Trailer Trash


Full Moon Weekender (Read 18 times)


    Ha!!!!  Not really sure how it happened but I am somehow included in the inner circle. Especially for yesterday's gig, I think I was only allowed for the horse wrangling.



    Sandy - sounds nice. I'm not allowed to see the dress before the wedding. Not fair since I paid for the darn thing. DD#1 is a Daddy's Girl, so I'm sure I'll cry when I see it.  



      Yes, I am 62 years old and live with my parents . They needed the help and I had nothing going on in my life that made the transition impossible. Thankfully I work, and spend much of my time away from FN  in my room when I am home.


      I love them dearly...but it is challenging.

      You actually live with your father!  At least I know there’s and end soon.  He can’t go a day without it.


      January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k

        I do read your posts but so much going on with each of you.

        I did catch 'Birdwell' ..... I don't know you but you are in my 'neck of the woods' in AZ? I'm further north at 7,000 ft ....most of the year..... but I'm  in the artic north of MN now. Long story but DH and I are making it work for the past 8 yrs and another 10 yrs while living in ND (where DH is originally from). I'm originally from the SW so I miss the mountains, rivers, canyons, mesas, etc. DO NOT like the flat land, feel too vulnerable. Anyway, family on DH's side took us to Fargo this weekend. DH's uncle had serious chest pains. His 'favorite uncle' so we had to go. Took my running stuff just in case we stay overnight. Was going to run this morning but forgot to pack my running shoes!! ugh!! 


        Thurs: Did get in 6.2 run.

        Fri:  3 sluggish miles on the TM. Pretty cold and overnight below zero temps resulted in very icy, slick areas on road in neighborhood.

        Sat:  rest day.

        Today(Sun): It was too late and getting dark to run by the time we got home so no run......and no run tomorrow, I have to travel to Duluth for the day.


        Gatsby:  nice to hear you are still volunteering and running those amazing distances!! I love reading your RRs. I enjoy volunteering when I'm sidelined with injury or have time before an ultra. I'm still hoping to run an ultra in CA. LOVE that view from your coffee time!! WOW!! I ran that area years ago, just a run while visiting, not a race. Have an aunt that leaves in SF area. I'm still planning on a 50 miler this year ...... chronic injury (knee) just doesn't want to go more than 49 miles, LOL!! Have run Pikes Peak(3 times including ascent)  This was especially incredible last year because I can say that I ran a race that Killian Jornat also ran in!!  Mt Taylor, Naatsisaan ultra among others, about once/month over past year. Gonna be in a new AG this March, so excited for it!! 


        I can't remember who mention the Arrowhead 135 when I said I was there. I'm about 100 miles from there(International Falls, MN) so met up with my running buddy (RB) whose BF was running it. We had a great time, very difficult to just stand by and NOT help him. Just being a witness to the event was an incredible experience for me! This was BF's 4th attempt. You have to be there to appreciate the conditions the participants go through .... even if this year was "nice" compared to other years. RB and I snowshoed on frozen lake and then ran on snow covered road while her BF got in a couple of hours of sleep before heading out again. It was a bummer that he had to drop around mile 85-ish. RB and her BF will be doing this, in Canada, in a few weeks:

          Hi az2mn!  I hope you are able to get past those injuries and get that 50 miler.  Do you have a race in mind?


          AT, the GG Trail Run is a beautiful course.  And yesterday was a perfect day for it, sunny with a light breeze.  My aid station was at a busy parking lot where several trailheads converge, not the most scenic spot.  But an important spot to make sure the runners all got on the correct routes (and didn't get taken out by cars or mountain bikers.   Wink


          Moonlight, it's nice of you to look after your parents.


          Today, easy 5.8 miles, worked for a few hours, and then attended my running club's annual potluck.

          6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

          7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

          9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR
