Masters Running


Wake up it's Saturday! (Read 465 times)


    Good morning, weekend is here. Cloudy now but it should be warmer later. Tomorrow and Monday quite warm, ugh.  i think my planned run tomorrow is a bad idea.


    Easy 4 miles for me, not terribly lively.


    I hope Hollys 50k is going well. Good luck to all weekend racers!


    MM #6177

      I thought Heme was the one doing the 50k today... either way, good luck to all the racers today! Smile


        Good morning good people. Let me second OM's wishes for great races today.


        Perch - awesome job on that bathroom remodel. Maybe you can do it all over again when you move to Michigan.


        Glad you came through your sugery OM. Hope that everything to follow goes just as well.


        Well, I've had an interesting couple of days. The herniated disc turned out to be a bigger problem than I realized. The L5 S1  was herniated in such a way that it was affecing my bladder and bowels (sorry, TMI for this early in the day). The back surgeon said this could become permanent damage if the disc wasn't fixed. So I've spend the last 2 days in the hospital and am hopeful that the surgery fixed everything it was supposed to. The good old doc even removed some arthritis from that area. I'll be out of commission for anything - golf, running - until at least August. I'm bummed about that because summers are so short here. But if it will enable me to start running again it will all be worth it.


        I'll be doing my summer running through you guys, so do me proud, okay?


        MM #6177

          {{{Jlynne}}} Hope you heal up quickly!


            Jylnne...It sounds like it was a good thing it was caught early enough and the likely reason it was caught was because of your running. Come August those first few runs will feel like your starting all over but that only last for a very short while. You'll be back and stronger than ever. Heel up and stay in touch with us !!!!!


            OM...I love your spirits. There is no "Woe is me" in your vernacular. Awesome attitude !


            Perch...I've almost completed my Bathroom. It pales in comparison. In both size and craftsmanship. Fantastic job !


            A nice MP'ish paced 7 miler this am. Slightly humid but cool.

            Mike E

            MM #5615

              OM...I love your spirits. There is no "Woe is me" in your vernacular. Awesome attitude !


               Yep, OM--I agree with Slo!  You are really amazing!  I wish I could be more like you!


              Jlynne--that really stinks.  But, like all of us who have had to take extended time off from running, you'll be back--and with a renewed appreciation for running, I'm sure.


              Yeah--good luck to everybody racing and running this weekend!


              I'll be doing 6 to 10, today--still haven't decided.  I think I'm supposed to do some yard work, so we'll see how that goes.


              It has been a pretty tough week for me.  I have gone back and forth as to whether I should share it with you guys...but...what the heck. 


              Tuesday, on my way home from work, I received a call telling me that my 18 year old son was being taken to the ER...he had overdosed on something with PCP in it.  After a night in the ICU, he regained conciousness, and should make a full recovery. 


              My wife and I have 8 kids--when we met, she had 3 kids--I had 3 kids (we both had full custody of our kids), we got married, and then we had 2 kids together.  This 18 year old is our youngest.  All of our kids have grown to become pretty good adults...a few glitches along the way...but nothing we couldn't handle.  Now...with this one it has been two years of pure hell.  He has been in so many treatment centers and different schools and detention centers--he has seen so many councilors and psychiatrists and physiologists--and on and on and on.  He has been diagnosed with a mental health issue and it has been really frustrating dealing with people in "the system" as I've tried to get him the help that he needs.  Two years ago I was telling these people, "I only have a couple years to turn this kid around."  Now that he's 18 all I hear is, "Well, he's 18, there's not a whole lot you can do."  Well--I looked at this latest event as an opportunity to have him legally comitted to a mental heath/chemical abuse treatment center.  I was yelling at this guy from the county in the hallway of the hospital, yesterday, as he was telling me that my son doesn't "meet their criteria".  He has to, "show a pattern of abuse."  I keep telling these people that nobody has addressed the mental health side of this--they keep focusing on the chemical abuse--well, in my opinion, if you get the mental health issue under control it's going to be a whole lot easier to deal with the chemical abuse.  Dose that make sense, or am I the only one that sees it this way?


              My wife, of course, cannot stand the thought of "her baby" locked up in another treatment center, so...well you can imagine the "conversations" that we've had.  Anyway--their final decision was to release him from the hospital.  He'll be living with one of his sisters, about an hour away from us and, I guess, he'll start school again next fall...who knows.


              So--it's been a tough week--a tough couple of years--so I have a lot to learn from OM and her "no woe is me" attitude.   

                [[[[[[ jlynne]]]]





                ...26min poolrun............90s


                reelmowing after work,


                tomorrow AND Monday...........ohboyohboy


                .........................good running guys............have a safe weekend

                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....




                  Thanks for sharing. Man o man can it be tough. First, I'm glad to hear that he is on his way to a full recovery. Your family will be added to my prayers. You don't seem like a guy that would ever give up which is probably one thing he really needs. You may be in for a few more years of pure hell but I've seen these situations turn around. Maybe this recent incident will be the wake up call.  The brain at the age of 18 is not always ready and sometimes not capable to make rational decisions. Keep looking for the help. My nephew is finally getting some help he needs. It just took getting the right person to see what was going on.


                  Best wishes.


                    Brief droid post. - Finished 10k, 48:33 (beat expectations) -Talked to Bil - Saw Mustang Sally finish How could I forget to mention meeting SteveP and Tag! I also was talking to "Dave" without knowing at first that it was DaveinAA. Got to see Debbie (dg) finish her run too.



                      jlynne, it sounds like it was good you saw the surgeon.  You should be much better off in the long haul due to your surgery.  Good luck in  the healing process.  Keep us posted as to how you are recovering and let us run for you for the next few months.  Mike, I'm sorry to hear of your difficulties with your son.  You will all be in my thoughts.  I'm wishing you and your family continued strength and patience until his problems are resolved.  Dave, very nice 10K in TC.  7:49/mile is really moving.  It's neat you've seen some of our on-line crew and I hope you see some more.


                      Nice long run for Dive.


                      This morning, it was in the low 50s and there was just a light wind.  Conditions were good for running.  I got in 8 miles in about 1:22:20 for a 10:17 pace.


                      A good day and good runs for all.




                        Big hugs to JLynne and Mike.  Lynne, I hope the surgery was  a complete  success; sorry about losing the summer for running, but fall is nice too, and the problem will be fixed.  Doesn't sound like you had much choice.


                        OM, I hope you are recovering well and love your spirit.


                          Mike, that is tough stuff. DH and I have 4 kids between us, his older two and two together.  The older two were  not easy as teens but have finished  college well and are gainfully employed.   Our DD, age nearly 18, graduates this year, and there have definitely been some issues, not ( as far we know) of the magnitude you describe, but certainly some worrisome issues.  She is incredibly talented too, in many areas.  We are hoping she grows up and digs in next year. She got the award in her World Lit class for " most likely to get the highest essay grade without having read the book."  Not sure what I think about that,  but it is spot on in many regards.  


                        I hate the age 18 barrier to getting medical info. or imposing certain decisions too; your only weapon then is money.   Best of luck and you are a great dad.


                        I will stop fussing about tomorrow's weather and an event no one is forcing me to do... Shocked

                        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                          Jlynne... it's good to take care of things properly and then recover.  I took last summer off, mainly pool running, started up in August and have been running every day since.


                          Mike.. it's amazing how one kid can be more draining than 7 others combined!  Good luck.


                          Nice 10K Dave.


                          They say a cool front moved through but I couldn't tell the difference. Ran 6 miles in 49:25 (8:14).


                          During the run a girl came running from a side street just up ahead and I just fell in behind her (Back about 100 yds) going the same pace, then we came up to a guy running and passed him pretty quickly. I looked at the Garmin and we were going 7:50. Wierd, she looked like she was jogging.


                          Thanks for the kind comments on my bath remodel.  Good practice for sure as when we find a really old house in Michigan.

                          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                            perchcreek great job on the bathroom remodel!  When are you coming to CT?  If anybody here has not seen the pictures I highly recommend going to yesterday's daily, towards the end, and clicking on the link he has there.


                            Jlynne the time will go and you will run again.  If you can walk towards the end before you can run you will find picking up your running is a breeze.  I had two years of down time with no running.  But I could walk.  When I took up running again my first one was 6 miles and it was not a stretch.  You are in great athletic shape you will surely be fine.


                            Mike E you and your family have my wishes for the very best in your struggles with your youngest.  I just cannot imagine what it must be like.  You are a great father to maintain the level of perseverance you are showing.


                            lamerunner FWIW I was a total screw up in high school.  My view, back then, was if you had to study to know something it was not worth knowing.  Roll eyes  I got to college and totally changed.


                            tselbs you always give shout outs to everybody else for their runs.  So here is one just for you on your 8 miles today!


                            A lot of excitement here at the cat house.  (Yea, I think I am pretty funny!)  I wound up waking up early today and planned to make my drunken Irish soda bread for the joggers club and an Irish brown bread for the DW and me.  I also planned to try running again.  The first part worked just fine.  I got the bread in oven.  Then DW came down turned on the water in the kitchen sink and what do you know it would not shut off!  Oh great!  It is a single handle faucet with a cartridge in it to control the water flow.  We recently replaced it.  The cartridge is shot again.  Between my attempts to see I could fix it and waiting for the plumber the run was out.  Worse, a replacement cartridge is a special order item and would likely not show up (with the holiday weekend and all) for nearly two weeks.  Great no kitchen sink for two weeks.  I decided I am fed up with this faucet and announced we are getting a new one from a different company.  DW is now mad at me because she wants the same style.  Me?  I want one that actually works.  In the meantime we are going to have to do a lot of eating out.  I guess there are worse fates.  I have wanted to try the new Israeli place in town, and then there is the new fish place and the new . . . Big grin  Should be good!

                            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                              Twocat, maybe I should start my new "online" meal delivery service. I can FedEX  overnight your meals for you at a very, very cheap "introductory offer price". Sorry to hear about this mishap. Will you run this afternoon?


                              Jlynne, sorry to hear about the surgery, but here is some butterfly hugs for a speedy recovery.

                              Mike, what a loving, caring father you are. Blessings and patience to you and your DW. Crucial conversations are tough to have!


                              Pampered myself with 10 hours of sleep last night, breakfast in bed this morning and now ready to go to a funeral, then to the local farmers market, then to do some shopping at JCP, then back home. I have a fun 8 miler to run this no like taper time, noooo no like it. Smile

                              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                                Huge hugs to mike and jlynne! I ran my best 10k ever today. It was a very hilly course which I literally "erika'd" up. I just chanted Er-I-ka over and over until I got to the top. I never gave in to walk a little and pushed through. I knew when I felt like tossing my cookies at the end that I gave it my all. Oh, and it was quite windy too, so I was very happy with my 59:26:7 and 2nd in age group.


                                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


