Trailer Trash


Western States 100 - NEW QUALIFYING STANDARDS!!! (Read 67 times)

Occasional Runner


    But they took the OD100 off the list.  I saw a post from RD at OD and he said they were told it's because race is too small.


    That makes sense. I liked that race quite a bit but it could be managed better. But I think they lie it how it is.


      I think the tumblr site is actually the most relevant thing that I've read on here. ha!


      Go back to 24 hour cut-off... psssssh.


      That will just narrow down participants back to men, ages 25-40. Like the good old days. Right......


      Did you know that only about 20 women finish under 24 hours at WS every year? And maybe one guy over 60? If the qualifying standard became sub-24, you are shutting out the older folks and women. That's not cool.


      Also, who on here has actually ran sub 24?


      Wink fess up kids.

      Occasional Runner


        Also, who on here has actually ran sub 24?


        Wink fess up kids.


        Me. Many times.


        There will always be people that get shut out of races that require qualifiers. That's kind of the entire purpose of having a qualification requirement. It's not for inclusion. It's for exclusion.



          Also, who on here has actually ran sub 24?


          Wink fess up kids.


          My 100 PR is at the RR100,  22:35.




            Me. Many times.


            There will always be people that get shut out of races that require qualifiers. That's kind of the entire purpose of having a qualification requirement. It's not for inclusion. It's for exclusion.


            So, if I understand correctly, you want to exclude most women and masters runners from Western States? If the qualification was a 24 hour 100, the rates of women and masters runners qualified would plummet.


            Really? you think that's a good approach. Interesting.


            Faster Than Your Couch!

              I still qualify, and I'm a slowpoke. In all honesty, if they took my "performance level" and made it the minimum requirement for WS (or tightened the requirements even more), I'd appreciate it. I don't feel I could run WS in an appropriate time now (without more training).


              I think the qualification requirements are not strict at all. The question in my eyes is, should WS be a prestigeous race with tight qualification requirements, like Boston, or should it be a breath-taking, awesome experience for most runners who have shown that they can run 100 miles, no matter how long it took them (as long as they met the finisher's cutoffs).

              Run for fun.

              Occasional Runner


                So, if I understand correctly, you want to exclude most women and masters runners from Western States? If the qualification was a 24 hour 100, the rates of women and masters runners qualified would plummet.


                Really? you think that's a good approach. Interesting.


                What do I think? I think you're a troll and we all know that feeding trolls is a bad idea.


                When you want to engage me in a way that isn't designed to create conflict, let me know. Until then...troll elsewhere.


                I've given my opinion, so there's no need to ask me to give it again or to clarify.

                Uh oh... now what?


                  So, if I understand correctly, you [I am some other you, I'm not the intended you] want to exclude most women and masters runners from Western States? If the qualification was a 24 hour 100, the rates of women and masters runners qualified would plummet.


                  Really? you think that's a good approach. Interesting.

                  If Western is to be construed as the de facto championship or whatever it is pursuing, of course there will be restrictions and exclusions.  Don't make that out to be sexist or ageist.  The standards were relaxed for several years and the screams of unfairness about the lottery only got louder.  Western was biased against non-California runners.  Western was biased against nonmountain runners.  The whole lottery was rigged. And so forth and so on and all we are left with is some anonymous soul like you who offers nothing but empty shouts and arm waving.


                  What do you support, propose, or want at Western?


                    I guess nobody asked me what I want  Wink , but I will just give one thought.


                    My preference would not be for WS to become something like Boston in one respect -- running dull flat races to get a qualifying time


                    People pick the fastest course to get in ... booooring. Our local marathon growing up got changed from a beautiful hilly course to a flat and less scenic course


                    I like that WS has different times for some of the European events that are longer than 100k but under 100 miles. They just need to tighten the standards for all races a bit in a targeted way. Running sub-24 at Wasatch and Rocky Raccoon are not equivalent.  Similarly, if the standard was to run something like Miwok in under 12, I could live with that
