Trailer Trash


Finally Friday!!! (Read 19 times)

Queen of Nothing


    Ran a bit over 6 this morning..with my little buddy Jennah and the mutts of course.  Jennah is 22 and looks 12.  She likes me  no idea why.  I am often aksed if I am her Mother  but once was actually asked if I was her Gramma  sometimes I wonder what is wrong with me that I get along with a 22 year maybe I should grow up. 


    Jennah text me in the am to see if I was going...she work me up from a dream about AT.  He was throwing me a party at his house.  He and Jess came later after a long run but had to take a nap.  I was surprised that he was so short and he had curly (no pretty curl but perm curly) hair that was reddish.    Kinda funny.


    QOTD:  It's Friday what are the exciting plans for the weekend.  I am going to clean out the 3 little ponds we have and clean out the ya chores...lost of chores.

     05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

     08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







    Le professeur de trail

      Where is everyone? Just procrastinating at work.  It's so nice out - near 70 degrees and I am stuck inside.


      QOTD: No plans really.  DS1 last b-ball game and then we are officially done for this season.   DS1 team is 8-1 and should go 9-1.  DS2 went 8-2.  DD's team doesn't keep score but she had a good season.  So either they are great players or it is the coaching!!!!   Otherwise, no plan.  Normally I would work on projects with so much time but I am still on restrictions.  I will figure out some project that needs done around the house.


      Have a great weekend!

      My favorite day of the week is RUNday




        Planning to run after work today.  I might even leave work early since the weather is so nice.  Cool and dry, which is unusual for these parts. Then afterwards we're going to the burger joint tonight (remember from the other day?).


        QoN, my DW got really pissed off a few years ago when someone asked if she was our daughter's grandmother. Some people are clueless I guess.  Anyway, it's nice that you have a young'un as a friend, she can give you all the hipster updates...... 


        qotd: Not much, run a bit, and do some stuff around the house. Going to dinner Saturday night with the kids, it's the old man's b'day soon. Ha, most of our plans seem to revolve around food these days.



        running under the BigSky

          Morning all.  Still recovering from the flu (so glad that DW works in an elementary school!)- fever is down, so I guess I'm on the mend.  Still a lot of congestion in my lungs and achy joints.  Three days housebound, feels like 30 days AND the weather has turned seasonable too- upper 30's for highs, which makes it even worse sitting at home.  I probably shouldn't, but half tempted to go out for a few miles.


          I have been able to get well into the meat of Game of Thrones, it's pretty darn good if you like that genre- sword/fantasy.  Have never watched any of the HBO series, but probably will after reading.


          qotd: I'm hoping I can get out this weekend, more nice weather so don't want to squander it- don't ever want to be sick, but would have been more tolerable when it was -30 (just a week ago)



          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

          2021 goal- 2021 miles √





            Jennah text me in the am to see if I was going...she work me up from a dream about AT.  He was throwing me a party at his house.  He and Jess came later after a long run but had to take a nap.  I was surprised that he was so short and he had curly (no pretty curl but perm curly) hair that was reddish.    Kinda funny.



            Still dreaming about me? So Dr. Jamie might need to help diagnoses this disorder.  Curly hair is obviously Jess' thing (but her hair is 100% natural curl). I'm about 10" taller than you so don't know about that part. Don't know why I was a ginger, maybe St. Paddy's day is in your head.  We are old, so we do nap after long runs sometimes.  I always say you're welcome at our house, so that's where that came from. 

            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



              Just got back from a funeral for a friends son. He was 37 and had a brain aneurysm that ruptured. Never knew he had it. Good kid. Very sad to go to a funeral for someone so young.


              No run today, but with warm weather DW says she wants to go for a walk later.


              QOTD:  20 miler tomorrow am. Might have to do asphalt since trails are pretty soaked. Meeting DS and some friends tomorrow for a pint and some music for our St. Patrick's celebration. Sunday looks like yard cleanup time.  Need to get that done now since we're heading to Hilton Head Island next Friday for a week to see DW's parental units.

              “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                A short and easy 4 last night out at Warwick Park with the Lady. Finally some spring temps... about 65 degrees. Did a short out and back on a section of the horseshoe trail to finish up. A typically mucky swampy section. Wasn't too bad, and it took us to the French Creek where the Lady could get a drink. Saw my first skunk cabbage and spring wild flowers of the season.


                Gym stuff today at lunch. Very warm today, low 70's. I should go out for a run later.


                QOTD: Cooling off tonight and into the weekend. I might get the hoe out (haha) and do some weeding anyways. So that and a few short runs, a visit from buddy and his dog, dinner out somewhere.

                In dog beers, I've only had one.


                  Just got back from a funeral for a friends son. He was 37 and had a brain aneurysm that ruptured. Never knew he had it. Good kid. Very sad to go to a funeral for someone so young.




                  AT: That is sad.


                  I awoke to a hail storm this morning, so I didn't run. I doubt I will run after work, either.


                  QOTD: I will probably be at my parents' house before daylight in the morning to see if we can get across the road and hear a turkey gobble. I need to run before that, but I will probably detour on the way home and run 6 miles on the road. Then, I may run 7 miles on Sunday morning. I'd like to get 20 miles for the week.



                    Really nice weather here today. Should have went out on the bikes. AS it is getting ready to head out for 4-5 miles. Some will be walking with DW and some running.



           maybe I should grow up. 


           can you give me even one benefit of growing up???????   Young'uns   always get into  more trouble .


                    AT - Sad to hear someone that young die.   For some reason a brain aneurysm and pulmonary embolisms are the things that scare me.


                    QOTD: Picked up an extra shift tomorrow afternoon. At least it's only 8 hours.  Everybody wanted me to work for them since I don't drink and party.   Off on Sunday.


                    Faster Than Your Couch!

                      Wonderful spring weather here, too. Almost 70 degrees. Will go for s late afternoon run with the boys later.


                      AT: very sad that someone so young has to die. Scary.


                      QOTD: work. Very busy day expected tomorrow, we already know we will be at least 1 person short for all the work, and having a second person extra would feel just right, but no. I sometimes wonder if my boss writes our schedules with “and then a miracle happens” in mind, instead of planning hours.

                      I will still try to get out and run after work then.

                      Run for fun.


                        crosstraining day -- went to the gym for weights, and did a couple of hours of garden labor. It's beautiful here-- 75 and sunny.


                        qotd: Hmm, not anything too exciting. DH is in San Diego until late Saturday. DS is too old to want to do anything with mom, unless it involves buying him something. I will run with the group in the morning and go from there.  Maybe drop in on a friend's St Pats day party in the afternoon.

                          Played hooky from work yesterday and took a day trip to Castle Peak for some snowshoeing.  A beautiful day but super windy at the ridge.  Not as tough as what Warden and Tiny E do, but a good day for us flatlanders.


                          I waved to Queen as I drove by the Grass Valley exit.  And to Valerie over in NV when I was on the ridge.


                          Ran 5 today and did kettlebell class.


                          QOTD: Going to spend the day with my Dad tomorrow.  On the agenda: visit the USS Hornet (where he worked as a doctor after medical school), St. George Distillery tour, and beer at Faction Brewing -- all of which is conveniently located in Alameda.  Have to get some work done on Sunday, but that's the price I pay for playing hooky...  Totally worth it.  




                          5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                          7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                          9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                          running under the BigSky

                            ^ very nice! 



                            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                            2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                            Refurbished Hip

                              Great pictures, Gatsy!


                              Speaking of snow pictures, I have snow pics from Southern Arizona to share eventually. 

                              Running is dumb.