Trailer Trash


Messy Monday. (Read 23 times)


    I took an SRD today. I have run the last 9 straight days. My calves were a little sore this morning, so I took a break. I should have the best mileage I have had in the last year this month. But that was a low, low bar. I only have to break 90 miles to do that.


    QOTD: When was the last time you had a running related injury and what was it? How did you fix it?


    My last running related injury was 2010. Since then, I have had some Piriformis issues, but I don't consider that an injury. It always flares up after a long event when I take a break afterwards; everything sort of seizes up. I just stretch for that, and it is gone in a day or two. So, the 2010 thing was PF. I got on it immediately and mainly used KT tape on the bottom of my foot. It took about a month to get it straight, but I could actually run with the tape on my feet. I believe in that stuff. I only missed about a week of running, but I significantly reduced my mileage and time on the road.




      Going to the chiro at lunch then 3 after work.  Obsessively watching the weather for Ottawa, KS.


      qotd: The only running related one I guess was the PF I had.  I also used the tape and switched from Brooks Glycerins to Alta's and Topos.  That seems to have fixed the issue.  I started out in the Brooks on the recommendation of the LRS cause I didn't have a clue.  I only wore them and I think since I don't wear heels the drop was too high.  Now I alternate between various brands 4mm to 0 drops and no problems anymore. My back while affecting my miles wasn't running related.


        Monday.... that means a SRD for me.


        From yesterday:

        Sandy:  Love those races in our heads 

        QoN - especially when the other people don't know we're racing!! 


        qotd: I guess the last actual running injury was my lower shin bugging me during the Bear.  I had tweaked it the month before, but it came back to bite me.  I babyed it and managed to finish, but it took a few weeks of rest and a lot of stretching and stick-rolling afterwards to get it better.


        My lower back gets wonky from time-to-time, but I think that's overuse from a lot of things (including running), I do core exercises and again stretching to fix it.  I should do core stuff all the time, but I get lazy.



          About 9 miles yesterday wandering the trails at French Creek with the Lady. Nice day, pleasant spring temps and wind was a mild breeze to non-existent. Mud and muck in a few places but overall pretty good. The water table here must be in pretty good shape with all the rain last year and a wet start again this year. The route I took goes by a little spring (or so a sign pronounces) and I remember thinking many times there is never any water there but the last 2 runs I've taken this trail you can see the water bubbling up from the ground.


          Spent a few hours in the yard doing some spring cleanup after my run. I had some shrubs that took some damage from the last heavy wet snow so had to trim those into shape, plus start the never ending weed battle.


          Plan for today? Forecast to rain later. I guess a wet woodsy run is on tap for this evening.


          QOTD: My body seems to be nothing but injured these days. Since my last left knee scope I was told I have arthritis in my left knee. If you know a cure for that let me know. I deal with it, do some exercises for strength, endless stretching. Some days it's better than others. Thankful I can still run for an hour or two I suppose.

          In dog beers, I've only had one.


            Ran 7 miles in the woods yesterday, dodging the mud and mountain bikers. Got back just in time to see the kiddo's last swim event (there is usually a timeline, which I can use to see if there is a big enough time window to get in a run between his events).  Today, I'll take a rest day, getting in a walk instead.


            qotd: I think it has been almost 4 years since the last, bad ankle sprain so I think that is it. I've had minor issues that may have had me cut back  a little, but any time off has been due to non-running injuries, and that was 4 years ago with a knee sprain from skiing.  knock on wood.


            running under the BigSky

              Tiny Elvis and I had a solid week, needed to make up for the flu week. Will get out on the trails after work, going to be messy with temps into the 40’s.


              qotd: Spring of 14 microfracture in my left heel (pretty sure from running on pavement for a week at the law enforcement academy)- took a full 12 weeks to heal; knock on wood that has been the last real injury



              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √


              Queen of Nothing


                Had a run date that I cancelled at 4 am because I couldn't sleep and thought I would stack wood instead of run.  Jack had run 20 miles the day before and felt he needed a break.  So did I stack wood?  no..I fell into a deep sleep and woke up at 8 am and was late to work. 


                QOTD:  I had tendonitis in my ankle for about 2 years...I was wearing Brooke Cascadia.  After I switched to a higher drop the shoe it went away just like that!     Right now I am nursing the tick bite from yesterday.  Never had one that was painful..itchy yes but this one feels like a large bruise.


                Yesterdays long run...


                Image may contain: tree, plant, outdoor and nature



                Image may contain: Sue Piscatella, standing

                 05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                 08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                Faster Than Your Couch!

                  6+ miles. My legs felt tired, and I tried to ignore it, but it was just miserable slogging on the uphills.

                  Saw a great Egret, and a few ducks.


                  Queen: nice long run, great pictures, thanks for sharing!


                  LB2: Seems we are in the same mileage group. However, I am slow, so I get a lot more time out of it. Just saying  


                  QOTD: I don’t even remember anything more than a little creaking or niggle here and there. After ES100 in 2014, my knees hurt really bad and were hugely swollen due to overuse. I iced them and rested for a few days, and it went away quickly.


                  My worst, ongoing problem is dizziness that seems to result from otholites in my ears.

                  For years, every once in a while, then more often, then almost on every run, I would get confused with what my vision would tell me compared to what I was feeling in terms of balance (it just didn’t add up), then, as if I had been hit on the head, I would experience vertigo, quickly followed by disabling nausea, and I would really struggle to stay on my feet and not fall over.

                  Everything was spinning, and with the nausea and weakness, I felt as if I was to pass out. A headache would set in, not bad, but persistent.

                  Once it started during a run, even at the very onset, there was nothing I could do to make it go away and I could continue to run. Best case, I would get dizzy, some growing nausea, and weakness. I could continue to walk slowly for about 1/2 to 1 mile max, then I would get so weak and nauseous, I would have to stop and wait1/2 hour or more before being able to continue walking. I had no idea where it came from, and many doctor visits and all kinds of tests I was still having this problem, and it was getting worse by the week.


                  That was one reason why I stuck with shorter distances and ran close to my neighborhood, not often way out in the woods.


                  At some point, I realized it is probably a balance issue, not something with my heart, or my head. By coincidence, I saw a YouTube video that explained how you could make the otholites move into less problematic areas inside the balance system inside your ears. I tried it, and it worked. Sometimes I would still get the vertigo attacks, but at least I know now where it is coming from.

                  There are times when it comes back, and the self-treatment does not work, and only time (days, weeks) will make it go away. One day I’dwake up, and I could run fine again, and then, especially if I fail to do the exercises every day for a while, it would be back.


                  It is worse when I start out running very hard and on rough trails, with heavy wind pulling and pushing me around, and bright sunlight twinkling and casting deep shadows through the trees on and off. My explanation is that a quick rise in blood pressure, as it occurs with starting out fast, until it settles in, and the many quick changes in direction, jumping and hopping on rough trails, and visual distractions from changing light, stir up the otholites from their favorable place and transport them deeper into my balance system. Once there, only the exercises help, but only if my heart rate and blood pressure are low enough. This explains why the exercises may help during a run sometimes, but not when I try to rush them or do them while my heart is still pumping hard.

                  Downside is, I need a place like a bench, a big rock, or a fallen tree, to lie down from a sitting position to do the exercises. But at least, now I can run again, with only minor limitations (avoiding quick changes in direction or looking down, starting out slow, etc.).

                  Run for fun.



                    My worst, ongoing problem is dizziness that seems to result from otholites in my ears.


                    Marie, I can't remember if we talked about this before. It was when I was over in Korea a while back and maybe you were on hiatus from RA. I think I have the same thing, BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo), but I only suffer about once a year.  Actually I haven't had it happen in well over a year now. Originally I thought it was brought on by allergies.  Anyway the Epley Maneuver totally fixes it in my case.  I guess this is the video you saw?





                    I lost my rama


                      Marie, I can't remember if we talked about this before. It was when I was over in Korea a while back and maybe you were on hiatus from RA. I think I have the same thing, BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo), but I only suffer about once a year.  Actually I haven't had it happen in well over a year now. Originally I thought it was brought on by allergies.  Anyway the Epley Maneuver totally fixes it in my case.  I guess this is the video you saw?




                      I also get BPPV about every year or twice a year.  Seems to occur during change of seasons - perhaps barometric pressure changes contribute?  FTYC - It sounds like you get it more often, so maybe what you described triggers the vertigo.  I take Bonine which you can get it OTC at any drug store.  It's a non-drowsy motion sickness medicine, which can help (but not cure) the symptoms, if that helps.


                      And to everyone....   Yes, I'm still alive.

                      3/17 - NYC Half

                      4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                      6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                      8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                      Faster Than Your Couch!

                        Hi Berto, good to hear from you!

                        For a while I had no idea what it was, but I suspected it was similar to motion sickness. I just couldn’t figure out why it would happen on a run. It is “motion sickness”, as the balance system gets thrown off, and the nausea can be absolutely disabling. And it does not help that I have a tendency to suffer from a quickly dropping blood sugar level, too, which can cause nausea. I have had that all my life, and no doctor could tell me why, so I just live with it. I might try the medicine. Where do you get it? Any pharmacy?


                        Sandy: yes, these are the exercises. I have to do them every day before I run, and also on days when I don’t run, to maintain the success. Right now I don’t have the vertigo, that’s why I can run more and also more often on trails, yay!

                        Run for fun.



                          FTYC, I had never heard of that so of course I had to Google it.  Is it genetic?  Or just "something".  I have hearing loss and retinal dystrophy so the light/dark/light on sunny shaded trails can trigger a balance issue.  Those are dealable...the worst is what I call "shadow stripes" on the road where the sun shines through the trees causing's like a strobe effect.


                          Hi Bert, I was thinking of you today and wondering how you were.


                          Chiro visit went well, seems my pelvis was out of alignment, probably due to the way I sit in my office chair and twist to see the other monitor.


                          Faster Than Your Couch!

                            dhuff: maybe there’s some genetic disposition to it, I don’t know. Given all the stuff I have put my body through in this life so far, and some stress added, it doesn’t surprise me too much that it is showing some wear and tear.

                            Retinal dystrophy is scary. And yes, the “sun stripes” are terrible. I try to look somewhere else, without turning my head too far (that can also trigger the balance issues), or run with my eyes closed, which does not work so well on the rugged PA trails. But as for now, I am too stubborn to give up running.

                            Run for fun.


                              Geeze, Marie...that sounds awful! Great that you found something that helps. Dr. Google can be helpful and in your case saved your running!


                              LB: hope the calves feel better.


                              Dhuff: hope the forecast continue yes in your favor.


                              XT: I feel your pain. Arthritis sucks. I told my doc he needs to design a knee implant I can run on when the time for replacement comes. He was not optimistic.


                              I am at the trail head. Meeting a friend for a walk with her dog and then I will head out for my run. It is beautiful, the sun is out and the snow is gone and temps areaabove freezing. I hit the trifecta of early spring running today.


                              QOTD: I struggle with my knees and hips, but it is an old age thing caused mostly by arthritis.  I have had a couple of toe breaks, but I can usually run anyway. Two injuries come to mind that prevented me from running for an extended period. Bilateral tibial stress fractures (when I was 23) and ITBS when I was in my mid forties. The ITBS was caused by the road cant. It took FOREVER to heal. After that I switched to trails and it was occasionally problematic. Then, I started running in five fingers and it was better. It hurts from time to time, but trails and minimal footwear were the cure...oh...and maybe losing 100 pounds. 

                              January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k

                              Queen of Nothing


                                 Hi back at you...I always plan to say hi to you in my daily but than forget. 





                                And to everyone....   Yes, I'm still alive.

                                 05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                                 08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄





