Trailer Trash


Thawing Thursdaily (Read 37 times)

    The wintry cold weather should be breaking here today, just in time for the weekend races!  I got in 3 miles last night, and it definitely felt like winter. Had to wear a jacket and long pants for the first time. Resting today.


    Conditions look amazing for Saturday, low 49 and high of 59. Can't complain about that. My first bit of nerves set in last night but I'll get over it Smile


    QOTD: Do you carbohydrate load before a big race?  I generally eat a lot of carbs in my diet, so I don't change my diet dramatically before a race. I always try to eat white pasta the night before and a bagel pre-race which seems to work for me. Usually a big bottle of Gatorade the day before too.



      Tested out the new sexy trail shoes this morning, they felt real good. Rocky and I only ran 4.2 miles as I really wanted today as a rest day along with tomorrow but I wanted to know whether these shoes would be good enough for the race Saturday. It was a slow run, I stumbled quite a few times it is always with my right foot. The trees are pretty much naked now, all the leaves are covering up the roots and it's like a freaking land mine out there. I actually have a reason to prefer trails in summer, all the leaves are on the trees and you can actually see the trail. I might tape my ankle up today, it only hurts when I land on a root wrong and my ankle "rolls" to the inside, but the pain doesn't last..... I am still going to tape it or ice it or something. It's a good thing Saturday's race is on parts of the trails that doesn't have a lot of roots.


      qotd: Eh...... I guess if the race is on Saturday I'll start eating pasta for lunch, white rice and chicken for dinner 3 days before race morning.... avoiding fibery foods and lots of protein. From Wednesday through Friday my diet is pretty boring at that point, if it is on a Sunday I just add the Saturday to it. I try to avoid greasy crap.

      *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


      5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

      10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

      15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

      13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

       26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


        Rest day today. I just arranged things to be that way; I usually run on Thursdays.


        QOTD: It depends on how long the race is. If it is a half marathon or something shorter, I don't worry too much about it. I may sort of think about what might be good to eat as far as carbs within 48 hours. If it is a race of 50k or longer, I will give it more consideration and actually start loading up a week in advance, mostly potatoes. I love potatoes. But ultimately, I think the most important thing for those longer events are the things you are eating while you are participating in the event. Potatoes always seem to hit the spot for me, especially potato soup. I remember once just being down and out mentally at about 50K of a 100K. I was just demoralized; I was only half way there. How could I go on this same distance again!?! Then, I came upon an aid station at about 35 miles or so. My attitude was not positive; I just knew that there was nothing that would bring me back to life. That soup looked good. It tasted good, and before I had even finished it, I could feel something happening. Five miles later, I got a chicken quesadilla. The lady I had sort of linked up with was named Becky; she was from Idaho (good potatoes in Idaho...). She said she felt like it would be another 6 or 7 hours before she finished that last loop. Although she was great company, I wasn't taking that long to finish the last 22 miles. I blasted off, closing within one minute of a guy who had me by about 45 minutes at the turn around. I only needed another half mile, maybe less to catch him... That soup changed my day.


        Gator eye

          8 miles this morning, temp was up from yesterday but the wind was ruff. It feels like the wind has been blowing strong and steady the last two weeks. I really wanted to get 14 in this morning but I didn't put my warm mittens on and it felt like my hands were freezing so I went back to the house for warmer gloves but when I got inside I decided I was cold all over and called it quits at 8. Deer season starts tomorrow in Michigan and when 724,239 hunters hit the woods running down the road in a very rural area with a brown dog isn't a good idea. I'll be on the treadmill for the next week.


          QOTD: I don't change anything in my diet leading up to a race, I'm afraid of stomach or gut issues.If I do anything it would be spaghetti the day before but I like and eat spaghetti all the time anyway.


          Refurbished Hip

            I ran 5.3 miles last night with Bella.  Still getting out there as best as I can.  I meet with a surgeon next week to discuss stuff.


            QOTD:  I never used to, but I did for a 50K last year and had an amazing race, despite almost no training.  So I'm a believer now.  And I mean, like seriously carb load...I'm not talking about pasta and a bagel.  I'm talking about two days worth of a lot of calories of pure carbs and sugar.

            Running is dumb.


              Doubled up yesterday with 5.5 miles on the road at lunchtime and 5 miles on the trails of Green Lane at O'dark 5:30pm with the gsp. THe night run felt warmer than the day run as there was no wind at all. It was crisp, clear, and pleasant and we had the moon and Jupiter glowing through the treetops. Today, just a short road run. I need to go pick up the car from the shop.


              QOTD: I tend to make the week before a race "spaghetti feast" week. I make all sort of pasta dishes that week for dinner and lunch. Also tend to hit the gatorade for a few days beforehand.

              In dog beers, I've only had one.


                Did 6 miles this morning a little later than usual.  It was a nice and calm 38 deg, felt great.


                Funny thing.  The plan was to run out along a lit road in the dark and then back on the greenbelt trails after it got light.  While I was running out along the road in the dark, a soccer Mom in a minivan pulled over, rolled down the passenger window, put on the inside dome light, and asked me if I wanted a ride.  ......  but even before it could register what she said.....   she took off again.  Hmmmmm.  I figure:

                (a) she thought I was someone else.

                (b) she was trying to be funny, a "run forest run" sort of thing.

                (c) she thought I was hot and was trying to pick me up, but then got nervous and left.

                (d) her Mommy instincts took control of her and she thought it was too cold to be out running.


                I'm going with (c)...   Cool


                qotd:  I do a little carbo loading 1 or 2 days before a long race.  Pizza the night before is great.



                Le professeur de trail

                  Morning all. I got in some time at the gym this morning.  Took it easy though.  No need to hurt myself before Saturday.


                  TnC - nothing to be nervous about.  It will be a beautiful day on the trails Saturday.  I can't wait!

                  freesoul - sexy shoes huh? even more sexy after a run in some a trail runner anyway.

                  lb2 - always good to change the schedule up from time to time.

                  gator - I don't like running in the wind especially in cold weather. Being tall has its disadvantages in the wind.

                  mandy - good job on 5.3 miles.  And good luck.  Any idea what the recovery time is?

                  XT - it certainly was clear last night.  Made me wish I was running under the stars.

                  Sandy - 38 deg?? I bet you could get used to that.


                  If you guys have noticed, FTYC hasn't been "around" the last couple of weeks.  She had a stomch thing a few weeks ago that turned into some other stuff or made her more susceptible to other stuff.  So send your thoughts and prayers her way.


                  QOTD: I usually eat pasta the night before a race but more so out of habit.  I don't think it has any realy benefit.


                  Have a great day!

                  My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                    Good morning all.  I'll have an hour after work to get a run in, probably 6 or 7 miles along the river.


                    Good luck to all of the racers this weekend!


                    QOTD:  I don't really eat more carbs so much as I avoid foods that might cause GI distress.

                      The pooch and I had another great 10.5 mile trail run.


                      QOTD: No, I eat lots of carbs all the time though.


                      Tallahassee, Florida


                        If you guys have noticed, FTYC hasn't been "around" the last couple of weeks.  She had a stomch thing a few weeks ago that turned into some other stuff or made her more susceptible to other stuff.  So send your thoughts and prayers her way.


                        Thanks boyjame, I did notice.  I hope that things turn around and she is "out and about" soon.


                        Get well Marie.



                        Refurbished Hip

                          Thanks for the info about Marie, Jamie.  I hope she's doing okay.  Keep us updated if know anything!


                          Recovery depends on how invasive the surgery winds up being.  I still don't know what caused the tear.  If it's an issue with my bones and I wind up getting some of the bone shaved off, it'll be a longer recovery.  Either way, I probably won't run for a good 6 months.

                          Running is dumb.


                          Eat to run, Run to eat


                            Thanks boyjame, I did notice.  I hope that things turn around and she is "out and about" soon.


                            Get well Marie.


                            I noticed that, but didn't know the reason. Hope she gets over it.

                            Stone Mill 50m 11/16/13  12:42

                            Febapple Frozen 50k 2/22/14  9:20:55

                            DIrty German 50m 5/18/14 12:06:16



                              Morning Trailers!


                              Had a wonderful run yesterday. Just under 6 miles, which I think is my longest in a few months. I ran without a watch and didn't focus on anything but enjoying the run.


                              QOTD: I carbo-load on a daily basis. I love carbs.

                              Queen of Nothing


                                I have been going crazy trying to find my garmin watch...finally located it today inside a running shoe!  Got up and ran 5 ish miles...nice outside still fall here.


                                Sandy:  Definitely C!  To be she chicken out.  Smile


                                QOTD:  I don't change much but longest run is a 50K.  I like to it pizza before a race..but then I always like to eat pizza.

                                 05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                                 08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄





