Trailer Trash


White Wednesday (Read 9 times)


    It's been awhile since we've had snow cover on the ground. It somehow has become an unusual thing for the winter around here. Anyways, not too bad relatively speaking but I am not used to it anymore. Moderating temps next week or so it looks on the forecast.


    Nothing much so far today. A cold icy morning dog walk. THe roads were crusted with ice and frozen slush. A bit better at lunch as the sun came up and there is some melting despite the cold temps. Probably no run today for this hobby jogger. Might go to the gym later though for spin or jog on TM.


    QOTD: Any stupid snow runs in your past?


    A few times the inaptly named Ugly Mudder 12k that runs up/down sections of Mt. Penn (Reading PA) over and over had a snow covered course. One year it was just super slick, a few sections were best handled via butt slide, but mostly fun snow packed trail. Another year had about 12" of fresh powder from the day before that had not been broken in. The entire field compressed in the early miles, during one of the first big climbs, as the leaders had to break trail and could not pull away until the course flattened out. I remember looking up seeing the front of the pack just ahead of me and thinking WTF! I am having a good day or what? Ha.

    In dog beers, I've only had one.

      Why does this week seem so long if it’s a short work week??  Ran 5 yesterday, and have intervals on the schedule for today. Think I’ll head out at lunch time.  Can’t complain about the weather. Usual stuff here, drizzly on and off, 50s, nothing like the freezing temps elsewhere.

      QOTD: no stupid snow runs for me, unless you count Antarctica many years ago.

      5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

      7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

      9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


        Did 11 miles this morning. It was a crystal clear crisp day, 20°. It was a great day for a run.  Saw a few dog walkers but no other runners.


        qotd: I’ve done a few (you know it’s a bit crazy when there are no other runners around). One I remember in Norway many years ago, but I did know enough not to run on the cross country ski tracks!! 



        Are we there, yet?

          Wind chill is too low for me, rest day.


          QOTD:  I did try to run the day after one of those 24" snow storms.  The really stupid runs were after ice storms. I also raced 5 miles the day after a 12" snow fall and the streets weren't plowed yet.  The downhills were "fun".

           2024 Races:

                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                05/11 - D3 50K
                05/25 - What the Duck 12-Hour

                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.