Trailer Trash


Monday (Read 22 times)


    Can't come up with a catchy title today. I continued my streak of short runs last night with 3 miles in rock creek. The trails are still weeping water and it was muddier than I thought it would be, especially on the ridge.  The creekside sections were actually in the best shape. And once I got off the main trail, it was perfectly quiet and I had the trail to myself.


    qotd: See any strange or odd sights on the trails lately? Last night, coming up the hill, I passed a woman walking her cockatoo. He was a huge bird and she had to hold her arm at an angle that I imagined was not easy. As I continued up the hill, the bird starting taking quite loudly. I felt  harassed-- I wasn't running fast enough? Poor form? On the way back, passed them again and with the bird, was a wheaton terrier (and owner) that I've met before. Nicest dog.


    Le professeur de trail

      Likely a rest day maybe even a rest week.  BC50k yesterday sucked.  I concur with GC.  Running sucks.  Too humid, too hot.  Wheels fell off after mile 17.  I tried to get myself together between 17 and 21 but ended up walking 75% of the last 10 miles. My heart rate spikes when it's that hot/humid.  Just not a good day.  Only made worse by forgetting to wear my IT band strap (I don't wear it for ITBS but rather for an adductor issue).  Needless to say, my knee is very sore as a result.  So will nurse that this week.  Will get myself back to full health.  Tough day for everyone out there so at least I wasn't struggling alone.    I have my eyes on OC next year for a 100 and that was run this weekend.  I looked at the finishing times and looked like they had the same crappy weather.  The DNF rate was high, finishing times were higher than normal.  


      QOTD: Nothing that I can think of at the moment.


      Have a good day!

      My favorite day of the week is RUNday




        I was supposed to do 3 mi this morning but I slept in instead.  Stayed up watching the NFL battle of Texas last night.  Over the game I think Houston had about 9 or 10 plays inside the 5 yard line and couldn't get a TD.  We need to get a big running back or maybe have JJ Watt carry it.  (But kudos to Dallas for the goal line stands thou.)


        I'm still just trying to do easy 3 mi jaunts to keep things loose.  As mentioned over the weekend my legs are just really tired for some reason, but nothing hurts so that's good. Just need to take it slow and easy for a bit.


        I may try to get in 3 after dinner, but we'll see.  If I don't run today it'll be a few days off for me because I'll be in the plane for a while, headed over to Seoul early tomorrow morning.


        qotd: Not strange to me, but every once in a while I see guys walking along the greenbelt with heavy backpacks obviously training for something.  I imagine that most dog walkers, etc. think it's weird though.




          Up early to see my doctor for a benydryl shot.  BP and HR seem to be under control now, but took until bedtime to get back to normal. Never had multiple stings before, so no idea my body would react so negatively.  5 racers DNF'd with reactions from multiple stings, and many more were stung. Oh the joys of trail running.  Now foot itches like hell and ankle is still swollen, but not painful. After seeing that my HR stayed elevated for hours, I made the right call bagging it. As John M would have said DNF = Did Nothing Fatal (Foolish).


          Jess missed the cutoff at 21 miles (95 DNF'd out of 400). She was doing great and running with Mark, and right behind Jamie, and then heat exhaustion got her and she was cramping and had a lot of nausea.  Jamie and Mark finished strong limped in, and after looking at them, maybe I won but cutting my day short.


          My first running race DNF. Not sure how I feel about it since things were out of my control. I had a DNF at an Adventure Race when I took a hard fall on a bike section and was pulled for a concussion.  This was at the same lake, so maybe Blue Marsh has it out for me.



          Rose between 2 thorns.


          Dr. Jamie - coming in "strong"


          My ankle looks like my elbow. Count the stings and win a prize. Jess got 8.


          GC - sorry "Steamtown" lived up to the name. Would have been a joy to have run in the cool rain in Chicago yesterday.


          QOTD:  Just the great AS people yesterday all dressed in costumes.  Oktoberfest is always fun, Blue Brothers and Margaritaville are other favorites. They go all out to decorate and dress the part at their AS's.

          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


            I'm glad I am not the only one who deals with HR spikes that just go out of control in hot, humid weather. I fought that last year to the point that it totally ruined my race. I never could get it under control.


            AT: As far as the DNF, I don't know what to tell you. I have two of them, same race different years. The first one, looking back, bothered me more than it should have. But I think that was mainly because I really made an incorrect mathematical calculation, which sent me into a rage. Later, I was even more pissed when I realized I had reacted to an incorrect calculation. So stupid!! During that first DNF, I did have some issues with cramping and some HR spikes, but I was able to keep the HR spikes under control in that one. The second DNF was definitely primarily due to HR spikes. I had to stop or slow down considerably to get it under control, and I never could get it under control. Held on for 63 or so miles before I timed out. So, I don't feel bad about that one.


            QOTD: Nothing in particular lately, but I have seen some crazy stuff in the past.



            I lost my rama

              Dr J - Nice job gutting it out for the finish.  Sounded like an overall tough day for everyone.


              AT - I'd say 8, but though to say from the pic.  Regardless, that's a lot of stings!  Hope the shot helps.  Sorry to hear Mrs AT got hit with the cut-off, but a solid effort to last that long in that weather.


              Sandy - Have a good trip and enjoy some good Korean BBQ and soju!


              Hope to get an easy 4 after work.  I keep saying that, then end up TURDing it from working late. 


              QOTD:  I really haven't seen anything odd, especially like runtrail.  Sometimes I find myself not really paying attention on trail, so I may have passed some guy dressed up like a ballerina hiding behind a tree.  Who knows?

              3/17 - NYC Half

              4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

              6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

              8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                Back to running this weekend. A short 4 mile doggie jog on Saturday on the trails of Coventry Wood, and about 6 miles yesterday on the trails at French Creek Park. Sort of warm and humid for October, so we ran/looped around both lakes yesterday at the park. With the streams and the creeks there were plenty of water stops for the Lady. These trails get a bit more traffic so the Lady had plenty of chances to stop and be admired by hikers.


                Plan for the day is gym stuff at lunch, and run on the local trail this evening after work.


                QOTD: Not that strange, but different. Mushroom foragers out in the park yesterday. They had a table setup by the Scott's Run Lake and the collection of fungi they found was impressive. When we finished our run a mushroom expert was describing the various species collected. Seems most were either gross or poisonous!


                Dr Jamie/AT - Bummer about the humid weather at Blues Cruise. The first year I ran it temps hit 85 but it was more of an Indian Summer heat as opposed to high dewpoints if I recall. AT, ouch on the bees. Sucks they caused your first DNF.


                Runtrail - When I ran a lot on the Perkiomen Rail Trail, I would see a guy walking with a big gray parrot. I think the mocking was just in your head.


                Sandy - Legs tired? Huh. I wonder why. Safe travels. Sounds like I should have stayed up for the second half.

                In dog beers, I've only had one.


                  But I think that was mainly because I really made an incorrect mathematical calculation, which sent me into a rage. Later, I was even more pissed when I realized I had reacted to an incorrect calculation.


                  Ha!! They always say "don't do the math".  It's for a variety of reasons.   At last week's run I started getting into a bad space when I kept multiplying 3 x 9hrs and getting 37 hours. Wait, what? 37, do that again 37, 37...  (which would have been longer than the cutoff time). I was like WTF, not good, I need to start pushing like crazy.   Soon after it hit me....   "27 you jerk. Relax."


                  AT: Looks the same as fire ants, those things suck too.  At last week's run some folks at the runner's meeting mentioned that there were bees and/or wasps along the course.  I did hear some buzzing at one point and took my hat off to prepare for swatting, but luckily they didn't come after me. Sounds like a rough day at the Blues.




                    I was supposed to do 3 mi this morning but I slept in instead.  Stayed up watching the NFL battle of Texas last night.  Over the game I think Houston had about 9 or 10 plays inside the 5 yard line and couldn't get a TD.  We need to get a big running back or maybe have JJ Watt carry it.  (But kudos to Dallas for the goal line stands thou.)



                    Always a good day when the Cowboys lose.


                    Sandy - I still get updates from The Adventurist, and see they are planning a new horse race in Patagonia. Did Devan sign up yet?

                    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                    flashlight and sidewalk

                      Nice to see everyone out racing even if they didn't go as planned...sounds like a rough day across the board.


                      I'm still on my running streak...68 days.  4 weeks until the marathon, starting to get concerned about a lack of long runs (haven't run over 10 for 4 weeks I think).  I talked to my wife about making some accommodations so that I can do some longer weekday runs, but really not excited about knocking out 10-15 in the neighborhood at night.


                      QOTD: not on the trails but I regularly see a pack of 7 suburb deer hanging out in front lawns.  Also saw a skunk, raccoon, and owl in the past week.  I think I have more animal encounters around town than I ever did on the trails.


                      **Ask me about streaking**



                      I lost my rama


                        QOTD: Not that strange, but different. Mushroom foragers out in the park yesterday. They had a table setup by the Scott's Run Lake and the collection of fungi they found was impressive. When we finished our run a mushroom expert was describing the various species collected. Seems most were either gross or poisonous!



                        With this weird weather this year, we've been seeing a lot of mushrooms around the cabin.  I wish I knew which ones are edible vs can kill you, or else we'd have a feast!


                        Chicken of the Woods (I think)....



                        Big mushrooms with DW (I think)....




                        AT - RE: Cowboys.... spoken like a true Skins fan. 


                        Sandy - "Doing the math" is the only thing I can do while running.  I suppose it's why I don't wear ear buds.  Or maybe I should, since my math isn't all that good while running either.


                        jamezilla - Nice to see you pop in again.  I wouldn't worry too much about the long run.  For a marathon, I think consistency (getting out every day) is more important.  If I get lucky, I might be running with you. 

                        3/17 - NYC Half

                        4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                        6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                        8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                        running under the BigSky

                          sounds like a rough day indeed- I have a few dnf's; no shame here- not like I'm a paid athlete Smile


                          4.5 miles with Tiny E on Saturday, 3.5 with DW, Tiny E and I Sunday- still hacking garbage up, but less- this was a real doozy to be sure


                          have today off so will get out with Tiny E for 4-5 miles, taking in some bison meat to be ground today- grilled bison steaks on Saturday- the flavor was great, but it's so lean no like a big, fat beef Costco ribeye


                          qotd: nothing unusual, but as the temps drop (our highs have been in the upper 40's), seeing less folks on the trails 


                          2024 goal 2024 miles

                          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                          2021 goal- 2021 miles √




                            Ha!! They always say "don't do the math".  It's for a variety of reasons.   At last week's run I started getting into a bad space when I kept multiplying 3 x 9hrs and getting 37 hours. Wait, what? 37, do that again 37, 37...  (which would have been longer than the cutoff time). I was like WTF, not good, I need to start pushing like crazy.   Soon after it hit me....   "27 you jerk. Relax."




                            At least I can use the excuse of having a degree in English. What was funny is that I actually argued my math with an aid station captain. He was like, "Dude. I am telling you. You have time." I really wasted a comeback on that day because I was feeling better and could take in food at that point.



                            Are we there, yet?


                              Ha!! They always say "don't do the math".  It's for a variety of reasons.   At last week's run I started getting into a bad space when I kept multiplying 3 x 9hrs and getting 37 hours. Wait, what? 37, do that again 37, 37...  (which would have been longer than the cutoff time). I was like WTF, not good, I need to start pushing like crazy.   Soon after it hit me....   "27 you jerk. Relax."


                              Uh, 37 is a prime number. It's a product only of itself and one.

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                                I am pretty sure that is Chicken of the Woods, but I don't know if I would be confident enough to try it first. Mushrooms scare me.


                                With this weird weather this year, we've been seeing a lot of mushrooms around the cabin.  I wish I knew which ones are edible vs can kill you, or else we'd have a feast!


                                Chicken of the Woods (I think)....



                                Big mushrooms with DW (I think)....


