Trailer Trash


Was I In Danger? (Read 78 times)

Occasional Runner

    I left the house at 4:30 so I could run my typical 6 mile route to the gym. I run this route a few times every week and am very familiar with the area.


    About 4 miles into my run, I was heading down the main road through the downtown Ogden area. This is a wide, 6 lane road, plus a turn lane in the center. This area is just passed downtown and entering a light industrial area before getting into the residential area. Because of this, and the time of day, it's pretty deserted. That's why I was surprised to see a young hispanic man cutting across the road up ahead of me. He was wearing baggy pants, a baggy black t-shirt and white hightop shoes. When he got to my side of the street, he began walking in the same direction that I was running, so I was approaching him from behind. I've never seen anybody on this sidewalk before during my run.


    When I encounter people from the rear while running on sidewalks, I always leave the sidewalk and run in the street. I do this because I've startled people so many times in the passed, so I do it out of courtesy. And this is what I did in this case as well.


    Here's where it gets weird....


    After getting around this young man, I planned to merge back onto the sidewalk like I always do. But after passing him, I heard his feet pounding the sidewalk at a rapid rate. He was running! Why is he running? He's clearly not out for a training run. WTF?!?!


    I didn't look over my shoulder because I didn't want him to think I was concerned. I could hear that he was getting closer and his footsteps were getting louder. I was running an 8:30 pace. I ramped up to a 7:30 pace. He began to fade momentarily but eventually began to gain on me again. WTF?!?! Is this guy chasing me? I still didn't look over my shoulder.


    This was the point where I had to make a decision. I needed to either RUN or I needed to confront this guy. I chose to run.


    I dropped the hammer and settled into a 6:00 pace. He sped up too! He held pace for about 30 seconds and then began to fade. After about 2 minutes, I couldn't hear his feet anymore. I ran at this pace for another minute before stopping to turn and look. When I did, the street was filled with dark shadows, but no sign of my running buddy.


    What was this guy up to? I'm baffled by the encounter.


    It reminded me of something my Granddad told me when I was 9 years old. He said, "Well...if you aint gonna be big, you better be fast!"


    Thankfully, I'm fast.


    flashlight and sidewalk

      Haha, dropped him!  Sounds like even if he meant to do you harm you were in no danger Big grin


      I worry about that kind of a situation when I run longer mileage and I don't have any effort left to give.  I feel like an easy target at that point.


      How old was the kid?  I generally think most teenagers are harmless unless they are in groups.


      **Ask me about streaking**




        Did you have a pack on or were you wearing an iPod?  Sounds like you avoided being tackled and having something stolen.  Call police and tell them just in case someone else sees him.

        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


        Computer Geek

          Be glad you're fast!  Maybe he just wanted to see how long he could keep up with you?

          Occasional Runner


            How old was the kid?  I generally think most teenagers are harmless unless they are in groups.

            I would guess he was in his early 20's.

            Occasional Runner

              Did you have a pack on or were you wearing an iPod?  Sounds like you avoided being tackled and having something stolen.  Call police and tell them just in case someone else sees him.


              That's something I forgot to mention. 99% of the time, I would have had my iPod with me but the battery was dead this morning so I left it on my charger. If I had been wearing it, I never would have heard his footsteps behind me. He definitely would have achieved whatever his goal was.


              Otherwise, I wasn't carrying anything.


              Le professeur de trail

                You should just turned around and dropped kicked him.


                I had a somewhat similar situtaion a couple years ago.  In the neighborhoods near me I was running at night (maybe 8 or 9 pm) and it was dark.  I ran by a group of kids.  They started following me.  I didn't turn (similar to you) but could hear the footsteps and heard them saying things to me (mostly mocking me).  I simply turned it up a bit.  They faded quickly.  Two weeks later, same thing.  When they saw me they said "there he is".  They followed.  Finally I got so annoyed I turned (while still running) and asked if they wanted to run with me.  One of the boys asked where I was running.  I responded "To the park" (which was literally only 1/2 mile more away).  At that point they were like "no way dude!" and they stopped running.  Funny thing was, I was out for 15 miles that night and had just started.  They were just a bunch of kids hanging out who thought it was cool to mock someone running.  I only felt threatened at the beginning but they were harmless.  I felt comfort in knowing I could outrun them. Most kids today cannot sustain much of a run (since they sit on their butts and play video games most of the time).


                Having said that, I am sure you will be a little more aware on your morning runs through Ogden.

                My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                Faster Than Your Couch!

                  Hard to tell if it was dangerous or just some weird encounter with someone who wanted to scare you.


                  I'd tell the local police about the incident, just in case. Maybe it's a guy they know already, and they might or might not give you some detail on whether to look out for the guy and try to avoid him.


                  My guess is that he might have tried to mug you. Maybe he was on drugs. Sure made for some nice speedwork.

                  Run for fun.


                    I don't know if you were in danger.  I think you should have looked over your shoulder just in case though and aksed if he wanted to run with you.  I've had similar encounters where a kid will start running along and I always try to keep it lite and ask if they want to run (similar to boyjame).  They have always backed off right away.


                    In a lighter situation, I have also have had younger kids overseas run with me and I just smile and jester to them to keep going with me.  It typically ends in laughing, smiles and waving goodbye.


                    Ultra Cowboy



                      Holden McGruyen

                        What did your intuition tell you? Did it tell you that the person you saw might have been out to harm you? We should listen to our hunches. Worrying about what the other person might think can lead to one's demise.


                        Good job outrunning him. In retrospect, I wonder if it might have been better to look over your shoulder to see what his intent was?

                        I'm Holden McGruyen. Would you like to join me?

                        Occasional Runner

                          What did your intuition tell you? Did it tell you that the person you saw might have been out to harm you? We should listen to our hunches. Worrying about what the other person might think can lead to one's demise.


                          Good job outrunning him. In retrospect, I wonder if it might have been better to look over your shoulder to see what his intent was?


                          My intuition said I should pick up the pace. Maybe I should have looked back to see what this guy was doing. I avoided it because I wanted to appear unconcerned. I'm not exactly sure why I felt compelled to do this. The whole thing was really weird. This wasn't some teenage boy, this was a 20 something man, it was well before dawn, and he was chasing me for some unknown reason. When you review those facts, there aren't a lot of conclusions that could come from it.


                            Sounds pretty sketchy for sure! I'm not sure what I would have done in that situation but have thought about it before. I would say you made the right choice in picking up the pace and dropping him, usually best just to avoid a potential conflict in my opinion. Hard to say what his intention was, but doesn't seem like he was trying to be friendly and join you for a run. Good thing you've got some speed!


                            Endless trails

                              Damn, WTF indeed, in downtown Ogden no less!


                              Sounds to me like you were in danger, but I don't trust anyone nowadays. We are living

                              in a drug-infected society and drug addicts are 'opportunists' in the sense that he would

                              have tried to rob you just b/c you were there. Doesn't sound like you had much on you worth

                              stealing, so maybe he was just fucking with you. I live in area where most peoples idea

                              of outdoor activity is going out on the front porch for a smoke, so I am bit of a threat due

                              to my fitness level. I've been yelled at, had things thrown at me and one winter driven into

                              a snow bank. People just suck, sometimes.


                              Glad you're okay, let's be careful out there. And btw, I would have done the same thing, better

                              to be safe then ask questions later. I worked with a guy in the CG who was shot in the chest

                              and killed walking in downtown Fayetteville, NC, for no apparent reason.


                              Le professeur de trail

                                Weren't you carrying your bear spray??

                                My favorite day of the week is RUNday


