Masters Running


Me Minus Five by March" campaign/week 2 (Read 358 times)


    yikes, tomorrow is thursday already??!!!


    Guess I better run lots of laps around the track tonight.



      200 LBS. 


      DW and DD#3 are on board for making changes.We'll see how it goes.


      Marathon Maniac #957

        Me minus 1/2 lb.


        Not much, but I'll take it.

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

          I jumped on the scale this morning and saw 188.  MM0.  No change so far, but I've eliminated the snacking so I should start seeing a little something soon.



          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

            I broke down and weighed myself this morning.  It's better than I thought:  116.  I'd like to lose only 3 more lbs so hopefully t hat won't be too difficult with some increased mileage and lots of salad.

            Once a runner . . .

              Jlynne..... happens to me this time of year all the time.  Usually, the weight gain turn around for me lags the start of the weight loss effort by around 3 weeks.


              Officially minus 1, for 145.0.


              And I'm really pleased at that...considering DH's birthday dinner (HUGE pc of prime rib and cake) on weekend, and the fact the boss is in town and took us to dinner (entree salad).



              .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!


                I jumped on the scale this morning and saw ....



                 Good for your Bregarcito!!!! 


                JDmom3, lucky you! only three pounds to get rid off. You must look fabulous! 

                Hemerocallus, I am with you...not going to get rid of my glass of merlot with dinner, not just yet Smile


                Econo, once agan, thanks for starting this idea. It sure has been an incentive to me.

                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                  not me - 3 lbs this morning!!  (If I ever get back to what I feel is "me", I will let you all know).  Somehow I don't believe the 3 pounds.  Probably tomorrow it will be back to not me - 1.5 lbs.

                  "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                    I have more than 5 to lose and I realize that beginning weight loss (at least for me) is water weight, so I won't get too excited about being down 3.2 lbs from my last weigh about 2 wks ago.




                    Still have 9.6 to go.



                      I'm with you Heme and Posie... wine is an essential food group as far as I'm concerned. Although like everything else, we've tried to cut back quite a bit. Unfortunately for me, I think I've found Tammy's poundage. My drop last week from the post holiday "high" was obviously a fluke because I'm right back where I started. Rats. Oh well, at least it's not more, right?


                      I do note that I'm +10 from my weight when I was running so many wonderful marathons last summer. I'd sure like to get back there...


                        sorry Erika. I didn't mean to pass my poundage on to you.

                        I'm in the same boat. About 10 lbs up from where I was when I ran Grandma's last June. I guess that's what I get for deciding to do no more races in 2011 after that marathon, and not have a training goal.



                          Me - 0   Black eye


                          Runners run


                            JDmom3, lucky you! only three pounds to get rid off. You must look fabulous! 


                            LOL Posie, yes I expect I do look just fine but I'm aiming for a few more pounds solely for running purposes.  I know I'm at a good running weight when people start telling me I look too thin.  I've found being just a bit lighter is a huge help with my knees.

                            Once a runner . . .


                            The Dovenator

                              me -1. I started tracking my calories I few days ago because my hunger has been out of control. For me, tracking really helps.

                              "it's just like having fun, but different"

                              Queen of 3rd Place

                                Hi, can I jump in late? Starting with pretty typical post-holiday extra 5-ish, at 134 this am. We're weighing in weekly?

                                Ex runner
