Trailer Trash


Daily Fueling and Nutrition (Read 72 times)

Brian Runner


    I think you may be right! But if it's working, why change it?



    Its not just about how you run today. Its about longevity.

    Occasional Runner



      Its not just about how you run today. Its about longevity.


      If it hampers longevity, then it falls into the "not working" category. Let me know if I need to elaborate more.


        I'll play, a typical day for me probably falls in the eats OK category.


        First and foremost COFFEE black and to much of it.


        Breakfast it all depends but it ranges from breakfast burrito to a couple pieces of fruit, but here lately it Greek Yogurt with honey in it. The breakfast burrito is once a week from a place that is right around the corner from the office. Usually it's Friday when I run at lunch.


        Snacks: Seems I always eat at least 1 apple and 4 oranges throughout the day. I need to diversify this. In the summer I will devour watermelon!


        Water throughout the day


        Lunch: A small portion of leftovers with a fresh veggies. I am a Yellow, Orange, Red Pepper whore so I usually have one with lunch. I love summer time when my garden is producing!


        Pre-Dinner: 1-2 beers


        Dinner: With 2 kids this is the wild card. It could be noodles or an actual meal. I use a small plate and probably clean up their plates more then I should. We try our best to expose them to as many different types of food as possible. My son loves Mandy's quinoa fritters and my daughter not so much. Both kids love spinach salad, pasta, beans, chicken, pork, beef, grapes, oranges, apples, pears, watermelon, okra, sweet potatoes, etc so we are pretty diverse but there are some days where I make those bad choices.


        Desert: couple bites of dark chocolate to a bowl of ice cream.


        We do eat meat and we try our best to either use Game meat or grass feed meat from a farm we have been to.


        We all choose to eat a certain way for a variety of reasons. For those that take supplements is it due to your diet or other reasons?


        flashlight and sidewalk


          Hammer has me on a routine of Amino and antioxidants. They supply it and I take it daily.



          Have you noticed any difference with the Hammer supplements?  If it wasn't free would you shell out the $?  If you would prefer not to say for conflict of interest purposes I'd understand.


          **Ask me about streaking**



          Le professeur de trail

            You guys have heard of the Fruitarian right? I used to think he was crazy but what he is doing is so working for him, I respect him for it.


            I will say that it is overall sad that to truly eat healthy, it costs more money.  Processed foods cost less.  All this junk they advertise where kids eyes get wide and they start drooling...costs less.  I think DW and I have tried (well more so her) to not go for the junky stuff.  We may not be completely healthy eaters but we do what we can with the money we have.


            Oh and Birdwell - yes quite a diet.  But yes that would be very tough traveling like that daily.

            My favorite day of the week is RUNday



            Occasional Runner


              Have you noticed any difference with the Hammer supplements?  If it wasn't free would you shell out the $?  If you would prefer not to say for conflict of interest purposes I'd understand.


              I can say that I'm performing at a higher level this year versus last year. There's no scientific way to determine why that is because there have been a lot of changes in my conditions. I'm running more miles per week, I've moved into the mountains, I stopped eating meat and I contracted with Hammer Nutrition. The answer is in there somewhere, but its most likely a combination of all those things. I would definitely use my own money to continue using the supplements because I really do think they're a part of a routine that's working.


              flashlight and sidewalk

                You guys have heard of the Fruitarian right? I used to think he was crazy but what he is doing is so working for him, I respect him for it.


                I will say that it is overall sad that to truly eat healthy, it costs more money.  Processed foods cost less.  All this junk they advertise where kids eyes get wide and they start drooling...costs less.  I think DW and I have tried (well more so her) to not go for the junky stuff.  We may not be completely healthy eaters but we do what we can with the money we have.



                Sidebar on the fruitarian time I ran by a guy peeling a clementine while running through the most technical rock scramble in the park I run in.  Later, I was 'stalking' race results and I noticed that the winner of the Virgil Crest 100 was from a neighboring town.  I looked him up and came across this video:


                Apparently, this guy is a fruitarian also.  There are orange peels littering the trails I run on (even that picture I posted of the Deer's Ass in the what did you see on your run today thread has some orange peels at the bottom).  If I ever run across him again I'm going to stop him and give him the inquisition.


                When Michelle Obama released her healthy eating campaign there was a lot of push-back about how it was too expensive for many people.  According to her people...the real additional cost is in preparation time of the food.  It can be done...people are just lazy (IMO).  I think the number they gave was ~$150/week/family of 4.  Personally, I track my spending pretty closely and it comes out to about $100/week on food ($25 on bought lunches, $60 at the grocery store, $15 on restaurants).  The biggest cost is the grass-fed/free range meats which are ~2-3X as expensive.  I'm just outside of NYC so everything is a little more expensive, but I could pretty easily cut that number in half.


                **Ask me about streaking**




                  My grandfather was a pub owner from Killarney, so I'm a meat and potato guy.


                  Breakfast - oatmeal or a Slimfast

                  Lunch - Sandwich with usually turkey and cheese.

                  Dinner - Some protein, usually lean with any starch.


                  Not a big veggie eater, but do like fruit for snacks or chips and homemade salsa. When kids are home, there is more junk food in the house.


                  I gave up fast food 12/31/1999.  No McD's Wendy's or BK since.  It was hard at the time, but never miss it now.

                  “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



                    When Michelle Obama released her healthy eating campaign there was a lot of push-back about how it was too expensive for many people.  According to her people...the real additional cost is in preparation time of the food.  It can be done...people are just lazy (IMO).  


                    No question that it is easier to eat poorly than to have a healthy meal.  When I gave up "Fast Foods", it took some real effort while travelling.  We stop at large grocery stores now and I'll make a salad or we have to look for a Subway to get a turkey on wheat or for DW a veggie sub.  Almost every exit has a Fast Food chain but it take effort to find a store or deli.

                    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                      I run more, so I can drink more beer Big grin



                      I keep thinking, "I could eat better, or just run more" run more always seems to win

                      Occasional Runner


                        Have you noticed any difference with the Hammer supplements?  If it wasn't free would you shell out the $?  If you would prefer not to say for conflict of interest purposes I'd understand.


                        I wanted to say something else about this just to clear up any potential confusion.


                        I don't feel like I'm obligated to promote Hammer products in this forum. I do have an obligation to do it in my blog and I have to serve as a product expert at Hammer events, but those situations are different and my contract dictates the terms of my behavior.


                        This forum is a very small venue and somewhat private. Even though most of us haven't met, there's certainly a sense that we "know" each other. Because of the familiarity and the size of the audience, I don't feel compelled to push product in here. If I mention that I use a specific Hammer product, I only do so because it's something that I actually WANT to use and I'm sharing that information because I WANT to share it.


                        I guess my concern is that people could easily dismiss what I say because they think I'm saying it for the wrong reasons. At any rate, I'm not trying to sell product in here. Sometimes it's nice to just get away from that obligation and talk about running.


                        Refurbished Hip

                          My son loves Mandy's quinoa fritters and my daughter not so much.


                          We all choose to eat a certain way for a variety of reasons. For those that take supplements is it due to your diet or other reasons?


                          Oh, I haven't made those in forever.  I need to buy some more quinoa.  Yum.  I'm glad your son is enjoying them!  Smile


                          I take supplements because my work blood showed that I was anemic and significantly low in iron and B12.  I suspect that's partially due to my diet, but also partially due to being an endurance athlete and a woman.

                          Running is dumb.


                          Endless trails


                            I wanted to say something else about this just to clear up any potential confusion.


                            I don't feel like I'm obligated to promote Hammer products in this forum. I do have an obligation to do it in my blog and I have to serve as a product expert at Hammer events, but those situations are different and my contract dictates the terms of my behavior.


                            This forum is a very small venue and somewhat private. Even though most of us haven't met, there's certainly a sense that we "know" each other. Because of the familiarity and the size of the audience, I don't feel compelled to push product in here. If I mention that I use a specific Hammer product, I only do so because it's something that I actually WANT to use and I'm sharing that information because I WANT to share it.


                            I guess my concern is that people could easily dismiss what I say because they think I'm saying it for the wrong reasons. At any rate, I'm not trying to sell product in here. Sometimes it's nice to just get away from that obligation and talk about running.

                            I was actually wondering how the parameters of your contract fit it with comments made here, thanks for

                            clarifying. I had a feeling that you would not be a puppet for Hammer just bc they sponsor you, good to know

                            I was right about that. That integrity shit is important to me.

                            Brian Runner


                              If it hampers longevity, then it falls into the "not working" category. Let me know if I need to elaborate more.


                              A person can feel great on a day to day basis, and have positive short term results living a particular lifestyle, but it doesn’t necessarily lead to the best long term results.



                                Growing up and living in central Europe made it easy for me to have grass-fed beef and lamb, and well-fed pork and chickens on the rare occasion when I wanted to have meat, and I can attest to the fact that it tastes very different from industrially raised animals. That's another reason I don't like to eat American meat, because I don't like the taste or the texture that is usually considered good quality (the industry-raised meat is much different from typical Austrian or German meat, where most of the animals run free on pastures most of the time, even the chickens).


                                Same here. I moved to the US from Scandinavia nine years ago, and I've lost most of my interest in meat. Those gray-in-the middle, nitrogen -treated, hormone-infused supermarket steaks are just nasty. I'd rather eat really good, which equals very expensive, meat once per month, than eat lower quality stuff daily.

                                3/8 Way Too Cool 50k WNS

                                4/19 Tehama Wildflowers 50k

