Trailer Trash


Thurstday (Read 14 times)


    I got out for a nice 4 miles this morning. I plan to keep these weekday runs to about 4 miles for the rest of the month and try to bump the weekends to 8 to 10 and a 6 to 8 for July.


    QOTD: Any tips, other than running more, to drop some pounds?


    I have always been able to move my weight up and down almost at will. However, over the last year or two I have found it to be more difficult to move it down. I can still move it up without even trying. Anyway, one thing that helps is if I make a conscious effort to drink one gallon of water per day, which I have been doing for the last week or so. That is easier to do while working from my home office than it is at my regular office. I have dropped about 5 pounds in the last week. I'd like to get down to about 190. I have 5 pounds to go. I don't worry too much about the actual number. I think all those years of heavy weight lifting put on some weight that will never go away. I just like to be as lean as I can be.



      The usual 2 mile dog wog this morning. We switch routes slightly every other day and today we were on shadier of the two which was helpful as it was warm and sunny. Weight routine at lunch. Gym is open but I ain't going yet. I am keeping fairly fit with my girlie weight/dumbbells these days so I will stick with that for now. It will be a hot one later but I will get Baker out for some trail miles in the shade after work.


      Good run last night. Ran solo out at the lake trails, my easier 7 in 70 loop (red trail). Have not run tempo in some time now, so wasn't sure what to expect, but I pulled it off. Checkpoints read 17:11, 32:59, 52:19, 69:02. These are not even mile points, just points on the trail where I glance at the watch. The run is totally by feel other than those checks. The first and last checkpoints are the same distance, opposite direction, so I did run that section faster at the end. I could tell. Felt good to run with some effort and sweat. I used to be able to get some faster runs in with the Lady with no problem but Baker tends to putz around now and then so it's difficult to run at a focused pace with him.


      QOTD: I've always had a winter/summer weight, about 5 lbs difference. Anyways, for me, cutout/cutdown ice cream, candy/snacks midday. If I snack midday it's fruit. I am a night snacker, so have substituted frozen fruit bars for ice cream. I've also been doing a 2 mile wog every morning. That's a one mile walk/1 mile jog with the dogs. I started last summer when the heat became to much for the Lady to run in the evening, and then we got Baker and now the morning routine is breakfast and wog. I am down a few pounds since last summer.

      In dog beers, I've only had one.


        Did 13 this morning.  82 deg again at 5am.  Wheels fell off with about 2 miles to go, overheating didn’t help.  It’s tough when the air is stagnant.


        I got back just in time to listen to a web address from our CEO, he covered burnout (if he only knew) and the “issues” related to going back to the office since the cases are going in the wrong direction, who knows, we might not go back until fall or winter.  Plus he covered the business stuff of course - we’re doing ok.


        Now I have my twice a week staff meeting, at least we can talk about the CEO address.


        qotd: the extra 5lbs I was carrying has vanished, see above about doing 10 miles in the heat each morning, I think it melted.  But actually as they say “you loose weight in the kitchen, not while running.”




          LB I wish I could help but my problem is not being able to gain weight.  I have found though that when I cut out dairy and limited my added sugar I could keep my weight at around 95lbs.  My issue is more of getting rid of the "wiggle" but I know what I need to do just can't summon the energy to do


          Sandy does the EU travel ban affect you?


            Sandy does the EU travel ban affect you?


            Our company has stopped all business travel. There are exceptions to allow our local staff to travel within their own country if they are needed to service a ship in another port, (i.e. one of our guys in our port office in Nagasaki could travel to Onomichi if necessary) we have hundreds of port offices around the world so we have a lot of local coverage. But all international travel, like the stuff I normally do, is completely stopped.  Therefore the EU ban is moot, but if my company did change our policy than yes I couldn't go there at the moment.


            My next three trips would have all been to London in Oct, Nov and Dec, they have all been cancelled (although technically the Dec meeting is in limbo at the moment).  After that it's Japan in the Spring....  but not sure if that's gonna happen.



            running under the BigSky

              a nice (but steep) 5 miles for Tiny E and I yesterday; will be heading out shortly for the trails today


              our nice weather continues- low 40's this morning, highs low 70's- that's kind of tough to beat! 


              qotd: I'm pretty sure I've been blessed with a fast metabolism as I pretty much eat what I want and my weight varies very little throughout the year (lucky bastard to be sure!). If I needed to lose weight, the first thing that would go would be sweets (although I don't eat a lot of sweets).  I'm guessing as much as I don't like the idea, probably beer next 


              2024 goal 2024 miles

              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √




                our nice weather continues- low 40's this morning, highs low 70's- that's kind of tough to beat! 


                qotd: I'm pretty sure I've been blessed with a fast metabolism as I pretty much eat what I want and my weight varies very little throughout the year (lucky bastard to be sure!). If I needed to lose weight, the first thing that would go would be sweets (although I don't eat a lot of sweets).  I'm guessing as much as I don't like the idea, probably beer next 


                Hmmmm. That weather sounds nice. I haven't seen 40's in awhile down here, maybe February or early March...


                No beer is off the table, but drinking all this water has reduced my beer intake a good bit, not that I drink a ton of beer to begin with.
