Trailer Trash


TheThursdailies (Read 42 times)

    The pooch and I had a great 5 mile trail run.  It was still muddy but not as much so as yesterday.


    QOTD: Pass


    Tallahassee, Florida


      Nothing today. SRD. I ran another 10K last night on the road and track. This was my first run in the Altra's. I have run in 4mm drop shoes for two or three years now. It is amazing how much of a difference I can feel in a mere 4mm. I like them, though. It just works things a little bit differently.


      QOTD: What are your thoughts on natural running?


      I think there has to be a balance between protection (to include cushioning) and natural foot movement. I could go on from there, but that is what I think in a nutshell.



        Morning gentlemen,  Yesterday was a 2 hour snowshoe at Donald park with some weights and elliptical in the evening. Nothing exciting but a nice relaxing day.


        Loaded the SUV and I'm heading north for a couple days. Not sure YET if I'll come back in time to do the Hawkeye 25k or not. May just blow it off. I'll stop on the way to my shack to explore another area of old growth pine and hemlock on snowshoes and then should be some great cross-country skiing tomorrow in the UP.


        QOTD--Have never thought about it.



          Good morning trashy folks.  Got in 8 early morning miles on some wet wet wet trails.  Won't be wearing those shoes for a few days.  Nice to run with little to no wind.


          QOTD:  Nobody wants to see me run naked.  Oh, if you mean shoes, I've tried a bunch.  I like my MT 101's, but the sharp rocks here in PA are too aggressive for my tender feet.  I wear them on less technical trails.  I've run in Hoka's on bouldery runs, and they do have some advantage.  I never tried barefoot or Vibram running, but I know it works well for some.  I prefer to run shod.

          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

            Morning, all.


            Last night I intended to go for 8, and ended up doing 11.  It was not really intentional, but I met up with a friend in the middle miles and we ran farther than expected. My right hammy has been very tight lately, so I'm going to work on strengthening my core and stretching a lot more than I currently do, especially focusing on my very inflexible hips.


            Tonight will be an easy 6.


            QOTD: I have thought about it a lot, almost bought Vibrams a few years ago but was talked out of it. I might be looking to buy something lighter with a lesser heel toe drop than what I have now (brooks ghost) as an alternate shoe, but not a replacement. I don't like messing with something that works.


            running under the BigSky

              morning trailers!  light strength training today and then on the plane to LAX for our Joshua Tree Traverse this Saturday- I spent a lot of Jan and Feb recovering from two illnesses so the training volume has been less than stellar, so hopefully the desert is kind to me Big grin


              qotd: I have no plans on running in toed shoes, but recently acquired a pair of Montrail FluidFlex- they have a 4mm drop and are very lightweight (just under 7 oz)- I don't have enough miles in them to say if they will work (they definitely won't work for rocky, mountain terrain!) or not.  If I can train myself to run in a low drop shoe, it does open a lot of other options.  Their is a least one school of thought that 0 drop shoes might be a little much for some folks, but that 3-6mm drop might just be the sweet spot- time will tell.


              2024 goal 2024 miles

              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √



              Le professeur de trail

                I got out earlier thannormal this morning and ran 6 miles under a bright moonlight.  It was great although I was super slow today.  I didn't seem to mind too much though.  I have surpassed the 100 mile mark for a month for the first time since last July (when I hit 200 and an injury).  I still am struggling a bit with the injury issues (I will explain another day) but things are progressively getting better.  It does take a while though.


                QOTD: the whole minimal thing is so not for me.  Though this whole injury thing, it was discovered that I have major mechanical deficiencies and have since started running with a custom orthotic.  I will never do minimal because that would make my mechaniccal deficiencies more pronounced.  Plus like ATrunner, I do PA trails that are rocky and minimalist shoes would absolutely kill my feet.


                Well it's the last day of Feb. and time to sign up for Hyner.  Last day before the price goes up.  FTYC - you need to stop procrastinating too!


                Have a great day everyone!

                My favorite day of the week is RUNday



                Occasional Runner

                  Good morning! Got in 20 miles on the bike and am now headed out to ascend Malans Peak. 3 miles of vertical with 2800' of gain...then back down. My plan is to keep doing this until I can run the entire ascent. Give me 6 months...


                  QOTD: The barefoot movement is bullshit in my opinion. They say it helps runner's prevent injury because they preach running on soft surfaces, easing into mileage, taking days off and ramping up distance over a long period of time. Wouldn't that assure injury prevention for any runner without regard to footwear? It's always the same story "I got injured running in shoes, then I went barefoot and started out by running a few hundred yards and built up slowly. Now I never get injuries". No SHIT!


                  Anyway...I wear minimalist shoes at 50 miles or less and switch to something heavier for anything over that. I like to feel light on my feet.


                    morning folks!

                    Got in 40 minutes at the pool, followed by 30 minutes on a bike.


                    QOTD: Not so much for running, but I am going to be getting a pair of Unshoes in the near future for wearing around the house and some lite hiking. I think there is something to be said for changing up the drop and working out your feet.


                    Le professeur de trail

                       am now headed out to ascend Malans Peak. 3 miles of vertical with 2800' of gain...then back down. My plan is to keep doing this until I can run the entire ascent. Give me 6 months...


                      Shocked Whoa! Have fun.  Sounds like quite an exhausting climb! 6 months huh? Keep us posted.  Pictures sometime would be nice too.

                      My favorite day of the week is RUNday



                        Morning all. Got in a nice LT 8 (4) this morning. Feels good going fast...well relatively fast.


                        Trail-Good run and you're right, the trails were in decent shape this morning. Didn't seem like MD got much


                        LB2-enjoy the rest


                        NH-what exactly is snowshoeing? Is it just hiking in snow (amateur hour over here I know but I really don't know)


                        AT-good run, its nice that the weather is getting better and better by the day. I ran in shorts and a t-shirt for the first time in months today


                        TnC-nice bonus miles last night. Enjoy your 6 later tonight


                        MTw-enjoy your trip this weekend. Can't wait to hear all about it


                        boyjame-great milestone on your way back from injury. Keep it up.


                        qotd: I enjoy "minimal" shoes betwee 4 and 6 mm but I also know that I need to run in "normal" shoes also. I usually run in my cushion shoes for my recovery runs. It is so faddy (is that even a term) right now that I see so many people injuring themselves.

                        Irish Luck

                          Morning, all!  Going to be a short run/workout this evening, as I have to pickup my car from the shop. Glad I got my weight workouts done earlier this week.


                          QOTD: Different strokes, for different folks.  Barefoot doesn't work for this runner girl, as I am in PA and I prefer some stability on the rooty, rocky trails I run.  Oh, and I also like to get pedicures every so often and running barefoot would ruin those in a hot minute.  Big grin

                          BT survivor since 2003. Trail runner since 2009.

                          I think brain surgery stimulated my running nerve and made me into a trail runner. I'm grateful for both.

                          Uh oh... now what?

                            Day nine of fitness club thingie in the morning, jogfest in the afternoon... I think I am learning,

                            or, at least, acknowledging that weights/machines can be calorie burners as the time and

                            intensity increases.  All that said as I spread peach preserves on another muffin.


                            QOTD:  Along with what lace_up said... some form of barefoot/minimalist stuff has been in

                            my running for almost forever.  I found the soccer fields to have the best grass for a few

                            minutes of barefoot (that means "no shoes" to me) stuff after a running session about once

                            a week.  I have what I think are in the minimalist range of shoes--Brooks PureGrit, Saucony

                            Peregrine and some other really light thingie.  They feel like house slippers, not good for

                            me for more than three hours, but the change from Cascadia, Hardrock, and whatever the

                            other one is, the conventional shoes, is a good flexibility tool.


                            On Runner's World the barefoot stuff was one level below our forum.  I was amazed at the

                            number of topics they had for all the injuries that seemed simply to be examples of trying

                            to do something your body is not ready for--but they would push through, literally bragging

                            about the "no pain, no gain" silliness.  Discomfort is okay as you change from one style or

                            method to another, pain is needless suffering when self-induced.



                              mtwarden - Have a great time.  Sounds like a fantastic adventure.  I'm jealous.


                              lace - If my math head is working, that's like a 17.5% grade - wow nice hill run!

                              “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                                6.4 miles across the desert for the dog and I yesterday afternoon. It was a beautiful sunny evening finally! Plan on 8 tonight, not sure where yet.


                                QOTD: I ran in fivefingers for about a year. I really enjoyed the simplicity and feel, but found it was seriously limiting my speed and distance especially on the downhills and rocky trails. I have been experimenting with "minimal" shoes since. Enjoyed the La Sportiva Vertical Ks but were just not quite enough protection for most runs over about 15 miles. Now running Perigrines and noticed a solid increase in my downhill pace after the change. Thinking about trying even more shoe, maybe Xodus, but not sure. Seems there is a sweet spot for everyone.
