Trailer Trash


too quiet Tuesday (Read 21 times)


    Everyone out running? I went (for a change ).  Got in about 3.5 miles of a dog jog (run, then walk, then run some more). We went early while DS was in his HS team swim practice. Chowder thought he hit the jackpot when we picked up another boy smelling of chlorine. He knew right where we were headed. And what that meant. We stayed off the trails. I managed to forget my headlamp and he's too wily to handle while running on uneven terrain. I need to pick up my ankle strengthening work before I do that.


    qotd: pass. It's too late in the day.


      Just the usual walk/jog routine this morning with the dogs. Not as cold as the past few mornings, low to mid 30's.


      I did a solo noon time run up at the local trail. I have not done a solo run in nearly 2 weeks. Baker tends to give me the look if I don't take him. Anyways, I got in 6 miles and it ended up pretty spiffy. Broke 50 minutes (just barely, by 30 seconds) but still that is good for me. While not hard, constant small hills make the loop a ball buster at times. I still owe Baker a run so probably 2 more dog jogging miles with him and the Lady later.

      In dog beers, I've only had one.



        TURD today as expected. Rented a trencher early this morning and DS and I spent 4 hours digging a trench for power and water hookups for the Tiny House parking area.  The another 2+ hours running conduit in the trench.  I know what I was dreading this part of the project. Anyway, it's done now. Phew. Back is sore and tired, so skipping a run in favor of some rest.


        Hope everyone has / had a good day.

        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


        running under the BigSky

          got 4 miles in with Tiny Elvis yesterday (note to self- bring headlamp dumbass! Smile)


          probably hit the trails again after work (with a headlamp this time!)


          funny story from yesterday; there is a guy and dog we see every so often on the trails. it’s a younger lab and Tiny E doesn’t like him (he dislikes pups, especially big dumb ones that tend to be a little too enthusiastic and not respecting space). he’s run him off growling a couple of times. anyways I see a lab coming down the trail at us (owner somewhere behind) his tail is wagging and he’s loping along. Tiny E sees him and recognizes him as the young lab (I didn’t), the lab freezes in his tracks at the sight of Tiny E, Tiny E runs at him, he runs away from Tiny E. I get Tiny E under control and the guy and lab come by, he gives Tiny E a super wide berth!  the guy gives his dog a funny look, like what’s that all about- I chuckle to myself, he’s been buffaloed big time by Tiny E!  



          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

          2021 goal- 2021 miles √



            Nice little tempo run this morning. I got a late start and barely made it out the door in time to get to work on time. I don't know when I have been this busy this late in the school year. However, we have most of the registration done for the spring already. That has never happened before. Maybe I will get to take a breath in the spring or after Thanksgiving.



            Faster Than Your Couch!

              Self-fulfilling prophecy? Where is everybody?


              Checking in again. I've been suffering from bursitis and/or ulnar nerve impingement on my right elbow, which has given me a lot of pain. I also have some weakness in my hand and arm, which is bad for my work, but luckily I don't need the arm for running, so there I go!


              5 in the evening, but just through the hood.

              We've had kids playing with fire (literally) in our neighborhood, and this afternoon, they set fire in a dry creek. It is the second time this year that we've had a fire in our development that had to be put out by the fire department.  I'm wondering if someone is on their way to becoming a career arsonist. Scary that the same kids are playing in our backyard these days, too. 

              Run for fun.


                Runtrail: I think running with a leashed dog on a trail is very challenging. I try to run with my daughter's ill behaved lab and it never works out well at all. Post some new pics of Chowder...I bet he has grown.


                Xt: sound like a fun run.


                At: sounds like a lot of work...cold work!


                Warden: sounds like mo one messes with Tiny E. What a great dog...companionship and entertainment in one small package with a big attitude.


                LB: hope you get some time to relax soon.


                I did nothing work out wise today. The tendonitis seems to be diminishing.


                Called today to get a ball park on how far out my scope will be.  Left a message and the scheduler called and told me there was a rare cancellation..and my scope  is on  Tuesday.


                I hope it is the right thing to do. Part of me wants to see if the tendinitis abates and maybe that is the real problem and the tear is just incidental. But....that would mean dicking around for 2-3 months at least before I could get another date. I took the cancellation as a gift from the universe and a sign I should go forward with it. I ruled out stem cell therapy. I cant afford multiple injections...and it is really iffy.


                I hope we hear good news from Berto soon.

                January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k


                  . . . Tiny E sees him and recognizes him as the young lab (I didn’t), the lab freezes in his tracks at the sight of Tiny E, Tiny E runs at him, he runs away from Tiny E. I get Tiny E under control and the guy and lab come by, he gives Tiny E a super wide berth!  the guy gives his dog a funny look, like what’s that all about- I chuckle to myself, he’s been buffaloed big time by Tiny E!  


                  As the saying goes. . . .

                  “It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.” ― Mark Twain


                  I did 5 mi after work today.  I also need to bring a light next time. 


                  FTYC: Yikes, that's a little too close for comfort.
