Masters Running


Wednesday Feb 6 runs (Read 559 times)

King of PhotoShop

    30 minutes elliptical last night; this morning the fitness center is full so will wait til after work. Roy, how do you say spareribs in England? Well you better learn because we're all headed your way in August. Okay, here's a layup for you. I'll even give you a head start with a couple of letters: Centaur head? S _ _ _ C Spareribs
      SR kicks us off this morning! Good morning. 6 very very slow miles in weird warm winter weather. It's 59F and no bundling up was required this morning.

      aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

      Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason

      The Jogger

        Morning All Went out for a 5 miler with Woodie's tail wagging away. Shorts and tee today cool breezy day but not to breezy. 5m 54:15 @ 10:51 AHR 153 72% (((((munch)))))) Oh and the 201 was working so life in the old thing yet. Morning SR, we posted the same time, thats great news, what part are you going to? Good Runs All Roy
          Up at 4:15 AM and out the door at 4:30. 12 miles at 9:00 min/mile pace overall. Negative splits - 1st 6 all in the 9's, 2nd 6 all in the 8's. Miles 9 and 10 at MP. I feel like I'm slowly building back into shape. Very warm but humidity was mostly bearable. Bill

          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

          i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

            Very warm here too (NC). 62-60F for a drippy m-LR. 13 hilly miles in 1:49:51 (8:27 pace, AHR153). Perfect run today ending with a 7:36 mile. But then Tory met me at the door so 2 cool down miiles at 9:30 pace. 15 miles before work an I have a dinner meeting tonight...oy! Have great runs!

            Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

            Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

              Nice run with Woody this morning Roy! I'm jealous of all you wearing shorts . . . This morning I didn't know if I'd get a run in or not as they were predicting a snow storm. I awoke to just a light covering on the ground and snow falling. Out for 3.5 miles at 10:58 pace. The snow was real wet and heavy, so no problems with traction - but it did like to get all stuck up in my shoes/yaktraxs. Undecided ~Mary


              "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
              It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



              King of PhotoShop

                Roy, nothing is firm yet. We have tix for a week, going in and out of London. Family still exploring and arguing about where we will go. There's a lot to do and we have time to consider. Would be great to see you too. For people new to crosswords, any clue that is followed by a ? means that there is a trick or riddle involved, something where they are trying to cross you up. Spareribs
                  Good Morning all, Mild weather as well this morning here in Dayton, Ohio. I enjoyed a run with Holly at 5:30 AM (including a nice chat with her daughter and some Dexter the dog belly scratching). We ran loops in her neighborhood for a total of 7.6 miles. At one point toward the end of the run, Holly took off up a hill.....All I heard was: "To the street lamp, let's GO!" and off she went like a flash---ponytail flying. I thought...AACK, wait up! It was a good way to finish a nice run. I am here for two days and I am looking forward to the next run already. Time to get into execu-drag and greet the work day. Enjoy! CNYrunner

                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    Good Morning! I enjoyed a lovely brisk-ish run with CNYrunner this morning (ave pace 9:21). Brisk for me, this was probably recovery pace for her. Smile We were lucky enough to have a clear spot in between storms, starting out at 53 degrees, although temps have dropped to 44 now, still a pleasant respite from winter weather, which is due to come back tomorrow. Spareribs, I'm trying, but so far I'm stumped. Quote of the day, from DD this morning: “Mommy’s not an old lady. She just gets wrinkly sometimes.” Big grin

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                      I thought I was in pretty good shape until I shoveled the driveway this morning: at least three inches of very dense, wet, semi-frozen slush. I had to take another shower when I came back in. So that's my workout for the day, with more walking or stationary cycling on tap for tomorrow. Good running to all!

                      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                        Good morning Boomers. Cross training day here - 4.5 miles on the eliiptical in 35 minutes with some leg and ab work thrown in. Took my DH to the airport this morning for his annual golfing trip to Florida with a bunch of his buddies. It would be nice to get out of winter for a while. The big storm missed us - only a couple of inches, but the southern part of the state is getting hammered. Mary, hope you're far enough north! To all the Boomers running in mild temps without layers and layers, hats, gloves and YaxTrax, enjoy! I'm living vicariously through all of you. Holly and CNY Runner, it's so neat that you two have met and are running together. That's what makes this forum cool. It's Ash Wednesday today. When I asked DS what he was giving up for Lent, he said watermellon. (?????) Good runs, all. Jeanne

                        Marathon Maniac #3309

                          1 hour on my cycling rollers last running legs were sore and tired, but felt a lot better afterwards. Thanks for starting us our Ribs! Sure is weird weather predawnrunner - it's nice to NOT have to bundle up. Nice long runs this morning...but allll run are good, huh? That's too funny Holly That's good Roy with your 201 Well, better get some work done... Tim

                          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                            Morning, all! You know it's a good morning when Woodie's tail is wagging! {{{{{{{{Munch}}}}}}}} Count me in for the eating and drinking. I can hold my own with that kind of activity. No run this morning. Had to drop the puppy off at day care before work. One day of nonstop playing gives us 2 to 3 days of tired puppy. Weights and core scheduled for lunch today. Good runs to all!

                            Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous


                              Okay, here's a layup for you. I'll even give you a head start with a couple of letters: Centaur head? S _ _ _ C Spareribs
                              I'd like to buy a vowel.

                                Ribs, even Google didn't help. I'll check with Marj later-she does the Times puzzle daily. Tapering for the half this Sunday. Didn't run yesterday because of heavy rain. This morning decided to go out in the drizzle for a short run. Drizzle turned into a heavy rain shortly after I started but,at least, got in almost 3 miles. Found out that my new jacket (that I got from finishing the Pub Series races) is weather resistant-only part of me that remained dry Cry. can't wait for that 70+ weather-leaving on Saturday Cool.