeks of work left and I can't wait. My DS #1 and #2 are signed up for a 10 mile "Tough Mudder" in September. It's ten miles of running and obstacle course torture. Of course their mother wants to join in on the fun. The only thing holding me back is if there is a time limit. I could crawl under barbed wire and try to get over climbing walls all day Big grin  Has anyone ever done one of these?

        6.1 roasty, toasty miles this morning at an easy pace.  Antennae still up ...


        Our house is officially on the market now.  We spent the weekend leaving the house for an hour or two, coming back home, rinse and repeat as prospective buyers made appointments to see the place.  It was mostly okay, but we found ourselves running out of errands to do and the extra appetizers and brewskis at the local watering hole are making my waist grow.



        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


          I got up and ran 5 miles at 6:00 AM yesterday and I was thinking "this isn't all that much better than last year." No breeze, high humidity and just a tad bit cooler. I'm hoping that the aid stations helped you out, and glad you enjoyed your trip around the stadium. But please don't say you'll never come back!


          I sure am glad to hear you say it felt humid.  I was reading news stories in the paper about how the "Green Bay Marathon was run under ideal conditions".  I was starting to wonder what was wrong with me.  I still like Green Bay.


          Jay - I love your recaps.


          Berger - Getting out of the way is the worst part of selling a house.  Especially when you have pets.


          I have the grass cut, the laundry going, and soon I'll be doing some shopping.  I wonder how people here would survive if something ever happened to me. Confused




            Good morning J, J,B, D and all who follow -


            Jay - your recaps are awesome - I agree with Dave.


            Ran 8 this morning - had lots of help from the police who were directing traffic for boston college graduation (and stopping it so i could cross the streets).  was more tired then i should have been.  yesterday was cross-training with GD running around an outdoor sculpture garden followed by a puppet show, and library.


            have a wonderful monday everyone!


            King of PhotoShop

              Spareribs!  Three whole racks of them is what you get in that cryovac pack at Costco, St. Louis style, and I smoked them yesterday for a big dinner.  All my boys were home.  We had so much fun and I was able to send them home with all the leftovers.


              My body is just plain tired. After Saturday's race, I did 4+ on Sunday, really dragging, and just over 3 today, dragging even worse! I haven't had a 40 mile week since 3 weeks before Boston.  Hope I snap out of this soon.


              Here's a piece about the race, not interesting to anyone outside of Coppell, TX I guess, but we dealt with a difficult suicide from the high school cross-country team last fall and I was pretty impressed with how the kids rebounded to put on a race and raise of $5,000 for suicide prevention:




              Off to Pittsburgh tomorrow for a couple of days.  Spareribs

              Top 'O the World!

                I really don't know why I don't make the time to get in here more often, reading the dailys almost always makes me smile. Smile


                Getting off to a slow start this me time to catch up on some reading! Really should be getting some other stuff done but, the morning's brief shower & birds @ the feeder made hot tea & browsing the boards, that I haven't in eons, just oh so much more appealing.


                Gorgeous day here yesterday too! Had more of a wonderful 16 mile amble, than run yesterday.  I set out to do my hill out back (10), with only enough water & fuel for that - when at the top (stunning view!) I decided to pop down the newer South trail & check on the construction site of the new Cabella's neighborhood. Lots of other folks out enjoying the trails too. Actually, kinda busy considering there was some kinda big (Colfax Marathon) get together going on downtown! Oh well, I guess dogs, horses & mtn bikes aren't really into that sort of gathering so, I got to spend some quality time with them Wink  Spent entirely too much time spacing off & daydreaming & didn't pace my water consumption too well...not to mention I wasn't carrying any back up fuel. Roll eyes  Maybe, if I'm going to wander off like that, I should consider taking an extra gel or banana & a slightly bigger water bottle? Definitely need to carry a little camera for these kind of days!


                Have a Greta one!!! Smile

                Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

                Marathon Iowa 2014

                  Thanks for the weekend update, Jay.  Concise and informative.


                  I ate crazy amounts of food all weekend - the hungries were out of control.  Oh well, I'll reign it back in this week.  The TM marathon that I ran on Sunday starting at 4:15 (7.1 mph pace the whole way) kept the appetite going all day.Nice.

                    ...Late Congratulations to tet// are AN ANIMAL//////////




                    talked to DD1

                    about living in Turkey,

                    they had

                    a 12-year old French Kid at her school


                    on a little 8-year old Turkish kid


                    the kid grabbed THE BACK of the French Kids' head and punched him with the other hand////////



                    she says the TURKS are scared of the Kurds because they're so Tough........Smile

                    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      Just checking in quickly, not much time to post.  I worked a bit late (also I got a speeding ticket on the way home that I am NOT telling DH about....), then got caught up in dinner prep, researching the broken dishwasher, doing the dishes, and laundry.


                      No run for me today, just some weights and core.


                      I'm off to have a big glass of wine, waistline be damned....

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                        hey three-or-four-cat or whatever.  I'm still too tired to remember much but, if you were interested in one of those extremely dangerously yukky mud runs or something like that, get in posted with Queen ilene's Intrepid as I think she's done several, . . . or was that her mud wrestling? While you're at it, maybe she still has some of the photos.


                        ps holly - just tell him it was the officer's fault.

                        However, if it's to the judge, say you're sorry and promise that it will never happen again.

                        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)



                          Jay, your recaps are priceless! Thank you! Please know that many of us, including my wings really, really appreciate it.

                          Jlynne, have fun with your sons in the race. Running with my sons is always a huge heart smile maker.

                          Twocat, I sure hope it was not raining cats and dogs in your area today so you could go out for a run today!

                          MikeE, ,me too!!! I was concerned on my son and  his friend's short training cycle for the marathon we ran yesterday. I learned a lot in the process of training them. Number one lesson: some people really don't care how fast the run a marathon...they just want to conquer the distance. My two trainees were in this category. Both of them are collage students who are also working and have other sports they rather do: biking. So having them stick to the plan and actually run the whole race considering the foot and leg cramps my "other son" was having after mile 20 is really a huge accomplishment.


                          RESTing today. I could go running because my body seems to neglect the fact that I just ran a marathon yesterday, but like Perchcreek would say...when you feel you are invincible is when you are most vulnerable...(BTW, I sure miss Perchcreek)


                          so...mandatory rest day and reverse taper week for me. After all, I have another marathoner I need to see to the finish line in two weekends.Big grin

                          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                          Maniac 505

                            However, if it's to the judge, say you're sorry and promise that it will never happen again.


                            and make sure you bat your eye lashes.


                              Just a quick check-in from Oklahoma. We're OK here. The tornado was about 20 miles from my house. I've talked to Opie and he's OK too. The tornado was much closer to him, probably less than 1 mile.



                                So nice to read Jay's summary


                                No running to report - my last class of the semester, so let the running begin!


                                Oh yeah - back to rain barrels - I have an previous bourbon barrel going into my backyard tomorrow.


                                Hopefully Opie isn't close to the tornado???


                                Mariposai - wonderful marathon photo - what a great way to become veintiuno




                                PS - glad to hear from Paul - thanks for letting us know



                                Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.

                                Groucho Marx
