Masters Running


Sunny Saturday Runs 4/9/11 (Read 418 times)


     Wow no one has posted their morning runs yet, what's up with that?


    Not ever sure if I posted my Thursday run so I'll post the last three:


    Thursday - 5 Miles - I was going to use this as my rest day, but the weather was just too nice not to run - 39:55 (7:59) my first run in shorts for the spring in Maine!


    Friday - 7 Miles - I ended up doing a nice trail run with a friend - 1:02:59 (9:00)


    Saturday - 8.01 miles - 1:09:29 (8:41) I pushed the last mile up a nice long hill to see how my hip felt, not too bad with that mile being a 7:40.


    Have a greta day everyone!

    Renee the dog

      Hi ya Maine!


      Just got back from my 6 mi progression run.  Really trying to reel myself in for the early miles...did so just fine, then had a bit of a wind-assisted speed burst at mi 5...Roll eyes So much for the control.


      Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!


      Goooo racers!


      GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

        Hi Ya Maine and Nono!!


        Leslie - you are in my continuous thoughts and prayers.


        I was out for 16 this morning.   The first 11 miles were a breeze, and then the wheels fell off the applecart.    Luckily I brought some money along, so at mile 12.5 I was able to pick up some G2 to get me the rest of the way home.    Lots of people out running around the lake today.  I saw our old neighor on this side of the lake and he didn't realize it was me at first (he was with 2 other guys).   Then, on the other side of the lake we met up again and he stopped to tell me that he just had a birthday ...... I asked how old? .... 77!!   He was just as happy as could be - it was so cute.


        Happy Saturday!


        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



          Not a sunny run but a nice one.


          An easy 7.75 miles on cruise control. A few prayer miles for those who need them.


          Took the day of work yesterday. Had nothng to do so I went to the LBS (local bike shop...that may be new lingo for some of  ya'll) and selected components for my next bike build. I haven't even started building my other one yet. After doing that gravel road race along with my past trail experience I decided to incorporate a purer form of bike riding.  One that dosen't get concerned with how many grams this weighs, how aero is that, Oooohh, is that Dura Ace?....yadda yadda yadda. This is about 1) simplicity and 2) performance. I ordered a Surly Karate Monkey Bike frame, seen here:


          It's what's called a 29'er. (29 inch wheels vs the 26 that you usually find on MTB bikes)...Anyway I'm bulding this bike up as a single speed. No double front spockets, no 9 speed cassetts, just one drive sprocket and one driven. And of course ME...The Motor. This should be a very fun bike to ride. A new way to challenge myself.


          Good Luck Racers ! 


            Good morning. I think everyone is running; it is so nice out!   Our last weekend up north; I am mostly cleaning.  We got here late; DS had track and lacrosee last evening. He was a bit tired this morning.   DS and DH finally got out the door to go hike up into Tuckerman Ravine to ski. Annual Spring tradition around here.


             I ran a pretty easy 11 miles in mild sunny weather. My legs were not thrilled with the hill back up here but they tolerated it.  Off to clean so I can go take a walk later. Too nice out. Can't trash my legs though....





            Glad  you had a nice run Erika.

              Good Saturday Everyone, 


              Leslie best wishes for you & DH


              Henry belated happy anniversary & happy birthday too!!! 


              Twocat I think Perch is on to something about changing your avatar, think positive and get better soon...   


              Easy paced 10 miles on the Greenway trail w/DW 

              Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

              i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                Hopeful.. nice job getting 'er done!

                Slo.. that bike sounds cool.  What a workout going up hills!


                15 miles of hills in 2:17:12 (9:09, AHR 14).
                Nice run on dead legs.  When I reached the entrance to Duke Forest there were police there who stopped traffic and let me cross the road.  Then  a bunch of runners with bibs on joined me for my run.  How nice to have company!

                Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                  Thanks for asking Tom White.    I am doing fine really.....just extremely busy again.


                  Thanks for giving a shout there Steve. 


                  Hugs to Leslie and hubby.    We will be praying for you.


                  I am excited for the Boston Marathon crowd.   Not sure who is giong to run this year, but I have it on my calendar to be checking that day.


                  Man.....the price of gas has gone up huh?    I just read that when Obama took office, the average price of a gallon was $1.83.  
                  We are at $3.89 a gallon locally right now.  Meanwhile I remember when gas was 29.9 cents a gallon.  That was when I had a VW beetle and the tank was 10 gallons.    I could fill up an empty for $3. 


                  Have a great day and weekend.




                    ...mornin' guys//.......good to see vista posting again....




                    ...24min poolrun..........Seminar Tomorrow........Vacation Monday......


                    Life is Good.




                    ...................good running to the rest of ya..........I'll have a Beer for Breakfast in Your Honor next week.......




                    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                      Some nice running again today!


                      Mary—I think the problem was that you were pulling an applecart.  That’s gotta be tough. Wink

                      Slo—what an interesting approach to your new bike.  Sounds great!

                      Hi Vista.  Here’s a survey to make you feel better about gas prices.


                      Ran a local race today.  Pretty sure I got a 10K PR; unfortunately it was a 15K race. Roll eyes  I went out a little fast and faded but still managed a 1:07:41.  This is the third time I’ve done this race and all three have been 1:07-somethings.  At least I’m consistent!  I was very happy to see my hamstring felt fine. 


                      DW got a big PR finishing at 1:28.  She moved on to her other two events—an afternoon bike and swim—and I moved on to my other two events—a shower and a nap.  Big grin

                      Be safe. Be kind.

                      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                        Tramps.. well put..  it's amazing the training time commitment involved in Tri's!.

                        .Congratulations on fine racing for you and DW!

                        You should plug in your numbers for Age Grade ranking... it will show you are getting faster!



                        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                          For Leslie and her DH.


                          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                            I'm starting a new business. 


                            If the distance runners save their toenails that fall off and I will make one of a kind custom jewelry. Be the first in your neighborhood!!!


                            Avenger Doggie

                            protector of my dad

                              I'm starting a new business. 


                              If the distance runners save their toenails that fall off and I will make one of a kind custom jewelry. Be the first in your neighborhood!!!




                               I'm so ashamed

                              Sniffing Butts, Tag

                                ''  I'm starting a new business. ''



                                ...I'll alert

                                 Tinactin to start making a ChestRub........

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
