Masters Running


Tuesdaily, 8.22.23 (Read 38 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    Congrats on a sweaty but strong post-long-run run, Dave.


    Nice 4.1 miles to finish up at Crested Butte, KSA.


    Sorry about the fatigue, sore throat and high AQ index, Enke. I hope that all are better today, and that you can get out to get new shoes too. I'm glad your friend got to celebrate the end of a sad saga.


    I'm glad you enjoyed the 6 miles of runnin' in the rain, sub7. Sounds like you were dressed well for it.


    Congrats on achieving lawn ornament status, Twocat. Not everyone gets to do that...


    Thanks for the quote from Stella, Tomwhite - it's a classic.


    I'm sorry about all the fires, Tammy, but am glad you got in two good weekend runs.


    Did you get in some lollygagging, Tet? The wedding over the weekend was for the son of good friends we've know for over 30 years, going back to when we were living in NJ and DW was working at J&J where she met the wife of the parents of the groom.


    I'm glad you got in a good heat-beating run, dnaff.


    Nice return to the bike, Surly Bill. Yep - just like riding... Take it EZ with the PF.


    Good 3 miler in the muggy 76, Holly.


    Great photo of all the 'littles' in Deez's extended family. Good early PZ ride.


    I'm glad Debbie's surgery went well, Mike, and hope her recovery does too.


    'Nother excellent workout, BTY. You've had an impressive month so far!


    Good run, Steve, even if you called it a bit short. Be careful with all that heavy lifting.


    I had a good night's sleep (for a change) and woke up exactly at 4:00. I went 5.65 EZ RW miles with short strides (8.3m regular 8.5-8.8m) to still baby my damstring, and it went OK. It was 63° and breezy and dry this morning, which was nice. Then 35 minute of stretching and core work. We have house guests arriving today, and I still have to bake a chocolate whiskey cake and do some more yard work between today's meetings, so it'll be another interesting day.


    Have a greta Tuesday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Thanks, Jay.  I hope the smoke/fires abate for those of you affected.   Good workout this morning, Jay.


      We got home OK, but we're tired.  It is so hot and humid here- more so than usual for mid-August, and this morning's run was pretty miserable.  4.5 miles done.


      Time to put the house back together.  Have a greta Tuesday!

      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



        Thanks for the start Jay.

        The biology teacher in me met the runner side of me yesterday. I spent Sunday night at my daughter's house so I could go to a specialty gym near her home. There I underwent a fitness evaluation that included a body analysis, a VO2 max test, a mobility and flexibility test, and some nutrition analysis. The guy administering all this was very professional and overall it was a lot of fun. Truthfully, nothing I couldn't infer or already know in the back of my mind, but I like numbers and data.


        1. I'm fat. 22.9% of me is fat.

        2. My VO2 max is 43.8, very close to what my Garmin says it is.

        3. He said I had one of the largest lung capacities he has ever measured.

        4. My flexibility isn't great.

        5. He suggested a number of steps to take to improve, so I'll try chipping away at a few.

        I wrote 27 letters to students Sunday, so I'm getting those out in the mail today. I have emailed more than 20 parents to introduce myself and ask if they could share anything I need to know about their child, but very few have replied

        Have a great day!


          Rest day for me.


          At work, I have to come up with 14 character passwords that have uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters.  They expire every 60-90 days and I am running out of ideas. Do you have any tricks for coming up with passwords? Password managers don't work on many of the places I need to log into.


          I am using random keyboard patterns but after a few years I am running out of patterns I haven't already used.  I tried to reuse an earlier one but the system caught me using a password I already used.


          The suggestion I get always seems to be to come up with a phrase, take the first letter of each word, and substitute numbers and special characters for some of the letters. But it seems impossible to remember which letters were substituted with which number/special character.


          MTA - A friend at work says a program called KeePass will work on our system.  I just have to remember the Windows logon password and the password to KeePass. 




            DAve- when I have to change my password regularly, such as for the gradebook program we use at school, I add the year or simply an extra character from the top row of the keyboard.For example, Gantlet2021 (long deceased family pet) was my password, then became Gantlet2021!, then Gantlet2021!@. Someday, I will have Gantlet2021!@#$%^

            My adult children all use a password manager where you only need to remember one password. I am a bit Luddite and still keep a paper list of usernames and passwords.


              I’m back. A beautiful morning for a 1.8 mile walk with Marj. As she mentioned, this has been a summer of medical tests and procedures mixed in with concerts, art museums and dinners with friends at various restaurants. I’m doing well but O.L.D. Is more of a challenge as I head to my ninth decade.

              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                . . . with short strides (8.3m regular 8.5-8.8m) . . ..

                Jay - sorry about the slippage bringing usual 8.8m strides down to only 8.3m.

                However, because you're only a couple of inches short of the world record,

                maybe give the long jump a try at the Paris Olympics next year.

                . . Jay short  - 8.3m (27'3")

                . . Jay long - 8.8 m (28'10")

                . . world record - 8.95m (29'4.25")


                Dave - to you know any foreign languages? I often do mine in simple Japanese or some Russian with various distance's PR times for the numerical part, . . . with some odd mathematical characters on the regular keyboard too. It lets me have nice password phrases about apps, etc. I like such as MapMyRun, etc. and not so good ones for those I don't.  In fact, though I liked Xfinitiy's initial internet setup for us at the sr. housing, their telephone division is being relegated to more and more disparaging passwords from me and I may end up upgrading the current not-so-nice one for T-Moble and stick with them.

                However, except for occasional internet orders with a debit card account with only a couple of hundred dollars in it, I never do any financial stuff on the internet so really don't care if I get h. a. c. k. e. d. or not.  In fact, when we opened new banking near the sr. housing, instead of arranging the autopays we like, when they said we had to set it to be done on the internet, we refused and got a checkbook for the new account instead.

                ps - however, as happened about ten years ago, please ignore it if anyone gets a frantic e-mail from me that I'm stranded in Paris and need a quick wire transfer loan of $1,000 because (1) me ever being in Paris, or (2) asking anyone for money (which, ever since the $200 from my father for our first used car in 1973, has never been done) is about as likely as me being fast, . . . or someone with 8.8m strides. Smile


                In the meantime, after two days of extended rosy red and pink sunrises and sunsets when the sun's trying to pierce through all the horizonal smoke, offshore breezes have blown it all away and we're back to just regular clouds for this morning's forays out into the northern sections of where we are but, since we're right in the middle of stores and restaurants gradually taking over the residential parts, any direction is pretty much the same, . . . until I get past the two miles east down to the lake or the mile to a big park complete with fountains, etc. between here and downtown the other way to the west.


                ETA henrun- whoops, I think maybe tenth decade as I think I'm in nine.

                Otherwise, whew, but, even if not, Yippee for us!

                . . . my ninth decade.

                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                  Ooh! Password strategies!

                  I've yet to go the password program, too. My strategy is a lot like bioguy's. My partner just uses the name of the thing and adds 69 or 69! to the end; netflix69. Cuz 69 is a funny number. Going through all my brother's phones and desktops and programs, he used the same one for everything, which was the dog's name and his birth year, or if a numbers only PIN it was his phone # (first 4 or first 6, depending) (so EASY, thankfully!). Seeing that these are very common strategies, and that we have to fill out those "recovery and verification questions" such as childhood pet, mother's maiden name, favorite TV show as a kid, etc etc on so many websites, it's only a matter of time before an AI program can access all those questions and predict a password the very first time. For junk of no importance like registering a printer or signing up for a website I use the same one all the time. For important things like bank accounts, I either use the randomly generated one or make some gobbledy gook. I have all these passwords for these dozens of programs and apps and pages on a password locked document page, that I will save and print every so often so I have a hard copy in case something happens to my desktop. That hard copy is in turn placed in the safe, along with After Death Instructions to close accounts, pages, and delete hard drive in case something happens to both me AND my desktop.


                  Now that I wrote all that down and saw how tedious it is, I think I might look at getting a password program...


                  PF is barely apparent this morning, but I may forgo a run and just walk or bike today. I'll try a 5k jog tomorrow and see how it is.

                  60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying

                    Twocat, thanks for the recipe links! I was thinking along the lines of a pork stew.

                    I'll see if there are any more hatch chilis at the store next week, and get medium this time.

                    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                      gee, I complain about having to change my log-in password once a year at work! every 60 days or so? ughhhh!

                      Smoke has really settled in now. It was awful last night and still is this morning. And it's looking like Hilary won't dump much rain on us at all. if any. 

                      I brought my gym rat stuff with me today incase I'm feeling ambitious and want to run the TM after work.


                      We changed our direction with a vacation and decided not to do Mexico. Instead, last night I booked airfare and a vrbo in Kauai. We've only visited Maui before, so Kauai will be new. Oceanfront condo with a lanai that will give us a 180 degree view.  It's not until April, so a long time to wait, and save up $$ to pay for it. 



                        We can't use the same password and add to the end of it.  There are a complicated set of rules and it catches tricks like that.




                          I have so many different passwords that the only one I can remember for work is my daily logon password.  For that, I use Bible passages because they meet the requirements for capitalization, lower case, numbers, special characters....   Most of the passwords that I only use infrequently, I just change every time I go to log on.  {"Forgot password"}. Then I use something that I won't remember, and it won't matter.  Working for a state agency, they've really dumbed down the whole process so that the appointees can figure it out and not be contacting the help desk  Works for me.  Hey, wait a minute.


                          I'm getting out of work a little early today so I can get my swim workout in, get home and feed the dogs, then get to a friend's 75th birthday party at a local pub.   They still offer the "free wings on your birthday" special, and so he'll need help eating the 75 free chicken wings.  We went to the same place for my 56th and that was a lot of wings, even for a dozen people.  I'm contemplating sneaking my aunt out of the nursing home for her 101's birthday this coming month - a week before my own 59th.

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            I like using phrases...

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              .........heat index upper 90s, but a breeze......


                              .......40-min at city park,,,,,,,,,trailboots, no cane,,,,,,

                              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                                Password rules! Ugh! I have seen some argue that making people change their password all of the time is counter productive. If your password has not been hacked, why change it? If it has been, then likely the change you are making is too late. Add to that, many people then end up writing down their password since they cannot remember it. That written copy is another vulnerability. Which reminds me, soon I will need to change my password. 


                                File this under "of course." I arrange a lunch with a few local guys about every five weeks. My goal is to find a day as many of the crew can make. Today was one such lunch. I suggested three places. One of the gang, replied with a fourth. I am not a huge fan of the place, but it was clear he did not want any of the other three. Who did not show up today? Of course. . .


                                In running news: I managed to get out for 10 miles. I need to get back into marathon shape. Has anyone here done the Kansas City Marathon? Views on it if you have?

                                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->
