Masters Running


thursday july 31 runs and thoughts for spareribs (Read 545 times)

    good morning all, it's another beautiful one here in sweden - the kind of weather you think can go on and on forever, 80s and sunny, though they are threatening highs in the 60s next week. better for running, but still - it is summer. 4 miles in 53 minutes, pace 13.16 (which is miraculously speedy for me!) with my DH today, who ran some and walked some. this is my 37th summer here, and we have gone walking or running almost every day we are here. amazingly, each year we have found a new walk, run, or trail. today's run was wonderful - part trail run, through the woods, hills, wildflowers. of course, most of our runs have a little of everything, but to still find a new one after all these years, without driving anywhere, amazes me every time. and of course, down to the fjord for a dip afterwards. and, drum roll - i broke 100 miles for the first month since october.... yesss! meanwhile, thinking about spare ribs and the saint today, sending white light for a speedy recovery. good runs, susan

      good morning all, thinking about spare ribs and the saint today, sending white light for a speedy recovery. good runs, susan


      King of PhotoShop

        Ah thanks Susan, you are all very kind, but you must focus on your running today! I've been the headline here for days and feel bad about taking up all the linage (old newspaper talk). We're up and ready to head out the door. Here is an interesting tidbit for those of you who aren't in and out of hospitals for surgery. I took my last shower last night and not allowed to take one today. That is because they give you these big pre-moistened antiseptic wipes to wipe down your entire body with, and then you do that again the morning of the surgery. It leaves an antiseptic "coating" on your skin and leaves it feeling a bit tacky. It also itches. Nothing like heading off to the hospital with your skin itching all over! I had a pep talk with La Vita Dolce (my sweetie Rose) and coached her on how to post updates. I'm counting on you people to make sure she doesn't screw it up! Can't wait for this to be over and get back to running so I can whup that CNYrunner next year! As Frankie sang, "I'll be a big man in town, honest honey, I'll be a big man in town, just you wait and see, you'll be proud of me..." Thanks everyone! Spareribs
          I'll try to take just one line: Spareribs, it is always uplifting to see how upbeat you are. Regarding running: 73°F and 90% humidity. That coupled with running faster than I should have turned a 12 miler into a 9 miler this morning. I've been doing that more this cycle than others, but I'm trying not to feel too bad -- I'm still getting in a lot of miles. Of course, PDR is kicking my butt in that respect, but she's really turned on the jets this year, so that's nothing to feel bad about either. 9.1 miles @ 8:46, 1:20, AHR 153 Good runs, all.

          Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

            Sorry Mr. Ribs - you don't (completely) control the content here. We wish you all the best today and then onto a speedy recovery. You'll be back on the road better than ever with your reconditioned ticker. We're also thinking about Nurse Saint and your boys today. 9.0 miles in humid sticky conditions. This is my 3rd consecutive 9 miler this week, but I've gotten a bit speedier each time as last Sunday's long run recedes from my legs. 1:31:44, 10:11 pace.

            aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

            Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason

              Stop writing about you Ribs? Forget about it. We care about you and you better just get used to it. 6 easy recovery miles in 59 minutes. Avg HR 128 76F and 89%. Nuthin' special. Bill

              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

              Marathon Maniac #957

                Good Morning! Spareribs – thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery and quick healing for you, and for the Saint and your family going through this with you. PDR – I’m looking longingly at your workouts… Smile ...nice running.... No run for me today – light x-training instead: push-ups, leg lifts w/ankle weights, face-up and face-down (I couldn't do these a week ago), bent rows, superman lifts, crunches and wall-sits. Happy Thursday!

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                Marathon Maniac #3309

                  Morning everyone Smile Will be thinking about Ribs and his family also today. Will be great to hear the updates and to see his recovery back to running again first hand....HEY, I would like a piece of Ribs too when he gets back to racing...better be careful what I wish for, huh? Nice run Susan and thanks for the good start off Smile Also, nice 9"s for Lou and Predawnrunner in the H&H Ok, I mentioned the other day I think my new running shoes were just bad shoes. I think after last night I believe these shoes are faulty and causing me huge problems. Last night during my run, my gait was waaaay off and I did not have proper form and never felt comfortable....but aerobically felt super. My heels - arches - Achilles - knees - and back were killing me and I felt extremely flat footed...I might as well have ran barefoot (no offense to barefoot runners) Once home I dug out a pair of older running shoes that have about 500 miles on them. I put them on and I felt the great support that I am used to. Then I put my new shoes on and felt no support and basically was standing there flat new shoes have NO arch support at all and is causing me my problems. I am going to get new shoes asap....hopefully free, and I believe that will take care of my problems. The thing is, what if my regular brand and model shoes just aren't good for me anymore....will have to find new shoes that are good for my feet and gait which can be frustrating to say the least....anyone one have any suggestions for a overpronater? Also, I always heard a good way to check shoes is to try and push the shoes together from end to end, and see how easy the back part of the shoe touches the toe new shoes it was super easy, my older shoes super hard...if that makes sense Confused Oh yeah, 12 miles - 1:46:01 - 8:51 ave pace. Was suppose to be my speed workout night with 1000 meter repeats....but knew that would not be smart right now. Have a great day and runs all Smile Tim

                  Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                    Spareribs - Thinking about u 50 minute tempo run out there. Happy I ran this morning as it's going to be HOT. Feeling fit as a fiddle, although not race tuned yet...that's what September is for. Body fat is down to 8.5% which is about as low as I want it to be. My lady friend is coming over for dinner tongith for the first time. It's my turn to cook. Pressure is on!! Hopefully I pass the test. Wish me luck I also took the day off tomorrow so I can head up and join the girls asap up at the cottage. Cannot wait to spend the week with them. See you in a week. Tall

                    Recent Best times: None recently

                    i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                      Spareribs will do fine, can't wait to hear from him at the other end. Best of luck SR! 3 9's in a row PDR? Awesome! WRFB... high dewpoint just drains you. I'd check out weight loss.. dehydration. I skimmed those articles you posted, some good info. But they all are one size fits all generalizations. I think everybody needs to determine thier own sweat rate for hot weather running. And don't forget to backout 32g (100 cal) per mile weight loss from fuel burning Smile 4.4 Magical Healing Miles with Tory. Very muggy ths morning here too. (((ribs)))

                      Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                      The Jogger

                        Morning Gang Good start to the day Susan, Lou we have the same HR again but again you are minutes speedier, fit fit fit... PDR sweaty weather over here too, Holly looking good and looking like you are recovering, Nice 6 Bill great HR I went out for another 8 hilly trail miles. It was very humid, hot and sticky and poor old Woody was feeling it (glad I'm not dyslexic) Smile Anyway: 8m 01:26:32 @ 10:49 AHR 153 72% WHR Good Runs All Roy (((((((( Spareribs & family))))))))

                          Best wishes for a speedy recovery Ribs. I plodded along for 4.2 miles this morning. It felt really good actually. I haven't made the progress that I hoped for this year in miles, speed or in weight loss, but on the plus side I'm up to 77 miles this month from a low of 14 in February when I was in the hospital for tests. (That fortunately turned out to be nothing. Probably just too much stress.) Anything is better than last summer and the foot injury. I feel bad for those of you with injuries now because I know how utterly frustrating it is.



                          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                            No run for me to report - hopefully tomorrow though. Just wanted to also with MrRibs all the best today and I'll be watching for updates too.


                            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                              Morning, all! Susan - congrats on making 100 this month - that is super! {{{{{{{{{Spareribs and the Saint}}}}}}}}}}} Jlynne - belated Happy Birthday! Sorry to hear you are on the DL! Hope you are able to do some cross training. Tall - what's on the menu??? We might all show up for dinner ;-) Extremely muggy here this morning - felt like I was back in Missouri. 7.25 "easy" miles on the track @ 9:58 average pace and 156 average heart rate. Hard to keep the heart rate down when you are breathing water. Good runs to all!

                              Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous


                                Best of luck and good wishes to Spareribs this morning. Can't wait to read his first post after completing a 20 miler! Take care, friend. Jeanne