Trailer Trash


Missing Mondaily? (Read 22 times)




    QOTD: How many pairs of shoes do you buy in a normal year?


    I usually buy 3 pair of shoes.



      Got in 9.8 miles. Wore my Bondis. Didn't think that would be a problem since I was running on part gravel, part paved roads. Turned out some of them were mud roads. Found out how slippy and sticky Texas mud can be.  Saw a really nice deer but couldn't tell if it was a buck or a doe. Wind was steady at about 15-20 mph with higher gusts, temp was mid 70s and humid. Needles to say I did a lot of plodding along with far too many walk breaks.


      QOTD: I bought one pair last year and one pair this year so far. I'm kind of overstocked on shoes so I may not need any more this year unless I decide to buy a pair for the gym. A few years ago I bought 3-4 pair. With my Hokas lasting 700-1000 miles an me only running about 1200-1500 miles a year I don't need too many.

      Gator eye

        8 this morning. Got a good scare when a dog come running out of the dark full steam right at me then jived just missing me. After I got done screaming like a little girl I realized thw little dog wa scared out of his mind and must of been lost. He was way out in coyote country with no houses anywhere close.  I tried to catch him but with Mr Jangles beside me i couldn't get close and ended up leaving him alone in the dark, he wouldn't follow.  Felt bad but i had to go and get to work. Hopefully he'll find his way home.


        QOTD; really??? that's a hell of a question.  I can't answer cause the wife might see it, it would be like tattling on myself.


          9 miles this afternoon.  Got to my hotel, took a little nap and then went for a run.  Headed west along the Thames for 4.5 miles than came back.  On the way back I zig-zagged over the bridges between the south and north banks.



          qotd: I guess 2 or sometimes 3 pair per year.



            No run to post yet but after a chilly weekend milder here today so there will be some running after work. I really need to kick myself in the pants and get away from this slog-like running pace. Yesterday I did my Sunday loop at French Creek (I haven't ran that loop in quite some time, it's hard!!) and swear I forgot how to run on rocks and tricky terrain. Mostly just shuffled about. Thankfully I forgot my watch so did not have an actual known slow time for the loop. Phew.


            QOTD: 5 or 6 pairs maybe? I keep at least 2 trails shoes in the rotation and one road shoe.

            In dog beers, I've only had one.


              rest day here too. I'll get in some strength work in later.


              Sandy-- that looks to be quite the interesting run. Envious.


              qotd: 1-2. I've already bought 2 pairs since christmas, so I should be good for a while.  Regardless, my hobby is significantly less $ than DH's so I don't stress about it too much.


              Le professeur de trail

                I am going to attempt to up my mileage from my near 0 mileage running.  Maybe 3 miles tonight after I take DD out on a date.


                Gator - so your DW would see this post but not see your shoes? Where/how do you hide them?


                QOTD: Not sure I have an average per year.  It all depends on what I am training for.  Nothing at the moment so I will hold pat for a while.  I have (4) pair in rotation at various mileage and conditions.  But somehow I now feel the urge to go take a peek at what deals are out there.  Thanks a lot LB2!!!!!!!


                Have a great night!

                My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                running under the BigSky

                  squeezed in some good training this weekend- 6.5 miles with about 1500' of gain through snow, ice, slush and mud with a 40 lb pack!  yesterday a nice 12 miles


                  strength train this evening


                  qotd: probably 3-4 pairs, like to rotate shoes; have already surpassed this number this year with the announcement from PI that they would no longer be making running shoes- stocking up 



                  2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                  2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                  2021 goal- 2021 miles √




                    QOTD: Not sure I have an average per year.  It all depends on what I am training for.  Nothing at the moment so I will hold pat for a while.  I have (4) pair in rotation at various mileage and conditions.  But somehow I now feel the urge to go take a peek at what deals are out there.  Thanks a lot LB2!!!!!!!


                    Have a great night!


                    They have some good deals on Hoka's on runningwarehouse right now. I just bought some Stinsons, and I am having a hard time not going back in and getting a pair of Speedgoats. I will resist the urge, though.



                    running under the BigSky

                      one of my buddies has a pair of Speedgoats- he raves about them!



                      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                      2021 goal- 2021 miles √




                        I was wondering about the daily title and then saw the first post was at 1:52 pm.  We're just a late crew today.


                        Walking night for me.  Hope to do 5 miles at quick pace while DW is at chorus.


                        Sandy - say 'ello to the Queen for me.  We just finished steaming The Crown, and I have a new respect for her.


                        QOTD:  Have 4-5 in regular rotation. Use is depending on the terrain that I am running, since shoes some have no rock protection and some are terrible for logging roads, etc.  Probably buy 4 pairs per year, but will stock up like I did when Inov8 stopped making my favorite TrailRoc shoe last year.

                        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                          Try discount code FB15 or FB15D. Should get you another 15% off. I just used the first one for clearance Brooks a few weeks ago.



                          They have some good deals on Hoka's on runningwarehouse right now. I just bought some Stinsons, and I am having a hard time not going back in and getting a pair of Speedgoats. I will resist the urge, though.

                          Queen of Nothing


                            Hey! Watch it!  There's only one Queen around here!  Today was rhe beach, drinks and maybe a walk to the end of the beach .



                            Sandy - say 'ello to the Queen for me.  We just finished steaming The Crown, and I have a new respect for her.



                             05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                             08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄