Masters Running


Tue Mar 11 Runs and Workouts (Read 554 times)

    Nice run Holly...I hope your house sells too... 5 miles in the wind driven rain at a 7:49 pace,at least there was only 1 small hill... 47 degrees at the start of my run-42 when I got back...
    Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

      7.6 miles at 8:35 pace this dark morning. Very nice fog that left everything hazy and began to glow as the sun peeked up over the horizon as I finished up. Ideal 36F. Let's see... John McCain—affair, divorce, alleged affair Bill Clinton—affairs Newt Gingrich--affair, divorce, affair, divorce Rudy Giuliani--divorce, affair, divorce Elliot Spitzer—prostitutes What is it with these people?! And don't get me started on the preachers. Grrrr. Do you think the Clintons are having flashbacks today?

      Be safe. Be kind.

        They are back! I heard them first and then saw them flying in the neighborhood. It is the Mockingbird bird family from last year who had the babies that I photographed. It is going to be interesting to see whether they follow through and nest in that same bush at the front of my house. Holly.......Just remember, in real estate there is always the possibility that the name of the day is..."neighbors-like-to-snoop Tuesday". Instead, hopefully it is someone who has driven by your place for years and said..."Isn't that a nice home. If it ever comes up for sale I will certainly want to buy it". A quick update on my brother.........He has lost 24 pounds of fluid and continues to improve strength wise. They keep delaying the catheterization procedure and I found out why. His kidneys are not working properly. Apparently the dye that is used for this is NOT good for kidneys anyway, and to use it on him is not good. Meanwhile he is saying he wants to go home so I gave him a bit of a "stern talk" (which I don't do great with) in saying he needs to stay there and get it fixed now rather than going home early only to be rushed back for more severe problems later. He verbally agreed and I know his wife and kids are setting him straight too. On another medical note, the women's university basketball team that I work with is entering their conference tournament this week and just found out that the second starter within the last two weeks, is now out for the season due to an ACL problem. This definitely thins out the number of players and will make winning a difficult task. They are a bubble team for the NCAA dance, being ranked in the top 35. This means they may qualify for one of the 64 spots even with a loss in the tournament. However, they still should win the tournament having already beaten everyone before. As season champions, they have already clinched at least a WNIT bid. A couple of freshmen are going to grow up quickly. I got in a wonderful 4.71 miles yesterday and with the weather being what it is right now, I anticipate another good run today. Yikes on Tall having the possibility of record seasonal snow fall in Ottawa. This is a snow belt area anyway, so the stuff must be piled up to the armpits. Have a great day everyone.
          Took the day off work, slept in an extra hour (amazing now good that feels), breakfast and coffee then to gym. Treadmill for 45 minutes 4.7 miles. Didn't count 5 minute warm-up walk and 5 minute cool down. Felt strong but I held myself back, saving for 5 mile tempo tomorrow evening. Two thumps up for DST. Roy sorry to hear about your scare, glad everything seems ok. No doubt Batman always does the right thing. Wink Tim I know what you mean I always feel stronger for late afternoon runs too, you had a great workout. Holly good luck with the house and best wishes with the health issue. Lou that recovery run of yours is about my tempo pace. Glad it seems everyone's weather is improving, a record 95 inch snowfall Shocked here this winter and we aren't done yet. Enjoy a great week everyone.

          Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


            I started out in the dark today and ran into the day light...sort of a progression run, you may say. 7 easy miles just trying to find my groove again after the bad head cold I have had for the last 10 days. Looking forward to my semi long run of 10 miles tomorrow. Vista, I am glad to hear that your brother is doing better. My prayers for a speed recovery is going his way. I miss chatting with you young man. Holly, just curious to know how you found out that you burn only 300-400 calories in a 10 mile run. Good luck selling your house. Is Spareribs going to be in Seattle? Cry. Oh!!! near me, but yet still so far away...oh... if only my butterfly wings could fly me over the North Cascades Mountain... so I can meet this famous boomer god. I sure miss Dark Horse and fjordrunner today. Roll eyes

            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

              It's nice to be able to post in the morning again, since we're not skiing today. My 19 yo DS has now officially passed me up ski-wise. He's always been at most a low intermediate before having only been skiing 3 or 4 times. But this year he's doing everything me and my ski buddy have been doing - including easy black runs. I credit his skiing to being in really buff conditiion and having some really good skis that he rented. But regardless, I don't have to worry about him anymore. I have to worry about keeping up! I think I've finally slowed down enough to adjust for running at 10,000 feet. It took me 3 days, but I finally found an "easy" aerobic zone I could maintain at these altitudes. I ran 11 miles this morning at 10 min/mile pace overall - the last 5.5 miles faster than the first 5.5 miles. Bill

              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                3 slow miles for me this morning. I did the run 5 walk 1 method mainly because I was tired at the 5 minute mark. It felt like my first run ever so it sure is going to be a long road back.




                One day at a time

                  Holly - good luck with selling your house! I must have missed a post - how do you know how many calories you're burning?? I would love to know that! Thanks! Teresa

                    One step at a time Dave59. It's good to read your posts again.


                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      Holly, just curious to know how you found out that you burn only 300-400 calories in a 10 mile run. Good luck selling your house.
                      Mariposai and Teresa – I’ve always had to keep a close eye on my intake in order to maintain my weight, and have been a conscientious calorie-counter for many years, but in recent weeks I’ve been keeping very careful track of all my intake at, to measure not just my calories but other nutrients as well, to check for nutritional deficiencies in my diet. This confirmed what I had already suspected, I should be burning way more calories than I am, given all the calculators I’ve found. I’m running 50-56 miles per week, and taking in from 1550-2000 calories/day (depending on how far I run) and yet, not only am I not losing weight, I’m struggling not to gain weight. If I burn 85 calories/mile (because I am a small woman), and my non-running maintenance caloric intake is about 1500 calories, I should be able to eat at least an extra 700 calories on my 10-11 mile run days, but if I eat more than 300-400 extra calories on those days (i.e. 1800-1900 calories), my weight begins to creep up again, and it doesn’t bounce back down, like water weight. Another call from the realtor – that’s 2 showings today for our house. Smile

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

               non-running maintenance caloric intake is about 1500 calories...
                        As I understand it, the base caloric maintenance intake can change over time. It's not fair, but this is (again as I understand it) especially true in women. While I'm not a nutritionist, that'd be my guess.

                        Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                        Marathon Maniac #957

                          Lou, that's what I'm afraid of.... Sad

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            Morning all. Working at home again today. DS had a very bad cold before I went for Arizona, now seems to have picked up some kind of GI bug. Came home yesterday after being ill at school and slept from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 this a.m. I'll join up with my group for a run this evening. Some silly Swedish pop for you (Always) Young Folks ... especially our resident forum Swedes. Smile eta: vista, somehow I missed the news about your brother being so sick. You and your family are in my thoughts.


                              Holly, good luck selling your house. Do you have a new one picked out or being built? You seem to have had the listing date planned out well ahead of time. Is the new place close? We built the house we live in now, and when it was getting close to done, we listed our old house. It sold on the first day! Shocked It was the lowest-priced house in our area (less than 100K at the time) and sold in a heartbeat. Wish we had asked more for it! Unfortunately, that meant we had to move before we were really ready. We had already moved a lot of our junk over to the new place to make the old place look less cluttered, but we still had a lot to move in a hurry. DD was a baby, and the new house was still a construction site, but we managed. She learned to use tools at an early age, which will come in handy. Wink

                              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                              One day at a time

                                Holly, good luck selling your house. Do you have a new one picked out or being built? You seem to have had the listing date planned out well ahead of time. Is the new place close? We built the house we live in now, and when it was getting close to done, we listed our old house. It sold on the first day! Shocked It was the lowest-priced house in our area (less than 100K at the time) and sold in a heartbeat. Wish we had asked more for it! Unfortunately, that meant we had to move before we were really ready. We had already moved a lot of our junk over to the new place to make the old place look less cluttered, but we still had a lot to move in a hurry. DD was a baby, and the new house was still a construction site, but we managed. She learned to use tools at an early age, which will come in handy. Wink
                                Gotta love it, huh?? We knew we would build for our second house, and I always said we would NOT move with a baby. So of course our second son was 10 months old when we moved (first was 3 years old), and our house was also a construction site. Dust and nails everywhere. Makes you wonder how you survived, doesn't it?? Now we're in the middle of putting on an addition, and they're about to tear out the wall next to my son's bedroom, and the one in between his and his sister's. DS wil be staying in his big brother's room, and DD will be sleeping under the piano (her choice!). More dust and nails, I guess. So right now I need to get up from this computer and start moving stuff out of the two bedrooms. Blech.