Masters Running


Mon Post Boston Daily 4/14 (Read 573 times)

    Dromi, I wouldn't let that stop me. Consider the nuances of time that have transpired since the others were written. Haiku is best if fresh to the moment And Spam Haiku doubly so. Give Godzilla a pen, paper, and a can of Spam to let the words flow freely. IMHO jjj Big grin I use a tripod or a rock.
    Thanks JJJ for the encouragement. I found some time at lunch to write haiku: Marathon training Hot day hard long slow run Cold spam sushi waits and here's one for SLOJim: SLOJim runs faster 10 pounds lighter and better Smoking fast 5K and finally from yesterday's discussions for The Saint: Spareribs teased The Saint Snakes slithering through the house Saint is rich widow p.s. Thank you for explaining about tripod and or rocks. I will have to get a real camera. Right now I'm using a cell phone.
      Wild Carolyn, Ha! Hairless smilies.... Aamos, Thank you. I get it now. As for the r.s.... he's so easy-going, he would never dream of advising me on a do. Hopeful Mary, We have such similar hair... I think we should post befores and afters... I do have a call in to "Thomas" at The Last Tangle.... He is in high demand so, this might take a while! Perchcreek, How's Tory doing with his medicine? And, your map made me feel all swirly today.

      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

        thanks aamos, after weeks of wondering, I finally know how vitie knew about dale. sorry I'm so slow (- not!). say hi to shrek! dromy - can you try to do a pretty slow haiku slow is beautiful?

        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

          Hi Jon, Shrek is in the shop along with Greg. They are getting their spring cleaning + new tires + new cables and Greg gets a new chain, I think! Oh Dromedary Camel with one hump or two Eating desert Spam

            It must be that time of the year. I got my hair cut last week! It's short now, and I love it for running. Aamos and LaVitaDolce - upgrade your avatars with new pictures please! Mary, you're next. You'll train better for your marathon with a new "do." Wow - for the week before Boston, it's been relatively calm here today, except for a few weather maps. Our runners must all be practicing their deep breathing/relaxation exercises! Jeanne
              After all of those laps last week I gave my legs a rest over the weekend. Here are some things that I learned/affirmed: It is almost always better to run outside than it is to run inside (my apologies to Alaskan runners). My achilles isn't made for continuous left hand turns. A little encouragement goes a long way for kids. Rest is good for your body. Sunlight is way better than incandescent light. Spam haikus will never be out of style! A nice easy 5 mile recovery run along the erie canal today after a morning of running a volleyball practice then out hiking a local park and doing a little geocaching. Who says you need to go someplace to have a good vacation? Almost dinner time. Should I open the blue can? Spam will nourish me. I never claimed to be sane.
                Had a nice massage today, did not feel tight from weekend's long run. But now after my intervals ouch 10 minute warm up, then 5X5 minutes at half marathon pace 3:50's interspersed with 2 minutes at 10K pace. 3:40 pace with no other rest. then 10 minute cool down. Wind was brutal. Legs got tight, so I guess the 35K paid me back and here I tought I was invicible Tongue Will need some good rest. Montreal Half Marathon on Sunday, it's the Canadian Half Marathon Championships. Will be one fast crowd. Now for some pasta...yum. One week to go for Boston Marathoners...yeah...go guys and gals. Tall

                Recent Best times: None recently

                  dromy - can you try to do a pretty slow haiku slow is beautiful?
                  Hi Tetsujin, thanks for the idea Big grin Slow twenty-six miles See people living their dream Finishing is sweet Walk run marathon Enjoy circus atmosphere Eat all the free food Here's one for btb: Bob take it easy Marathon in slow motion See and feel the smiles LaVita, I like your haiku! I think it's one hump Wink Hey Craneium, kewl haiku and one for you: Give into hunger Open the square blue tin can Savor the flavor Why be sane? It's so boring. How else can a runner get through those long runs?

                    Stevep, nice run! I was wondering about you, seemed you'd been quiet. how's your new job?
                    The job is going very well. Thank you for asking. We've got quite a bit to do with Mom's estate and memorial before the end of may. This too shall pass. Life is good though hectic. I've yet to miss the daily. Sometimes it's in my Batman thong with a cup of coffee.....The boss hasn't gotten used to that yet. I don't know why he complains. My back hair has had a buzz cut with the comany logo and phone number shaved into it. I bet you set a fine example for the kids Craneium. The most kewl thing a person can do is make a positive difference in the life of a kid.


                      Gee Perch......whoever that MRI was of that you posted, you need to get them into a hospital fairly soon, that looks like a massive heart attack about to happen. Oh wait....that was a weather map. 3.64 miles this evening before I head out for a Board meeting. I must confess that I like longer hair on ladies, but I'm not totally opposed to a change once a while. So much change can be done with hair. It is like the couple where the wife asked the husband, "Will you still love me when I am old and gray?" He responded....."Why not?....I have loved you through 3 other hair colors" Have a nice evening. I was tempted to post a Boston race report this morning......just so everyone knew what they missed.

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        Holly, speaking of pictures, do you have any of your new house you could post or link to?
                        If you e-mail me at hollys4874 at yahoo dot com, I will send you the link to the listing for the house, which has many pictures, inside and out. I only wish they would leave their slate tile coffee tables, which I adore, and can't seem to find their like anywhere. Dromedary - I love the haiku roll you started. Smile SteveP - Big grin Big grin

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                        Marathon Maniac #3309

                          Late post for me as I'm getting caught up on all the posts....just shave your heads bald like I do, lol. I think I forgot to post yesterdays carpy run....11 miles when it was suppose to be 16....oh well, at least I have learned to cut a run short, instead of pushing through. Tonight I figured a nice easy run would be good, but my legs felt super good considering. 11 miles at 8 minute pace ave, with the last 5 at 7:30 pace...don't know where that came from, but felt great the whole run...don't you wish you could bottle that when you run fast, when you shouldn't???? Have a great night all....I'm off to read the rest of the daily thread. Oh yeah, just wanted to add a special moment I had on my run tonight. As I was running down a paved trail, there was this kitty cat that was in the middle of the trail just waiting for my attention. I stopped and petted it, and it rolled over on it's belly just wanting me to rub it....really was a super nice kitty cat and hated leaving it, but needed to get my run in....the cat was a cutie....our runs are an adventure sometimes, huh?, if I could find a woman the same way, I would have it made...did I just say that, or think it, lol Hey Tall....what's your secret dude... Holly, I thought about you running tonight....just relax, your legs and pace will be just fine...I got out of my "funk" and you will too. Tim

                          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                            Holly - now that he's hairless, is Dexter-dog running Boston, too? Perch - the purple and blue part of that weather map looks frighteningly like the bruise I got when my fanny landed hard on a cleat in my first sailboat race btb - love the mouthguard story! Aamos - when I colored my hair last fall every kid in both schools seemed to need to comment on it. Since I went from highlights to more of my real color, I played with them like this: "Did you color your hair?" "Nope, I uncolored it." Worth every puzzled look, even the 500th time. Craneium - aren't you supposed to do FIFTEEN MILES on the Erie Canal, with your pal, your mule named Sal? (Sorry, stupid music teacher joke just slipped in.) Decided to really go for it with this 5K in June, so I looked up a plan on Runner's World and it had me doing speedwork tonight. Ran 5 miles altogether, and the mile 5 cooldown was way more sproinky than the mile 1 warm-up. It was so much fun to feel what all you speedy folks feel every day, even if it was only for a few fleeting moments. Smile Yikes, increasing weekly mileage, lengthening my long run, now speedwork. You guys are a greta influence on me. Next thing you know, I'll be doing something really crazy like signing up for a marathon. Shocked Eliz


                              Top of the 9th and the Sox surge ahead! I am so psyched to go to Boston! David got a hit and Manny delivered!!! O yes o yes! Big grin Big grin Big grin Big grin A
                              Masters 2000 miles

                              Trails are hard!

                                On the hair cut front, my DW has had hers cut the last TWO years at Relay for life for Locks of Love. first year was 14" and last year was 12". Hadn't seen her with hair shorter than the middle of her back for lo these 30 years. (ever since we met) I thought it looked really good, even if it took a bit to get used too. Personally, I have'nt had to worry about it for quite a while. Every two months I head to Supercuts and say give me a #3 clip, hair and beard, and I'm all set Smile Kevin eta--Eliz--way to go with catching up with the pace bunny. He's long out of sight for me Sad

                                Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.

