Trailer Trash


Thunderous thursday (Read 37 times)


    Hope to get in 4 or 5 after work sometime, have PT, yoga class and a meeting at 7:00 so might be night run in this gorgeous weather, supposed to get down in the 40's tonight!


    AT runner Happy Anniversary to both of you!


    QOTD I have shoes, towels, headlamp, shirts in my car in case needed, plus food and water.


      Tweaked my back warming up yesterday, so no running today or tomorrow.


      QOTD: My wife hates this, but my car is a mobile depot for running. At all times, I keep multiple changes of running clothes, shoes, vest, bottles, in there. I also have a 24-pack of water, bars, gels, and ensure. The only way to get enough running in is to enable myself to catch the breaks that occur during my day.

      3/8 Way Too Cool 50k WNS

      4/19 Tehama Wildflowers 50k


      Brian Runner

        Thursday night track workout and after dark group run with the club tonight I guess. We had 22 people for a group trail run last night and it was a complete distaster. Maybe nobody will show up...


          Rode with my youngest son to school, then hit the local classic on the bike (Old La Honda road). Construction on the descent, so got held up a bit, but a good climb.


          Details here:


          QOTD: Generally nothing. I run from home 99% of the time


          flashlight and sidewalk

            Afternoon all,


            Bailed on yesterdays run when I realized that I had put in 32 miles the previous 4 days...that pattern spells injury considering the low level of running I have been maintaining the past 2 months.  Today I'm bailing out of work in about 15 minutes to hit the trails.  I'm thinking 6 miles.


            QOTD: I keep a bag with all my trail gear (handheld, nutrition, pack, trail shoes) and some running clothes in the car at all times.  I'm an after work runner and I like to be prepared to stop off on my way home if the mood strikes me.  I need to invest in some towels.  ***side rant*** some a-holes stole the center caps off of my car this weekend...actually just 3 of the 4.  I have street parked my car overnight in NYC exactly 1 time and thats what happens...makes the $40 to park in a garage seem cheap.


            **Ask me about streaking**



            Faster Than Your Couch!

              OK, I did 11 miles, but it was a disaster. I got lost. Will post a separate thread. Just happy I'm alive and home again... Black eye


              If a trail gets worse, is this a sign you should turn back? At which point?

              Stay safe out there!

              Run for fun.


                OK, I did 11 miles, but it was a disaster. I got lost. Will post a separate thread. Just happy I'm alive and home again... Black eye


                If a trail gets worse, is this a sign you should turn back? At which point?

                Stay safe out there!


                Ummm ... what do you mean by "gets worse?" Disappears? More mountain lions?

                Occasional Runner


                  Ummm ... what do you mean by "gets worse?" Disappears? More mountain lions?


                  I assumed she meant it turned into a road.


                    Glad you're OK, FTYC!


                    Assuming I know where I am, I'd only turn back if I felt I was in danger. Once in the French alps, the trail continued as a 3-foot indentation in a 1000-foot cliff face. We turned around...

                    3/8 Way Too Cool 50k WNS

                    4/19 Tehama Wildflowers 50k



                    Faster Than Your Couch!

                      I wrote a report about my adventure. Fun read, after a good ending.



                      Run for fun.



                        Birdwell: 2 miles is better than nothing. What Nike+ thingie are you talking about?




                        It's an App on my iPod Nano. It's essentially a glorified pedometer. I went down to the local track and ran 2 miles, and set it up so it looked like I was a little short on mileage (ran 2, made it think I ran 1.9). I do that so I don't get over confident on my training.


                          I have been having some pretty good runs lately. Today was an easy one, and it sure felt great. I brought home one tick.


                          QOTD: Dirt, sweat, one tech shirt, one pair of shorts. I think that is it.



                          Faster Than Your Couch!


                            It's an App on my iPod Nano. It's essentially a glorified pedometer. I went down to the local track and ran 2 miles, and set it up so it looked like I was a little short on mileage (ran 2, made it think I ran 1.9). I do that so I don't get over confident on my training.


                            That sounds like me...

                            Run for fun.
