Trailer Trash


Wednesday (Read 34 times)


    Good Morning!

    Got in 6 miles last night with the running group on the 'half-trail' route.    First time running in 90* heat and high humidity in over a month.  August's weather this year has spoiled me.  I'm hoping for a break soon.  And we need rain.


    qotd:  Any food cravings, preferences or quirks that you're into recently?  For me, it is eating apples dipped into peanut butter, then raisins.  it's the perfect mix of crisp, tart, sweet, savory and chewy.  It was a craving from my first pregnancy (13 years ago!) and every so often I pick it back up again.  Apple season has also just started, so that makes this treat even better!

      Morning! I also had a hot 6 miles last night, but I waited til after sundown to minimize my asthma symptoms. I was all heat acclimated and then August was fairly cool, so heat is really bothering me again!  Probably will get in 5-7 miles tonight.


      QOTD: Uh lots of salty things. Chips, pickles, etc. I fell into some bad eating habits over the last couple of weeks on vacation, so I think my body is trying to get more salt than it really needs. Undecided


      running under the BigSky

        got a nice 5 mile run in the dark this am, about 1600' of elevation gain in 3 miles (and about the same in decent in 2 miles!); saw a herd of 10 mule deer (does and fawns) just at first light- they were twisting and turning their heads trying to figure out what this object was running down the mountain Big grin


        qotd: had a wonderful breakfast out this past Sunday-  a giant pork chili verde breakfast burrito w/ eggs, hashbrowns, cheese inside (along w/ the pork verde) then smothered w/ verde sauce and a side of homemade refries- wonderful!


        I want to go back as they have several other tasty looking items- huevos rancheros, chorizo sausage and eggs and a whole host of other breakfast fare



        2023 goal 2023 miles  √

        2022 goal- 2022 miles √

        2021 goal- 2021 miles √



          Morning all!


          Got in a nice easy 3.5 miles around the neighborhood with my wife last night while pushing DS in the stroller. My mileage has really dropped off and will probably continue for the next month or two since hunting season is fast approaching and I've been neglecting my preparations all summer.


          QOTD: Not really any cravings, but have recently discovered the amazing sweetening powers of grapes. Been making lots of different smoothies and amazing strawberry lemonade with them. Also, grilling tasty venison steaks in preparation for hopefully restocking my supply of game meat in the upcoming months.


            Morning folks! Got in 4 this morning.


            Qotd: not anything different from what I usually like


              6.7 this a.m. on road/rail trail/real trail.  Felt peppy this a.m. - DW met me outside when I finished and said she could see steam coming off me, so must be a little humid out there.


              QOTD:  cookies.  I ate about half a box of Nilla Wafers last night.



                Fast tempo run yesterday in the hot humid weather (what was i thinking).

                Probably no run today unless schedule changes.


                Warden - My running buddy and I had a conversation once wondering if when animals see us with headlights do the call us URO's - Unidentified Running Objects


                QOTD:  Nothing recent, but most of my cravings are related to my bad eating habits.

                “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                  Good morning.  I had a nice, easy 4 miles this morning along the river.  I only saw one other person, and he was running in a hoodie that was all cinched up over his head and he had a paper dust mask on his face.  Weird.


                  A beaver had been on the trail before me and had fallen a little cottonwood to make a hurdle across the trail.  It was a twin cottonwood, and the beaver had taken one trunk away and left the other.  Maybe it will come back for it?  I took some photos of the beaver's work and also of the sun coming up.


                  QOTD:  My garden is in full production right now, so I've been eating what it produces.  Tomatoes, strawberries, lettuce, kale, spinach, onions, garlic, zucchini, green beans, beets, crookneck squash, carrots, basil, and eggplant.  The raspberries, cherries, and gooseberries are done for the season, and in 2 months or so we will have our apples and winter squash.




                    Up and out at Blue Mounds at the break of dawn. I think. It was so steamy and foggy I'm not really sure when it became light. My glasses kept fogging up in the steamy conditions and I couldn't really see the trail. Not a good trail system to run like that so I peeled off the single track and finished my run on the safer, wider, and more boring ski trails.


                    Sugnim--I have a close by neighbor that walks his dog wearing a hoodie and pants with his head down so he doesn't make eye contact. It can be 95F and that's how he walks. He creeps my wife and daughter out but I know him and he just has some social anxiety issues but it is a little weird.


                    QOTD--No special food cravings other than normal. And normal for me is not pretty.


                    Endless trails

                      6.5 miles this morning, road/trail, warm and cloudy.


                      mt: nice visual from this morning.

                      sug: cool pics.


                      QOTD: I crave salty chips sometimes, I've been craving good fruit this summer

                      and have been consistently disappointed. What ever happened to good juicy

                      peaches and sweet watermelon?


                        Doing six miles on bike paths later today. Booring...


                        QOTD: I have an anti-craving for red meat right now. I feel so much better when I don't eat it.

                        3/8 Way Too Cool 50k WNS

                        4/19 Tehama Wildflowers 50k



                          Trying to get in a ride today .... also want a shortish run. My feet feel good but technically my blisters are still healing from leadville. again, nothing bad but there is some extra skin building up under the pads of my feet. Also, I have been very tired lately


                          QOTD: Not really. Experimenting with some new Japanese style brown rice that is really great and cooks up in the rice cooker in the same time as sushi rice. I add some rice vinegar, ponzu, and soy sauce and serve alongside some sauteed vegetables, protein and sriracha.


                            For some reason I can't get moving this morning. I have  a few phone calls to make, some school work to do and other odds and ends to take care of, then I will probably go for a bike ride.


                            QOTD: Recently I've been craving sweet stuff so I've been indulging in too many cookies and too much candy.


                            Faster Than Your Couch!

                              After mapping yesterday's run, and looking at the humidity, I am not so disappointed any more. Nice pace, as it turned out, which is encouraging. Yesterday after the run, I thought I'm in absolutely no shape to run 100 miles, but now I'm more confident again. School bus woes today, kids missed their bus, but only because it left 15 minutes early. We caught it at the next stop, but I'm clueless what to do tomorrow -send the kids out 20 minutes early, or just wing it again? Sigh. Planning on a short run tonight. QOTD: since I started working, I drink coffee more regularly, but it's just one cup a day, and decaf. No other cravings, only I miss my whole grains (which I had to give up to get my belly to cooperate...). Enjoy hump day, trailers!

                              Run for fun.

                              Occasional Runner

                                I got out before the sun came up and chased the beam from my headlamp for 7 miles. There were a lot of eyes peering at me from the darkness.


                                QOTD: Eggs...since giving up meat, I crave eggs constantly.
