Masters Running


Thursday Nov 3rd Daily (Read 399 times)


    5.4 recovery miles (8:55) on another beautiful autumn morning.


    I’ve got a little headache, though, from where Econo whacked me upside the head.


    Have a good one!

    Be safe. Be kind.

    Marathon Maniac #3309

      Good too Tramps Smile


      Speaking of Tramps....I never responded about your DW and her Iron man race....that is absolutely awesome. I tell you what too, I have many triathletes friends, and her finishing time was very very good. 12 to 13 hours pretty much is the standard for my tri buds, as they are just normal hard working people, and not pros who can train 8 hours a day. Big WTG to Tramps DW.....after a Iron man, she probably can tolerate you a lot better  Wink


      I wanted to say something that was bugging me just a little. I have a couple of nice and sweet gal friends right now, and we are having fun hanging out and doing stuff together. I can just be silly sometimes and ornery, but I never mean ANY disrespect towards either one of these gals. I could never ever be that way to any lady, or human being as far as that goes. Forgive me for just being my goofy self, but I would never disrespect any one of these dear ladies. I kinda like Donna, and she is nice and we have ran together numerous times now. She loves running, but even more so now as she has a guy who cares to run with. So much so, that she is toying with the idea of running a marathon maybe this coming spring...she is up to 13 miles now - good for her. She has a really good running gait and good form, and she just loves running, for running sake. Nice runners build to - 123 pounds and lean Smile


      4 super easy relaxed miles with her last night, at the Wabash State Park close to her home...she said that was the latest she has ever ran before as we ran after I got off work and drove there. Then a nice dinner and conversation after...nice


      Taper this time...making me edgy and irritable ....suppose thats a good thing ?. Marathon forecast..sunny and 50's Smile


      Have a good day...



      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

      Mike E

      MM #5615

        Good morning! 


        Hey--could you keep my granddaughter, Megan, in your thoughts, today?  She's have a cochlear implant, put in today.  Like she said last night when I asked her if she was excited or nervous about it, "I'm a little bit of both."  So am I.


        Anyway--that's all I had.  I hope your head feels better, Tramps.

          Off day for me today. 


          Mike, keeping your granddaughter in my thoughts.  I hope the surgery goes smoothly. 


          Tim, good luck this weekend!

          Once a runner . . .

          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

            Awe .... {{{{Megan}}}}  How old is she Mike?


            Is your daughter feeling better today JDmom


            Econo - did anyone show up for your conehead party??  Wink


            Tim - it sounds like you are liking this Donna a little more than the other?    


            I have been awake since 3:30 a.m. with an upset tummy, which has now subsided, but that along with the rain were the two reasons I did not run today.     Last week I received an e-mail from a man that wanted to know if I had any pups available.   He said that they owned the sweetest Griffon for 6 years and all of a sudden he went crazy, literally , and they had to put him down the end of August.   He said that his wife and daughter's have been so depressed that he can't stand it and wants to get another.    Well, my wait list is quite long, and I didn't have any available, but his story had a part of my heart.    Yesterday I received an e-mail that one person had to back out of getting his puppy, so I called this guy who is also local which is nice.    He and his wife stopped over last night and brought their daughter along to surprise her.    When she came in and saw the puppies, she started crying .... and then the mom started crying .... and well, you know who was next.      Anyway, it was just a very nice moment and I feel so good making a family that happy.




            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



              Oh Mary, what a sweet story! It had me crying!  How wonderful that it worked out that you had a pup for them.


              Thanks for asking about dd.  She is a little better but the rash is still there.  Thank goodness for Google - I was able to determine that it may take a week for it (contact dermatitis) to go away.  We are keeping her comfortable with hydrocortisone and giving her Benadryl at night.  No more Halloween costumes involving makeup!

              Once a runner . . .


                Tramps, did Econo whacked you in the head with a trout. Great weekly mileage there! I looked at your log after your comment RE: Pfitz. 

                Dave59, good luck with the legs. Take care. It takes awhile for my legs to feel better after any race.

                Timbo, good luck this weekend.

                Walt, it is great to hear about all the work that is coming your way!!!

                Mike, keeping your grand daughter in my thoughts and prayer today. Keep us posted.

                Anyone has heard from Craneium?

                Deez4boys, that is funny that they postponed Halloween until Sunday. We had only a handful of kids in our house. I went to volunteer at a Hallelujah Carnival that is organized by a local church. Every year they rent a huge salon at the fair grounds and they convert the whole place into a carnival with about 30 different games that kids can play. We had over 1,000 attending the event. My booth was the table bowling booth and I came home with my hip, knees and feet hurting from crawling to the floor hundreds of time to pick up the bowling pins and balls. It was so much fun to see kids having fun. Ohh, and there were sooo many butterfly princesses, so my wings were not alone.


                No running for me this morning. The Easy Pacer and I will RAW this afternoon. He asked me to buy a safety vest for me, which I will do during by break, so we can keep on running in the evenings until the weather gets colder. I am so proud of him for sticking to his running plan.

                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                  Dove, I got a kick out of your goldfish story on Tues.  I guess it really isn't funny but I'd never heard of such a thing.  Tammy, nice haloween pics of your son.  roch, funny videos.  mari, I hope you've had a serious, and successful, discussion with your cat.  jlynne, I hope Ben's surgery went well.  jdmom, glad to hear there's some improvement with your daughter.  wild, nice picture of the dogs in the snow.  I hope we don't see any snow for awhile.  Mike, my thoughts are with your granddaughter on her surgery today.  mari, safety vests are a good idea even though I don't have one.  For my runs in the dark, I have a headlight that's on an elastic band that I wear on my head and a blinking red light that I put on the back of my jacket or shirt with a magnet.  People tell me they see me a long ways off.


                  Nice long runs for Skip, Opie, and mari.  Good job on the speedwork for Holly and Walt.


                  This morning, I was dreading going out for my scheduled 12 miles.  It was threatening rain and I felt like I had no energy.  Checking online, I found our local 5K Turkey Trot is this Sat.  Therefore, it gave me an excuse to wimp out and call it a taper.  I did 5 miles in 50:45 for a 10:09 pace.


                  A good day and good runs for all.




                  MM #6177

                    Sweet story about the family and the new pup, Mary!


                    Aw Tim, we know you care.


                    Keeping your granddaughter in mind today, MikeE.


                    Anyone know anything about truncal lymphedema? Turns out the puffiness and referred arm pain I've been having might be that. Just placed a call to a local registered lymphedema PT. I've been learning that it's highly unlikely but not completely uncommon to develop LE even with only one lymph node removed. Hopefully this will just be a rule-out, and the discomfort I'm feeling is just par for the course.


                    4 EZ PZ chatty miles with one of my running gal pals; looks like this is becoming a regular running date on Thursday morning for us. Nice!


                    Hmm, six more months and I age up, wow....

                    King of PhotoShop

                      Tom, you know i don't like to have to correct people here, but you spelled Roach as roch in your post today. (By the way, I think it's cool that Perch is buying a house in the same town, so maybe he will be Roach Jr., or Roachlet.)


                      An easy 3.3 miles on the dirt track with my RP as our last workout before Sunday's Dallas Running Club Half, then a flex and core workout at the Y.  Now I'm taking off for two days, which makes me nervous.  Just 20 miles this week and I believe I will be very prepared for Sunday.  If I don't win I am going to kill somebody.


                      Good post Tim.  I am glad to see you took that coaching advice as intended and that you respect these two ladies.


                      Mary, when we got Lucy for Riblet, we took him on a "surprise ride".  He had no idea where we were taking him and when we got to the breeder's house she handled it beautifully.  "I understand I have something to give to you today."  How happy we were in the car coming home.  I think I will go dig up that photo and post it again.   Spareribs

                      King of PhotoShop


                          Puppies are just so adorable! 


                          Mary, that is such a good heart warming story about finding a new family for one of your pups. It's like it was just meant to be, wouldn't you say?  very cool indeed!


                          Opie, I meant to comment the other day about your recent PR. and I saw over in the monthly totals thread (I thnk that is where i saw it?) about your high mileage and great racing lately. You've really been doing so well. You've put in the training and are reaping the rewards! nice going!


                            I just volunteered to be a math tutor in my DD's class.  I sure hope they don't teach binary in the 4th grade, but I wouldn't be surprised given what I have seen them learning.


                            Hope to do a noon run before the rain starts.


                            When I brought our dog home, there was a sign posted on the door saying "NO DOGS!!".  DD was completely against the idea, and the other two members of the family were ambivalent.  Then I started to have my doubts too as the dog had to go outside in the middle of the night with diarrhea several times, for a whole week.  The dog was the only happy one, jumping for joy, after being locked up at the shelter for a week.  But of course now, after a year, DD wants the dog around her all the time.

                            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                              Thanks Tammy!  I've had 2 good races this season and 2 lousy ones so guess I'm batting .500 and I'll take it.  Yasso 800's planned after work.  It'll be really interesting to see if they work as a predictor.  On my entry form, I almost skipped the predicted finish time section but put...wait, I can't say it out loud.

                              "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

                                Jlynne I hope Ben's surgery went well and indeed it all turned out to be essentially nothing.


                                Holly S. I so wish my parents had me take guitar lessons.  The only thing I can play is the MP3.  Sad  I really love music, I have it on pretty much all the time; especially while working.  I cannot sing for anything.  But I would think I could play something.  One day your DD will be glad she had this chance.


                                enkephalin nice holiday season avatar.


                                breger1 back problems are rough.  I really hope it gets better fast.  Driving, from what I can tell, is about as bad an activity as one can imagine for the lower body.


                                Econo on a cell I found that I can edit in HTML mode (little blue HTML in top bar all the way on the right in writing area) and get in paragraph breaks that way.


                                wildchild looks beautiful out where you were running.  The dogs are clearly pretty happy to be there!  Me?  I am happy to see pictures of snow instead of real snow as of now, thank you!  Wink


                                fatozzig it is great you and your prior boss are still close enough friends that you all went out for dinner like that!


                                biketm and what brought about this "confession?"  Confused


                                Mike E. from what I understand those cochlear implants are amazing devices.  I hope your GD's implant works perfectly and she can hear better than the rest of us non-bionic mortals after it is in!  My best wishes for her.


                                hopeful4ever very sweet story.  By the way if you have a "long waiting list" it means "I am not charging enough for puppies."  Raise your prices!  If you feel guilty about it, take the additional money it generates and send me a check for it!  That will clear your conscience and, well, I have none!  See we can all benefit here.  One of those win-win things.  Big grin


                                tselbs good way to turn a 12 mile run into a 5 mile one; all guilt free!  Good luck in the Turkey Trot.


                                I wish I had some running to report.  But I am still on a doctor's ordered hiatus with a bit more than four weeks to go.  My big adventure yesterday was to get a pill splitter in anticipation of going on a lower dose of steroids next week.  Today was another elliptical day followed by some gym work.  One surprise I got came early last evening.  I have a policy that if a student finds a typo in my notes I will take him out for a beer.  Well, one of my students found one so I was paying off my debt last evening.  (Before anybody gets the wrong idea here, my students are typically in their mid to late 20's!  Along with a friend she brought along (I offered to add in as a bonus a drink for a friend if she wanted to bring one) we were discussing hobbies and her friend (also a student of mine) asked about my marathons.  He, her friend, knew about them from an post marathon souvenir plaque I have in my office.  It turns out the student who found the typo has a friend, her partner on the reports due in my course, who is running the NYC marathon this weekend and suggested I mention it in class on Monday.  What a great idea!  I am now busy trying to figure out a clever PowerPoint slide that will slowly reveal information to see if I can get her friend to pipe up and say something like, "Hey that was my marathon time" or some such.  Evil  This should be fun!  Yes, I am boring enough to consider something like preparing a PowerPoint slide fun!  Smile

                                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->
