Trailer Trash


Insomnia Strikes Again Wednesday!!! (Read 19 times)


    AT: That is a beautiful rattlesnake. I spend an enormous amount of time in the woods, and I have never seen a live rattlesnake in the woods. Years ago, there was a little spot along the Tickfaw River that I used to turkey hunt. It was loaded with turkeys. I spent a lot of time on one wood lot on the place, probably a 70 acre hardwood bottom. I killed a good number of turkeys in that lot over the years and never saw a snake. The landowner sold it right after turkey season one year, and he told me the surveyors killed 8 rattlesnakes and 10 cottomouths in that particular woodlot. It gave me chills to think of how many times I probably sat down right beside one and never even knew it.


      OK if you are gonna start telling snake stories, I'll share this from my county....



      Odds are, if you do come upon a rattlesnake, it will be only one snake, not two like in this video recorded by a Shiloh Ranch hiker last August. She and a friend were hiking on Ridge Trail when these snakes treated them to a sight most of us will never see. Experts tell us these are two male rattlesnakes wrestling for the right to mate with a female who's nearby, but out of sight. They're competing to establish dominance, not to harm each other. We’re not sure who won this battle, but we’re glad we got to see it in action.


