Masters Running


Thanksgiving Eve in the USA (Canada's was in October) Wednesday, 22 November 2023 (Read 40 times)


    I sent DH to get some last minute items from the store yesterday, but need to go myself today to get what he forgot or got wrong. 


    So.... why is this a "thing"? I realize in some households the men do most or all of the shopping and cooking (looking at you, KSA and Ken), but inevitably, it seems that THIS happens. When DH offers to do the shopping, I'm torn between wanting him to do it (good to release control now and then, right), but also realize that inevitably I'll have to go back and return/exchange/buy the stuff I wanted (that was on the list originally). I just don't get it. I try not to make a deal about it, as that certainly isn't the hill to die on, but still. It's annoying.


    My mom used to make pecan pie. Loved it. But as a late teenager, I looked at calorie counts and realized what I'd been eating all those years and cut way back. I don't eat it much ever now because nothing from the store tastes like what my mom used to make.


    Deez, I sure hope your visit with Justin goes well. Thinking of you. Amazing it's been since the end of May. How's he doing?


    Our last day here. We got so much done here it feels really great. It doesn't feel great to think MIL might never make it back here. She certainly couldn't do it on her own like she used to do. Maybe we'll have her join us next time. But the owner's closet looks so much better, the Salvation Army got some nice donations and the trash bin got fed. Cleaned the cabinets (apparently, housekeeping doesn't look up) and DH did some touch up painting so things look much better all around. We got late check out (6 pm) so we can spend the day lounging around. Then dinner reservations at a wine tasting room/restaurant that sounds fun. Flight leaves at 10:30 now, home around 11 a.m. tomorrow.


    Oh, and we got upgraded to first class the whole way! At first it was just the Seattle to Fairbanks leg, but now it's out of Lihue as well. Nice.

      RCG--Thanks for the early start. As you may know, I'm really not good at small talk, so I have no problem avoiding controversial topics, or any topic really. The exception is if someone says something really offensive, but I don't usually have dinner with folks who would do that so I'm good.   On other topics, I would not have pegged you for a fan of Rush, the quintessential nerdy adolescent boy band (says the guy who owned a couple of their early albums). And, yes, all that rain was certainly welcomed. The Potomac was really high today on our ride.

      Mike--at least it's not a clear fracture, so that's encouraging. Still, take it easy while you recover.

      Surly--I laughed out loud at the images and post yesterday.

      tet--glad the shoulder is improving.

      deez--do you make your own pizzelles? I haven't had those in ages. Good luck with Justin.

      Jlynne--we're Fargo fans, too, but will wait until we've recorded the series to watch. No spoilers!

      Holly--my favorite tattoo song. 

      Dave--watching the game tonight? Caps are on an improbable run and due for a letdown.

      Erica--sounds like a productive week. Safe travels home.


      It was very foggy and misty this morning so we held off on our ride until lunchtime when things had dried out and the sun was peeking out. Blustery not-quite-24-mile ride. Off to make some sweet potato bourbon pie for tomorrow.  Speaking of which...


      As long as you set aside Thanksgiving's ugly historical truth, it's my favorite holiday in terms of the sentiment of being grateful for what you have. I've always thought that was a key source of contentment. I hope you all have a chance to enjoy the day, tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving!

      Be safe. Be kind.


        Hi Masters,


        I hope everyone is not too crazy the day b/f Thanksgiving. I've skimmed a bit but haven't been posting much and I'm sure I'm missing a lot. So - if I don't comment on something big - I'm sorry in advance.


        SB - this is another reason why we Thanksgiving alone. Been there, done that (can save for Christmas).

        MikeE - take care! And was going to say that being in the doctor's/the pain of your injury/etc are enough to somewhat elevate BP. I'd see if it goes back normal, personally.

        Sounds like Jay continues to crutch around...


        My office is new and fancy and I have access to a (new to me) fitness center that is bigger than what I used to have. It has a lot more weights. And, for cardio the usual treadmills, elliptical (plus 1 of those AMT ones that are challenging) and even 2 stepmills, and some other stuff that I will never use (rowers/bikes).


        I am another one who doesn't cook - and also it is just me and the H for the holiday. We are NOT having turkey. We are having braised short ribs with mashed sweet potatoes and green beans. They are really good and not always the easiest to find (boneless). I did get dessert - chocolate lava cakes from TJ - they have to be good right???


        I have not been running much since I tripped/fell a few weeks ago. And now it's (all of a sudden) cold, and I just need to get back out there. I've been doing plenty indoors though, so that will have to do for now.




          Happy Thanksgiving Eve, Masters!  Thanks for the start and recap, Barb! I loved your pictures of David - cute kid!


          Re: husbands doing grocery shopping:  my DH refuses to grocery shop anymore - he hasn't since the pandemic.  His leukemia is in remission, but he still fears catching a virus.  His immune system may not be as strong as mine, but I don't get what the big deal is.  He goes in other stores, like auto parts, music stores, hardware stores - just not groceries.  Oh, well, I don't really mind shopping.  He's back to cooking every other night, which I'm grateful for.  I didn't mind doing all the cooking when he was sick, but glad I don't have to do it now.  Gets old.


          Deez, hope your visit with Justin goes well.  Hugs.


          Moebo, what ocean are you near?  I don't remember where you live.


          I met two Dirt Divas friends for a 9 mile trail run this morning.  Gorgeous day, 60 and sunny, but that will be the end of warm weather for a while, so I'm glad we got out to enjoy it.  It was chilly to start, but we all ditched our coats and gloves when it warmed up, and ended in shorts and tee shirts. 

          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

            I can tell you why mistakes get made at the store (no real excuse for forgetting something that is on a list, though).  The other day Ken realized in the checkout line that he forgot Sour Cream.  He said, "Run and get a small, non-fat sour cream."  Off I went.  There were rows of choices and sizes- not to mention fat content.  The smallest was the size of an individual yogurt and then there were two more sizes up.  I guessed (incorrectly) that he wanted the middle one and not the tiny one.  He wanted the tiny one.  Oh well.     If you aren't really familiar with everything, the choices can be daunting.

            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



            Rose Colored Glasses

              Good Afternoon Everyone!


              Tramps. Yes. I was a casual fan of Rush. My respect for the band has been increasing with every chapter I read!  Geddy Lee was a brooding introverted teenager who shares his growth as a musician and interesting details of Rush's  path to becoming a respected hard rock band. A Rock and Roll Hall of Fame honoree.

              Chapter 3 is dedicated to his parents, both of whom survived Nazi concentration camps in Poland. Geddy Lee emphasizes how important his mother thought it was to tell her children the brutal details of the Holocaust. He also warns how fragile life is for Jewish people and, really, all of us.

              And, yes, you and I have met several times (Richmond marathon spectating, Colonial Half Marathon (I was working as medical finish line or just spectating) and you and Tribee ran the Swamp Run once when I was co-race director and I still feel bad about not being more attentive that day. You are not one for small talk but, seemed to accept my outlandishness.


              Carolyn, Moebo lives along the shores of the Atlantic Ocean.


              Deez keep us posted re your visit with Justin.


              I didn't do any real exercise today. I have made the orange cranberry sauce with pears. It is tasty. Before I made that, I spent hours cleaning all the greens for tomorrows side dish. I am a fanatic regarding washing collards and swiss chard. I thought the turnip greens were too sandy so I didn't include them.  I will wash them more tomorrow and create vegan turnip greens side dish with those. The other greens will be cooked with the bacon grease I saved. This is my own adaptation of "Kickin' Collards"


              Here's hoping I get a little run in tomorrow morning!  Our rain stopped before noon and by the time LMR retrieved her offspring, the sun was shining and then less than an hour was setting.

              Centex runner

                Karen - Looks like its been about a week since Ken had his surgery. How is he doing? What can he do? Can he manuever stairs? I see the doctor on Monday and am making my list of questions. The surgery is set for early December but this may not work for us due to holiday vacation plans. I've been researching the medical procedures to be performed and I'm getting Looking at alternatives. Do I really want to run again or walk without a limp. Hopefully the doctor will have good positive answers.

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  I see the doctor on Monday and am making my list of questions. 


                  Good for you for writing questions down!  My vote is to get the surgery over with as soon as possible so you can start recovery!


                  Erika and KSA - I get that there can be some confusion, since we (the cooks) have it pictured in our heads what we want, and we don't necessary include important details.  And in DH's defense, evaporated milk is right beside sweetened condensed milk on the shelf.


                  Tramps - 


                  AnneB - that sounds delicious!


                  So, apple pie and pumpkin pies are done.  I will save the rest of the work for tomorrow.  Time to kick back for the evening...


                  (I went to a friend after work and had him program the fire stick.  I can hardly wait to give it to him!  Might have to make it a birthday present instead.)


                  TomWhite - How did Claire get so grown up?  She is beautiful!


                  May be an image of 1 person and text

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                    When am I ever going to learn not to get my hopes up around Justin?? It was not an easy visit and I left feeling heartbroken.

                    I was glad to lay eyes on him, but very sad realizing everything that he has been through these last 6 months doesn't seem to have had any positive effect on him.

                    Rode the Peloton for 2 30 minute classes and a 20 min recovery/reflection ride to sweat out the tears that no longer flow. The good thing is dh and I are on the same page about what we need to do going forward.

                    Will remain thankful he is safe for now and count all the blessings in my life.


                    Tramps - yes I make my own pizzelles - long standing tradition in my Italian upbringing

                    Erika - my dh does pretty much all the shopping and fortunately gets it right. If he's not sure about something he'll text me a pic because there are some things I don't even want if it's not exactly what I wrote down for him


                    My co-worker bailed on running with me in the morning, but I'm not surprised. I could tell she wasn't totally sold on the idea even tho she loves a good Thanksgiving run. No worries - I'll be up early to get in a 5k or 5 miler before work. I'll see how my legs feel in the morning after 85 minutes on the bike this afternoon.


                    Marathon Maniac #957


                      Will remain thankful he is safe for now and count all the blessings in my life.



                      That's all you can do, my friend.  {{{extra hugs}}}


                      KSA - same goes for you, my friend.

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                        Hi Masters,

                        Happy Thanksgiving Eve,


                        I got in early morning swims each weekday this week.  I was up so darn early it wasn't too hard to do, but since my usual YMCA pool doesn't open on Tuesday or Thursday until 7:00 AM, I had to go to the "other" Y and I don't like their pool, mostly because I can't see the darn clocks.  In contrast, I can see the clock at the deep end of my usual Y pool for about 10 yards, and the one at the shallow end when I turn, or stop.


                        So I was able to get in swims of 2,000 yards, 2,600 yards, and 2,750 yards, which brought me to 500,000 yards for 2023.   I've swum 214 days, which means my average swim is around 2300 yards, which is about what I would have guessed.   I've got 16 miles to go to get to my distance goal of 300 miles, and I hope to get there in early December.


                        We were planning to enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner at DS1's home tomorrow afternoon, but we were surprised to see his text yesterday announcing he had come down with Covid.  He's feeling better than he was yesterday, and fortunately it seems to be body aches, fever, and no sleep last night, so now he's exhausted.  No respiratory stuff.


                        So I worked half a day today and then really worked the rest of the day, cleaning things in the house that haven't been cleaned since the last time we hosted Thanksgiving dinner - at least not like that.


                        Have a great Thanksgiving everyone



                          Wasn't Claire a baby just about 7 years ago? I guess time moves faster the older you get.


                          Deez, gosh, I am so sorry. I was hoping it would have been a better visit.


                          Holly, I have no idea what a Fire Stick will have to Google.


                          Re sending men to the store for Thanksgiving last minute items: I always find it amusing how many men are in the grocery store on Thanksgiving Day...surely a 400% increase from any other day of the year, as the women are busy in the kitchen.


                          I never had any issues with my ex going to the grocery store and picking up the wrong item since he never went and I did all the grocery shopping and all the cooking. ALL the cooking. I tried to get him to help me out, but he refused to cook. Kind of mind boggling. Just like his refusal to change a diaper.


                          When MBE baked a blackberry pie for me early in our relationship, after picking berries together, I was a goner... he still makes better pies than I do.

                          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                            Denise-  I’m sorry.  They just don’t seem to get it sometimes.


                            Centex-  tomorrow will be a week since the surgery.  He’s only done a couple of steps and it isn’t easy.  That’s the only time he uses the crutches, really.  He’s good with the knee scooter and our house is good with that.  He’s cooking and doing most of the same stuff around the house he’s always done.  We got this no-rinse body wash stuff that was recommended since he really can’t shower.  He absolutely can’t get the packing around the leg/ankle wet.  He’s not taking much Advil or Tylenol but by the end of the day he feels a little pain.   We’ll know a lot more on December 1 when he goes back to the doctor.  

                            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                            Mike E

                            MM #5615

                              Hello everybody!


                              Thanks for the great recap, RCG!


                              I'm sorry about Justin, deez... I pray for him every morning, you know... and I'm not going to quit!


                              I think I do okay picking stuff up at the grocery store... but you should probably ask Debbie to make sure.


                              I went 6 miles today.  It went okay.  It kind of felt like I had a side stich the whole way.  Now, my back is hurting.  Hopefully, I'll be okay, tomorrow... even though I have already decided not to run.


                              Claire is a beautiful girl.


                              Okay--that's all I got.  See ya!

                                I was planning on doing an ez 5k this afternoon, but my PF reappeared the morning after my 5 miler the other day, and I was on a roll working on the new storage shed at the theater company and didn't want to stop. Just me and the boys; a couple ginger strays that have made the campus their home. Their ears are clipped, so they are fixed ferals. Not living up to their feral status, they greet me when I show up, mainly because I give them a bit of cat chow. Hoping to get the thing sealed up and roofed by this weekend. Weather still perfect here, slightly overcast, no wind, and mid to upper 60's.


                                I'm getting mentally prepared for the inquisition tomorrow, we infiltrate at 3pm PCT. Beside the pugs, another saving grace is Murry. He's the kid's paternal grandfather. I may have mentioned that he was the head accountant for the Ford motor company for a while, and has written a lot of the US international tax code. I always enjoy visiting with him. The flipside of that coin is the kid's uncle, who studied circus arts, and is a yoga instructor and life coach. He will probably share a presentation of his Burning Man adventure this year, while dressed as a 1600's jester (not at Burning Man, but at Thanksgiving dinner...). I have guilty epicaricacy of this expected exhibit, but I like him and have his back, because I relate in some corner of my mind.


                                Hopefully the cousins (twins, age 11) and the girl (individual, age 22) will take up most of the attention. The girl recently got an Elegoo Mars 3d resin printer and has been making models of things she's designed. It's MUCH better than the 3d printers that used melted plastic. The stuff that comes out is like a finished product, not something that needs to be sanded.

                                Elegoo Mars 4 Max - 3DJake International




                                I hope everyone survives tomorrow without facing any trauma or untimely reveals! I look forward to hearing about your turkey trots, and also any races you're doing.  I don't tend to get the trots myself. Except when I haven't had dairy in a long time and then decide that eating a whole quart of ice cream is a good idea.

                                60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying
