Masters Running


Saturday, April 23 (Read 614 times)


      I almost called this thread group hug day but that seemed silly ....  still, it's nice to have the pending changes give us a nudge to reflect and realize how much we appreciate this site, and each other. 


    I did pm Eric yesterday but should post on one of the other threads too, as I'm sure he's been inundated & can't even read all the messages he gets!


    I really came in here to say go Holly!!!!!!!       looked on the site this morning, this is not news, but eek.


    UPDATE APR 22:
    - I have changed the course due to flash flood warnings.  The problem with the gorge is that it's a narrow with a river running through it and not a passive lake.

    New Description  (3 Loops, no longer 4 loops):
    - Same start location
    - 2.1 miles 'Short" 2 mile hill loop to start the race  (only done once)
    - 8 miles of Mountain Bike Trails  (Aid station at 3.4 miles and 7 miles)
    - 1.7 miles of hills to start / finish and aid station

    UPDATE Apr 19:
    - Since we received a torrent rain over the last 8 hours, Andy and I went out the check the course and the effect of worse case flooding. Answer: if it was like today I will be using the mountain bike loop.  However, if it's even slightly better (very likely) and not a threat of solid rain, we will be able to use 97% of the course as is.    I will be checking the course again on Thursday night and checking the weather Friday Morning to make final decision.


    well if anybody can do it, she can.                but hey be careful out there, ok?????


    and go Dave!!!    I hope it goes well for you.   


    Hi Star!

    Cindy, nice to see you posting more.  cool about your DH.


    I just skimmed yesterday's daily so missed a lot as usual.    but I have to get ready & get out of here soon.  I have a 20 miler scheduled & I'm a little nervous about it, it's a little ahead of where I think I am right now.   & my S/I is out, but I just read some new corrections & if I get going I'll have time to try them before I go


    hugs to Leslie & C-R & Brinkley!

      Hi dg! Good luck with your planned run and hope all goes well.


      Great to see old friends yesterday....keep posting!


      I got up to run and pulled up the shades and it's SNOWING! bleh....Hope it's not doing that for Holly and that the weather turned out better there than forecasted. You are one strong runner Holly and I know you'll prevail.


        hi Karin!  thanks... I just looked in before Finally taking off.   sheesh.     snow!   oh no!   first short day (for me) here...

        wearing our pink shoes.   Smile

        Top 'O the World!

          Hey gals!


          Good Luck Holly! Have Fun!


          Snowing (very lightly so far) here too...but then, we still have some ski areas open! Wink  planning closing day snowboarding & festivities for tomorrow's cross-training!


          The plan is to squish in a very easy 4 miler at some point today... btwn Easter egg hunts & baking duties & such...


          Have a Great Weekend Evrybody!



          Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group
          Mike E

          MM #5615

            What does it mean when my very first thought, when I wake up in the morning is, "Oh--I wonder how Holly is doing?"  And,  "Dave...I wonder if he's at his race, yet."  Geeze!  I really have to get a life!


              Go Holly! Don't forget the pictures of you all muddied up!


              Good luck Dave!


              Good morning Deb, Karin, Mtnchk and Mike! Is that enough exclamation points for one morning? Big grin Take care of that S/I on your 20-miler this morning Deb. Sorry about your snow Karin. We've pretty much lost the remainder of the 10 inches we got last Wednesday, but it's just been cold and nasty all week. Only 39° and spitting rain when I took off at 6:00 AM.


              9 miles this morning, 9:46 pace. I hurt all over but hopefully a lot of the aches and pains are from moving and packing. Will stretch out after I get the coffee pot going. Does anyone besides me still hide Easter baskets for their 20 and 30-something kids? Oh wait - y'all are too young to have 30-something kids Wink



                Great to see old friends yesterday....keep posting!



                Old!! Old!! Who are you calling OLD????? 



                  wearing our pink shoes.   Smile


         realize if this works,

                  they will become your LuckyPinkShoes and you will have to wear 'em forever....




                  .........24min poolrun, erika is right, it helps


                  A LOT



                   plan on cross-mowing after work and Hope I don't tear up...


                  (it is occuring to me I might be An Idiot)




                  .......................good running guys...........Celebrate Your  Inner Idiot........

                  ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                    Great to see old dear friends yesterday....keep posting!


                    Great to see all the OFITs yesterday. Big grin


                    Snow turned into heavy rain now, but I have my running gear on at least, we'll see if I actually run! Celebrating my Inner Idiot happily and some would say I have an Outer one too!

                    Top 'O the World!

                       Oh wait - y'all are too young to have 30-something kids Wink


                      Why, yes I am! .... but I still have 'em Roll eyes  & I don't hide their Easter eggs anymore...I give their children sugar! Evil 

                      Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

                        Hey all


                        Just wrapped up my long run. 22 miles. No wind and overcast to start, Sunny and 20 mph winds o wrap it up. 2nd to the last mile was a 7:17 pace. Pretty damn happy.



                          Just wrapped up my long run. 22 miles. No wind and overcast to start, Sunny and 20 mph winds o wrap it up. 2nd to the last mile was a 7:17 pace. Pretty damn happy.


                          You are soooo ready for the Cellcom! Can you say "BQ"? Smile


                            Good morning. 34 degrees and snowing; April  in NH! 


                             This idiot went out for a run in pretty similar conditions. Light precip but cool and damp. Broke out the tights again!   DS' lax and soccer both cancelled, which is too bad in some ways but gets me in my office to finish up some work and of course visit here. I am heading west tomorrow afternoon with DD to see a couple of schools. I will be checking out the running in Portland Oregon and San Fransicsco.



                            6.5 miles easy this morning.    My legs are coming back to life though not exactly zippy quite yet.


                            Thinking of  Holly and her duathlon....Big grin  Hope all goes well and you stay upright.


                            Great run SLo. Taper time now I would say.



                              Go Holly!

                              It's snowing here, too.  Yesterday I ran in skirt and singlet - today it'll be yaktrax. 

                              Slo, greta 22 miler.  7:17 for mile 21 - Wow!


                              Hi Deb - good luck on the 20 miler.  Group hug day sounds cool!  {{{{{Group}}}}}

                              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                                You are soooo ready for the Cellcom! Can you say "BQ"? Smile


                                Hell Yeah I can !
