This and That (Read 471 times)


Good Bad & The Monkey

    I'm still in a bad mood.
    Why so serious? At least you don't have a migraine with kids running around your house and a bunch of construction guys jackhammering bedrock 5 feet from your backdoor, all while exhausted from coughing all night and slogging out 20 miles.

    Why is it sideways?

      Why so serious? At least you don't have a migraine with kids running around your house and a bunch of construction guys jackhammering bedrock 5 feet from your backdoor, all while exhausted from coughing all night and slogging out 20 miles.
      You're so fucking tough with your cough.

      Good Bad & The Monkey

        Heh. Sayeth the man who finished 80% of his run.

        The Thunder

          You're so fucking tough with your cough.
          Ahhh this made me did Trent's retort. I love you guys.

          1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…

          Oh Mighty Wing

            Ahhh this made me did Trent's retort. I love you guys.
            aww I love all of you guys!!

            Lazy idiot

              Anybody know how many miles The Thunder ran last week? I was wondering over lunch, today.

              Tick tock

              The Thunder

                Anybody know how many miles The Thunder ran last week? I was wondering over lunch, today.
                Good question my Weasel. I ran 100.

                1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…

                Lazy idiot

                  Good question my Weasel. I ran 100.
                  GETM, The Dumbass. (Also, nice work!)

                  Tick tock

                  The Thunder

                    GETM, The Dumbass. (Also, nice work!)
                    Wait...this isn't a GETM. I knew your question wasn't a serious one. I didn't think you were trying to steal my cool pts, I thought you playing the loyal, trusty sidekick...and setting me up for glory. So I don't think my points were really at stake here.

                    1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…


                    Good Bad & The Monkey

                      The Thunder raises an interesting point, weasel. And to that point, I think you cannot get the cool points. But anybody else can. The Thunder: GETM.

                      The Thunder

                        The Thunder raises an interesting point, weasel. And to that point, I think you cannot get the cool points. But anybody else can. The Thunder: GETM.
                        Trent, that makes no sense.

                        1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…

                        Lazy idiot

                          Motherfu.... Foiled by my blind worship. Thunderdamnit!!!!

                          Tick tock

                          Meh, $5 is $5...

                            Why so serious?
                            Anybody else picture Trent dressed like this when he said that?

                            Good Bad & The Monkey

                              What took you people so long?

                              Meh, $5 is $5...

                                Laziness on my part. I assumed someone else would do it.