Trailer Trash


The Thursdaily (Read 20 times)


running under the BigSky

    Got out with Tiny Elvis yesterday for 7 miles and then this morning we did a nice 8 mile loop.  The only positive thing about being out in extremely cold temperatures is that when it turns to just cold temperatures it feels warm! 


    qotd: I've looked at the one that tours roughly the UTMB (supposedly where it varies from the race it's even better), they cover lodging and food and provide a couple of guides.  I think they cover roughly 20 miles/day- I think I could get DW whipped into good enough shape to do that Smile


    DW thinks I should look at doing something along those lines when I fully retire here in Montana.  There is definitely a market for it.  You would have to have a shit ton of insurance as things occasionally do happen in the backcountry.



    2024 goal 2024 miles

    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

    2021 goal- 2021 miles √


    Ultra Cowboy

      Last Nights Pub run got cut short for me because ML rolled her ankle badly in a pothole after dark.  So Oneof the late runners came and got me to go pick her up and drive her back to the pub.  After some liquid pain reliever, and elevated icing she hobbled back to her car and drove home. 


      So I need to get some more miles tonight while DD3 has Basketball practice.



      Funny you should ask.  I've always dreamed of putting on something like that where I would shuttle camp via packhorses and mules  to various spots in the wilderness while the runners ran from point to point.


