Trailer Trash


TGIF-aily (Read 22 times)


running under the BigSky

    Morning Trailers!


    Actually my Friday was Wednesday 


    Got in a very nice 10 mile snowshoe outing yesterday with Tiny E.  Still plenty of snow in the mountains.


    Going to the gym to strength train this morning and then hit the trails this afternoon.


    qotd: weekend plans?  I ran the idea of a winter overnighter w/ DW- she dismissed that idea Smile  I may do a snowshoe overnighter by myself, or just a long day snowshoe.  Hoping to hit the hot springs as well sometime during the weekend.





    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

    2021 goal- 2021 miles √



      Ran a short loop in a light rain this morning, just 2.5 miles. Super easy but pretty quick tempo run for me.


      QOTD: We are going to try to put another gobbler on the ground tomorrow morning. I gotta start positioning myself for a shot and not my hunting partner. It might get a little sketchy tomorrow on a big controlled burn. The guy I am hunting with has a tough time sitting still, which may limit our movement. That place is wide open, nowhere to hide.



        The storms have passed finally. Ran some trail intervals last night in a pelting rain with temps at 37F. My new Mt. Hardware raincoat kept me dry as a bone. Super light and good breathability.  Pleasantly surprised. Finished up some weights, core, and elliptical just now and will be heading north pretty shortly. Luckily they missed on the doomsday storm forecast for up there as it like only a few inches at my place based on webcams I'm looking at. I think the central part of the state took the hit.


        Long run of 20 road miles on the docket for tomorrow. Madeline Island road marathon coming up soon on May 18th. I am so not ready.


        QOTD--Long run and deal with the maple sap/syrup stuff. Good stuff.


          Went to yoga class yesterday, instead of running.  My long-time Thursday teacher left last year and the replacements haven't been as good. But this new instructor was promising-- a good mix of both strength and stretch. The strength work kicked my a**, but I needed that kind of cross training.


          qotd: Mostly getting ready to leave for our trip-- cleaning, garden work, and some running. The bluebells are coming into bloom along one of my favorite trails, so I'll get out there and see them again before it is too late. Also need to move some mulch at my community garden plot. And build a raspberry trellis. And it's supposed to rain. Which I want, but only after cocktail hour starts and into the night.

          Queen of Nothing


            We were suppose to do hills but only Kwong and I showed for the morning run.  He said let's run short and not do hills.  Ok ...we ran 4.5 and I do mean ran with a 9.6 pace and there were two largish hills that we ran up...we ran the whole time.  Like you know ran.  It was fun.


            QOTD:  Open house tomorrow so the dogs and I need to get lost somewhere for 4 hours.  I hope no one goes in my drawers and sniffs my underpants.    So proabaly a hike or run with the dogs Saurday and Sunday I want a long run somewhere but can't quit figure out how since the DH is gone and I can't leave Jack home in case someone looks at the house...and he can't do more than 14...


            LB2:  There are some turkeys across the road at the house.  Earl was barking and then they would answer with a bunch of gobble.  It was pretty funny.


            NH:  You enjoy that 20 mile road run. 

             05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

             08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄









              LB2:  There are some turkeys across the road at the house.  Earl was barking and then they would answer with a bunch of gobble.  It was pretty funny.


              They do some weird stuff sometimes.



                Gym stuff so far today but I do plan a short run later with the Lady. It might be raining, but mild. Yesterday I was stuck in corporate hell having to make a trip to the local office for some meetings. So I worked there in between. Cubicles and lack of windows sucked the life out of me. I stopped at a park on the way home and got in a 6 mile run on some fun trails along the Schulykill River. There is some real sweet single track that run in the gorges and ravines up along the river.


                QOTD: Mulch moving, weeding, lawn mowing, a run or two, watch some of the masters.


                Queenie - Nice run! I totally get it. I slog jog around for the most part but about once a week my body lets me have a "real" run and I love it!


                NH - Glad you dodged the bullet with the snow. April showers, brings may flowers. April snow, no no no.



                In dog beers, I've only had one.


                  Just crawled out of bed.  Feeling pretty beat up right now. Need some caffeine but I'm out of Monster and I've been hitting that $hit too much lately.


                  Just started raining and it's chilly but I'm going to try to get out for 4-6 miles. If not I'll run some on the TM.


                  LB2 - Haven't been seeing many turkeys up this way yet. The way I drive into work is normally polluted with them but this year they are MIA.  Have been seeing a lot of deer though.  Happy calling.


                  QOTD:  Working on trying to get my new bike built up, that's way behind schedule.  Need to change oil in two vehicles. Should mow some grass and have a bunch of clean up work to do including cutting down some trees. Then my computer crashed and I lost all my state tax return and I'm not sure if that was backed up to my external hard drive .  So I gotta work on that or I might go to Jail .  Of course when I start looking at what I get for my tax dollars (pretty much nothing), getting three hots and a cot might be one way to get something back .


                  Oh yea, Saturday night will be a hockey game. The Bears are in the playoffs but are still kind of fighting to stay in 3rd and not drop to 4th.  Hopefully those New Yawkers from Utica come down, roll over and play dead and let the Bears eat 'em alive.


                  Weather is supposed to be nice and warm tomorrow so hoping for a bike ride before the game.


                  Faster Than Your Couch!

                    5.2 miles yesterday, and 5 miles today. I love the easy trail near my house, just along the creek, then up and down the hill, it's fun to have something where the technical part is about 0.1 miles, for a change.

                    DS is home from school the second day in a row now, he had some serious temperature yesterday, not so much today, and a cough. But he is on the mend again. Good thing my work schedule is working late these days.


                    warden: Wonderful pictures, I love the last one with TE rolling happily in the snow. Now that all the snow has gone in my area, snow pictures actually look really great.


                    LB2: Hope the hunt works out right for you! First I read you would have to be careful not to shoot your hunting partner... 


                    Harrier: That raincoat sounds great. It is hard to find one that has enough breathing capability for running.


                    traildc: Glad you found a good instructor again. Hopefully he'll stay for a while.


                    Queen: You are just one speedy fast woman!


                    Taper: Looks nice along the river.


                    DD1: I hear you with the "night" rest. I'm about to do an overnight bake shift tonight and I'm dreading tomorrow. Usually I'm dead the whole next day after such a shift.


                    QOTD: Work. Again.

                    Penn State has the "Blue and White" game, which means a 3- to 5-fold workload compared to a normal weekend. Yesterday we finished up preparatory work, so me and my coworker got out late, after 10:30 pm.. Overnight shift tonight until tomorrow morning, lying dead the whole Saturday (except for maybe a short run), and back to the grind on Sunday morning for another 3-fold workload. Woohoo!


                    Almost forgot, it's also DS's birthday on Sunday! At least something bright and fun to look forward to!

                    Run for fun.


                    Le professeur de trail

                      Just chillin at work minding my own business.


                      Warden - what the snow is that???? 

                      XT - that looks more like it for this time of year.

                      NH - who needs to be prepared anyways? But enjoy your 20.

                      FTYC - looks like some nice weather for the game tomorrow.

                      DD - Go Bears! I went to my first game in January.  I actually enjoyed it once my eyes caught up to the puck.

                      Queen - open house? I must have missed that you're selling.


                      QOTD: No plans.  And it's grand!


                      Have a great weekend!

                      My favorite day of the week is RUNday






                        LB2: Hope the hunt works out right for you! First I read you would have to be careful not to shoot your hunting partner... 




                        Ha. Oh no. I have just been setting them up to be in a better position for a shot. They don't really have a very good understanding of what is actually going on around them. So, I try to get them positioned correctly.




                          We drove back to the office today.  Long day in the car.  Only the 3 miles for the trip but better than 0.  Maybe tonight?  Or not.


                          qotd: Farrier coming Sat morning and then a massage in the afternoon.  Maybe some miles in between?  Or not.  Sunday regular chores and maybe some mile?  Probably.  There's a theme developing and I really need to stop it.  I'm hoping Monday to touch base with the personal trainer at the gym and at least get some strength training in hoping that will kick start the mileage again.



                            Ha. Oh no. I have just been setting them up to be in a better position for a shot. They don't really have a very good understanding of what is actually going on around them. So, I try to get them positioned correctly.


                            Sounds like you may be pursuing your dream job of being a turkey hunting guide.


                              This morning was just one of those runs where it just feels kinda fast and very easy.  I had done 3 mi last night at about 8:45 pace to set it up and then 15 mi this morning at about 9:30 pace.


                              Then I did did my little project switching out some florescent fixtures.  It worked!!!  All is well again.  Yay, no electrician gouging (so far anyway).


                              Then DW went to the gym.  While she was swimming I did some stair climbing, core and plank stuff and stretching.  Then we met up in the hot tub and cool pool for a bit.  Now watching The Masters. G&Ts and a steak on tap for later.


                              Nice photos!!


                              qotd:  No weekend for me.  I get in the plane in Houston early Saturday morning and get off the plane in Korea on Sunday evening.



                              Refurbished Hip

                                My new Mt. Hardware raincoat kept me dry as a bone. Super light and good breathability.  




                                Warden, your wife is a smart woman!


                                Hello to my fellow not-running-right-now Jamie!


                                I hiked 8.3 miles (at Donald, Harrier, which is in surprisingly good shape considering the weather.  I parked in the horse lot and avoided the notoriously muddy areas.)  Carried 26 pounds in my pack.  It's almost backpacking season and I need to get in pack carrying shape again.

                                QOTD: The usual.  Biking, climbing gym, GoT season 8 premiere!

                                Running is dumb.
