Masters Running


February Boomer-Masters Miles (Read 766 times)

    I hope I'm not too late. Feb miles 123 Year to date 248 Thanks, TomS


      Happy March! Here's the February summary. I haven't heard from a few of the relay folks, but they'd probably just raise the average too much anyway and make the rest of us look bad. Big grin February 2008 Summary: Number of posters 56 Total miles run 7007 Average miles run 125.1 Median miles run 107.2 Awards: Highest mileage: twocat: 303 mi (Jan award rbbmoose: 297.3 mi) Awesome average: PJH: 124 mi (Jan award tselbs: 125 mi) Magnificent median: wildchild: 108.3 mi (Jan award hallar: 104.1 mi) Monthly mileage PR: enkephalin 161 mi teresadfp 88.7 mi fbgrrl 42.3 mi Other PRs: WRFB PR week 56.2 mi simonR HM, longest run steve p grandson spoiling jim24315 8K 31:25, turned 62 in Feb eliz4015 5 miles no walking pfriese 5 mi 38:16 jules2 5 mi 32:40 tramps 4 mi 28:14 wa5yom 30.15 mi ultra perchcreek 20K 1:34:16 MrPHinNJ 10K 45:20 CNYrunner 10 mi 1:15:12 dacook 10 mi 1:11:01, 20 mi 2:22:35 Callouts: Ultrachick: You're turning 40 in March??? That means you are not a masters runner yet! Or a boomer! You're trying to sneak in early (like Tammy did at Coolrunning Big grin). Oh, well, you'll officially be one of us in two weeks. Welcome to the club. February summary: twocat 303 dacook 285.7 CNYrunner 263.3 perchcreek 250.3 jim24315 221.4 hermosaboy 221.4 holly s 208.5 ultrachick 198 breger1 194.7 WRFB 194.5 wa5yom 186 predawnrunner 173.5 lyndenrunner 172 carnivirus 171 pfriese 168.9 enkephalin 161 peter NC 155.6 tramps 154 MrPHinNJ 149.7 mariposai 139 sueT48 137.3 JJJessee 135 johnmass 134.3 PJH 124 tselbs 123 charleygross 113.8 dtoce 111 wildchild 108.3 evryday 106 simonR 105 TammyinGP 102 cashmason 100 huskydon 97.8 RoyC 95 sarge 94.5 flkjr 92.1 deez4boyz 89 teresadfp 88.7 fussyrunner 85.7 mtnchk 78.7 vista 78.4 bap 77 steve p 74.4 jules2 73 henrun 72.4 nonoruns 72 jemmama 71.3 craneium 70.3 hallar 68 BTY 52 eliz4015 43.6 fbgrrl 42.3 hally 40.3 stumpy77 39.5 tetsujin209 13.2 rochrunner 1

      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


        shhhh, wildchild . . . . Wink I don't think I've ever been this close to the median before. I am always considerably below where the median is. Granted, this month is a bit lower than it typically is though. My goal in March is to be ABOVE the median for once! Nice numbers Wildchild! Thanks for the tabulating!



          Well, just back from Arizona... guess a few of us will have our numbers out of the tally. February totals for me: Running 187.8 miles Walking 10 miles

            For all those late to the party - I'm even later. I've been out in California for business, then spent the weekend in Oregon visiting my folks. Feb. Miles: 149.8 (second only to January's 153.7) No races, so no PR's of any kind. March will be a bit of a challenge because I'm going up to Vermont on business next week. At least these business trips force me to take it easy - I use them as my cut-back weeks. I'm also thinking that I've probably peaked too early. I'm planning on running a half-marathon in early April, and I feel like I've already started regressing.

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Great job, Wildchild! Thanks for doing this!

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


              One day at a time

                That summary is so cool! Thanks for putting it together. I think I will print it out to show my friends - they look at me in disbelief when I tell them I'm hoping to run 28 miles this week. Most of you people put me to shame, lol! You inspire me. Teresa

                  I'm REALLY late posting but I have a good excuse - just got back from vacation. And, I feel like a slacker! Wow, you guys. February is a short month - when did you all find time to run so many miles? I have a measley 123.2 to post. To everyone above 175, you guys are my role models! Jeanne

                  Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                    I'm really late too - and also blame it on vacation! My February miles were 110.25. Thanks WildChild!! This is the kewlest thread. Smile ~Mary


                    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


