Trailer Trash


Too much time on my hands long weekender (Read 11 times)

    Drinking too much coffee and procrastinating on the weekend's chores.  Might take a short walk later depending on the tendonitis. Swelling and pain seem to be a little better.


    QOTD: Cross training... when not running or hiking, what activities (if any) do you do to keep in shape?


    I don't really do anything, which is why I'm asking...

    5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


      6.3 hilly miles in cooler weather. Then watched Courtney Duwaulter cross the finish line at UTMB. Looking forward to watching her post-race interview later. I just cannot wrap my head around what she's accomplished this summer.  Now trying to find a cape cod rental house in our preferred area for post-maine. The one house I really wanted opened up earlier this week and I did not pounce fast enough


      qotd: yoga and pilates. Mostly home based with YouTube. I find these workouts keep me strong and flexible.


        I did get back on Friday evening from our quick trip to New York, I guess we were about 35 miles north of NYC in Westchester county.  I didn't bring my running stuff with me so I didn't run on Thursday or Friday while I was up there. I knew it was going to be great running weather in the mornings (upper 50s) and I was in an area that has some great trails (we were near where the AT crosses the Hudson River), but the focus was on family so no runs.


        Big news at the UTMB this weekend, Walmsley and Dauwalter both won, great result for the USA.  And Miller came in 2nd. Here's a summary  by irunfar.


        I ran 5 miles yesterday morning and 4 miles this morning back here in the cruddy weather of east Texas. The taper continues.


        qotd: I sometimes ride the MTB and sometimes do core/abs stuff, but it's hit-or-miss, mostly miss. 



        running under the BigSky

          5 miles yesterday with DW and Tiny Elvis. 5 miles (700') with Tiny Elvis today- same loop as yesterday; discovered this morning I lost my Spyderco that I've been carrying almost everyday for 7-8 years- it was a long shot finding it, popular trail (if it would have been a weekday I think my odds would have gone up quite a bit) 


          qotw: I try to strength train twice a week; also DW and I have been doing a little mtn biking of late.




          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

          2021 goal- 2021 miles √



            I guess we should consult the official 'rules', but ......   I guess since this is a 3-day weekend we're supposed to check-in here.  Right? 


            Hope everyone is having a nice Labor Day.


            I took a SRD today.  



            running under the BigSky

              So tickled for Walmsley; he's works really hard and has come close- no he's got it! 


              5 miles (600') with DW and Tiny Elvis in light rain (needed), high today only 63- I think summer is fading away.



              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                I ran the old 3.25 mile loop this morning. It was a little muggy this morning.


                QOTD: I don't ever have much time that I am not running or hiking, but I finally feel like I have successfully incorporated lifting weights into my normal exercise activities. If I have a time when I am not running or hiking, I will probably continue to do that. I am really enjoying it.
