Yazoo... (Read 968 times)

Meh, $5 is $5...

    • Justin has raced more than I thought


    I'm pleased to see that pacing Jeff for 1 mile of a 5K means that I've raced more than you thought. 

    Meh, $5 is $5...


      Sounds good to me. Tanya--explain again how beer at 5pm prohibits waking at the ass-crack of dawn?


      Bring the books, por favor.  I need to brush up on continuous time and you never did get back to me on Wednesday's attempt at beer.


      Added - no more talk of "ass" or "crack."  There was literally a conversation between two guys at the local Y regarding who had more hair on their ass today.  For real.  I need a new gym.

      Why is it sideways?

        Will do. Sorry about that.
          I think I can make it this time - hopefully I will be celebrating the completion of my dissertation pre-testing (booooring). I promise I won't talk about it 

          Meh, $5 is $5...

            No worries. 


            Completing pre-testing is an excellent reason for Yazoo.  Plus, you did a great job cheering yesterday, which did not go unnoticed.  Did the pics of the sign come out okay?  The "runner of unknown gender" sign still makes me bust up.

            The Thunder

              I'm in for 1 beer...or however many I can drink from 5:10-5:50.  Uh oh....

              1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…

                No worries. 


                Completing pre-testing is an excellent reason for Yazoo.  Plus, you did a great job cheering yesterday, which did not go unnoticed.  Did the pics of the sign come out okay?  The "runner of unknown gender" sign still makes me bust up.


                I suggested to Deanna that she frame the "runner of unknown gender'. That kid is a genious! Picture came out great! Maybe next time we'll photo copy your face and wear it on our chests.


                Hahaha...  oh wait. I don't have one.


                  My son has the H1N1 flu, and my wife may have it too.  They've cancelled their trip out of town, of course.  I'm feeling ok, but I'm going to skip Yazoo tomorrow.  I don't want to risk spreading cooties in the middle of fall racing season.

                  Good Bad & The Monkey

                    Bill.  You need Tamiflu.

                    Question: how do you know it is H1N1?

                    Meh, $5 is $5...

                      Bill - Hope the family feels better. 


                      Are the rest of you toolboxes still planning to go? 

                      The King of Beasts

                        I plan on being there. 


                        If I am up this fucking early to get my run in before "work".

                        "As a dreamer of dreams and a travelin' man I have chalked up many a mile. Read dozens of books about heroes and crooks, And I've learned much from both of their styles." ~ Jimmy Buffett


                        "I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way."”

                        Hoodoo Guru

                          I am out.  I'm on daughter duty.

                          The tangents are moot.




                          The Thunder

                            I am in for at least one beer.  I'll be there from 5:10-5:50.

                            1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…

                            Why is it sideways?


                              Good Bad & The Monkey

                                Maybe.  ~4:45-5:30.  Maybe.