Trailer Trash


Terrible Tuesdaily (Read 14 times)


    The weather here has been sort of laughable, downright terrible for the end of March. Yesterday the wind was howling and blowing in snow squalls on and off all day. Lake effect snow I believe. We are several hundred miles from either Lake Erie or Ontario. Just north of here they had a big pile-up with a few fatalities on I-81 from the snow squalls. I don't know what goes on with the interstates up there. Both I81 and I78 north of us are notorious for pile-ups and issues when the weather is bad. A few years back vehicles were stranded for almost a day due to ice and jackknifed semis.


    Anyway, no run yesterday. It looks gorgeous out today, sunny and bright but the wind is still pretty strong and temps only in the low to mid 30's. Decent weather for January, not so much spring. Sigh. Anyway, a few miles are in order later out at the lake.


    QOTD: Worst conditions that you've experienced for a road trip?


    Epic bad trip in the early 90's with missus to be and our first dog Buster from Dallas TX to Ohio for Christmas. Never mind that the 1 day trip took 4 days. Worst part, well at least we were moving was south western Arkansas from the state line to little rock. That was day 3 of the drive mind you. At least the ice storms had stopped. I took us 4-5 hours to get to Little Rock on an interstate that was nothing more than a rutted ice covered road with abandon cars and semis everywhere you looked. Should have took 90 minutes. It was sort of apocalyptic, but at least we could make progress compared to the days before. Glad I had common sense that day to get lodging midday the day before.

    In dog beers, I've only had one.


      Yesterday was a short row. Today, I’ll get out with the brewer group for 5. It’s still really windy out, but has warmed up to about 40 or so. 23 at this morning’s dog walk was a shocker (for dc-md in almost April). Thursday is supposed to be in the seventies.


      Qotd- Xmas drive from MN about 4 years ago. Lake effect snow and an icy turnpike. We ended up having to get pulled out of a small ditch. But much better off that the SUV we saw at the bottom of a hill.


        Got totally hung up at work and can’t run this afternoon. Grrrr.  I guess it’s a taper, which I wasn’t going to do this time.  I want to train through this run.


        qotd: I remember driving in North Texas and a cold front was going through. It was mid-afternoon and you could see the cloud line ahead, then when we hit it it was basically dark. It was like a dark green. The rain was so heavy we couldn’t see. The cars and trucks were creeping along just able to see the tail lights ahead. But we (or I guess anyone near us) didn’t want to stop because we were afraid of getting clobbered from behind. It took about 45 min to get through it, and it was dicey the whole time.  But once through it was clear as a bell. So weird.
