Trailer Trash


Santa's Saturdaily (Read 214 times)


    Hey, where is everyone? 


    Did a pretty good run along the Thames this morning.  Went along the south bank starting near Westminster out about 8 plus miles to Hammersmith Bridge and then back.  It’s nice because after a while the path turns into a dirt path.  It was also nice because it was about 30 deg F.  Ran out with a guy who happened to be going the same pace, it was nice to talk to someone and he was pointing out some of the things we were looking at, nice guy.  I also ran by an interesting running race in Battersea Park, 2500 people running in Santa suits, was funny to see.


    Doing the 17 or so miles felt ok, but I was fading near the end and my ankle started to feel wonky, this recovery is taking a little longer than usual (I refuse to admit that there may be some age-related issue there).  But overall it felt good to stretch it out a bit.


    qotd: I got nothin.



      Slowdown: 30* F along the Thames is better than the 66* F in Houston this morning. Didn't you tell me 100 days and be patient earlier this year???


      3 miles of a chilly and wet road. I'll try to get on some dirt tomorrow.


      QOTD: Nothing...



        Slowdown: ....  Didn't you tell me 100 days and be patient earlier this year???  .....



        Yea, I know I know...  I'm just in denial. 


        How is your brother's training for Rocky going?


          Morning fellas!  Ended up bagging yesterday's easy run since my left calf was feeling just a tad tight (plus I had to write my Quadzuki race report, and um... totally waste time on RA).  But I'm getting ready to head out for 15-16 miles on the trails.  Although it's not raining now, it's supposed to pick up.  Our plan is to head to Cougar Mtn., which about 15 miles east of Seattle, but we may just decide to hit a local park.  We'll see.


          qotd (sorry, another Christmas related one):  what's your favorite Christmas music?


          Growing up we always listened to "A Calypso Christmas."  It didn't feel like Christmas until that album came on.  I had a cassette recording my mom made for me from a record -- skips and all -- but I finally found a CD on Amazon a few years ago.  It's become my tradition to put it on as I'm trimming my tree.


            Howdy! Rest day here. I'm picking up my race packet for a 10 mile trail run tomorrow.



            Sandy- sounds like a pretty route. Runners in Santa suits? How funny.


            LB2- nice run. I lived in Ft Worth for several years. I miss the warm temps.


            EDRW- hope the calf is feeling looser today. Have a good run.



            QOTD: I'm not a huge holiday/religious person, but I do like music and Joy to the World is one of my favs. I like to sing harmony on this one (when I pretend I can sing). Big grin


              QOTD: I'm not a huge holiday/religious person, but I do like music and Joy to the World is one of my favs. I like to sing harmony on this one (when I pretend I can sing). Big grin


              Hell, I'm an atheist and yet I still love this time of year!  (Obviously for the tradition rather than the religious aspects.  Oh, and for the sparkly shiny things).


                Hell, I'm an atheist and yet I still love this time of year!  (Obviously for the tradition rather than the religious aspects.  Oh, and for the sparkly shiny things).


                Yeah, I hear ya. I do enjoy the music and festivities of the holidays. My partner is an atheist as well. I used to go to church since my dad was a preacher but I'm not active anymore--mostly b/c of some not so good personal experiences.



                Refurbished Hip

                  My Saturday is going to involve a few doggie walks, Starbucks, and some cleaning.  Whoo hoo!  I am jealous of those of you running!


                  QOTD: I am also an atheist, but I must be EDRW's cranky sister, because I'm not a huge fan of the holidays.  I like the shiny, sparkly things, but dislike all the consumerism associated with this time of the year.  Oh, wait, this was supposed to be about Christmas music, ummm, yeah, I got nothing.

                  Running is dumb.


                    No running today.  10 mile "race" that I'm hosting tomorrow.  Which, of course, means that today is partly cloudy & tomorrow there's a 90% chance of freezing rain.  


                    QOTD:  Another atheist here.  I'm not too big on Christmas music as it mostly reminds me of shopping malls and TV commercials.  However, I do like to hear a good choir.  This year we've decided not to play any Christmas music in the house until Christmas day, that way we aren't sick of it by then.

                    Wandering Wally

                      9.1 miles this morning. Finally feeling like I'm getting my legs under me. qotd - Probably my favorite Christmas music is what we make ourselves at the Christmas eve service at our church. I'm not big on the crass consumerism either.

                      Run!  Just Run!


                      Trail Runner Nation Podcast


                        My Saturday is going to involve a few doggie walks, Starbucks, and some cleaning.  Whoo hoo!  I am jealous of those of you running!


                        QOTD: I am also an atheist, but I must be EDRW's cranky sister, because I'm not a huge fan of the holidays.  I like the shiny, sparkly things, but dislike all the consumerism associated with this time of the year.  Oh, wait, this was supposed to be about Christmas music, ummm, yeah, I got nothing.

                         Crap!  I married the wrong sister.


                        Faster Than Your Couch!

                          Good Morning,


                          I wish I could go for a long dirt run, but with the HM tomorrow, where I might try to run fast, I will make the sacrifice and not run. Taper madness is taking over, it seems.

                          Instead, the family will go out and get a Christmas tree. Since DH has folded up his Jungle Gym (oh, wait, it's Total Gym) in the living room, there's now space for the tree. I guess DH realized that otherwise, I would have started decorating the Gym...


                          Read the weather forecast and saw that I'll have to aim for a sub-2hr HM tomorrow, because it will start raining at noon (the race starts at 10). Works for me.


                          Sandy: Sounds like a nice sightseeing run with a local guide.


                          LB2: Good instant run!


                          EDRW: Enjoy the miles!


                          toyger: Same planned here for the afternoon! Good luck for tomorrow!


                          Mandy: Sounds like a good plan for a Saturday! Have fun!


                          sugnim: It's not always the terrain dictates the pace, it might as well be the weather! Hope it won't be too ugly!


                          Smith: Nice morning run!


                          QOTD: Something like Steel Guitar Christmas, but that CD is maybe 15 years old - oh, wait, it's not old, it's vintage!


                          Enjoy the weekend, trailers! Good luck to the racers!

                          Run for fun.


                          running under the BigSky

                            headed out for a 20 mile loop in the prairie in an hour, weather low to mid 40's, some clouds, some sun, very light wind- should be perfect Smile


                            qotd- don't really care for Christmas music much, but have always liked Elvis's Blue Christmas


                            2024 goal 2024 miles

                            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                            2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                              11 miles up the mountain this morning. Started well before dawn, but with the moonlight I didn't even turn on my headlamp.  I'm still not totally over a cold, so I took it nice an easy and actually spent some time looking around. It was nice. 


                              QOTD: I like one Christmas song. "Christmas wrapping" by the waitresses.  Other than that, I do enjoy classic Christmas songs at times, but can do without anything done by artists under the age of 50. That means you, Taylor Swift. 

                              Uh oh... now what?

                                47ºF, quartering winds, outbound freighters going to the ocean a hundred miles

                                away, the sound of waves is never noise, snowy peaked ghosts of the Olympics

                                through breaks in the clouds, block house, one pheasant, cemetery overlook, house


                                Sandy-2: You should have taken your Santa suit.
                                LB2: Our mileage matched, but I had a mix of dirt in there. You could be here for next Saturday.
                                EDRW: Please keep the rain on the mainland for the day.
                                toyger: What is the name of your race (we have Google here, no secrets), best wishes on a good run.
                                MerrymakingMadisonMandy: Time is your friend, time is your friend, time...
                                sugnim: Hang in there, we are sending lots more clouds your way.
                                mjsmith3122: "legs under me" good, form is important
                                Weegee: Think good thoughts about she who is also on this forum or sleep lightly?
                                FTYC: Hope you have a half fast... okay, a fast half.
                                mtwarden: you have a much bigger prairie, have fun.

                                Birdwell:  full moon running with no light is always good, where are you?


                                QOTD:  We celebrate Christmas.  We have traditional carols and a variety

                                of choral CDs from churches, monasteries, or convents--no particular

                                favorite, just something to drown out an ever madding world. Wonder if

                                Stan Freberg's "Green Christmas" is out there on youtube... yes it is.
