Trailer Trash


Around the block (probably against the rules)? (Read 202 times)

Uh oh... now what?

    DISCLAIMER:   I have no running log to create credentials to

    establish any legitimacy to posting, on the other hand there

    is a sprig of mistletoe attached to the back of my shorts.


    Trail maintenance is messing with the running, so I thought
    I would run around the block this morning--at least get in two
    miles without needing to stop to push something off the trail.

    First I have to get over the trauma of being where people can see
    me; next is to remember those lights are on cars, not someone's
    flashlight coming down the trail. Okay so far--half mile to the
    corner and the only thing left behind is a trail of fog that is

    disappearing as I run. Up the bike path past the place where all

    the pumpkins were. The field has been plowed and all that is left

    of Halloween is the broken pieces of orange globes that were

    smashed by the disc harrow.


    Oliver, the Red-tailed hawk that evaluates us every time we run

    around the block, sneers at me again. The puffing increases in

    accordance with change of grade (ought to mention that changes

    in grade on paved routes are parabolic curves?) as the second

    corner is finally reached.  


    Right or left? Same distance, but madrona trees and Mt. Baker
    one way; the prairie, the strait, and the Olympic Mountains the
    other... hmmm... left and along the upper edge of the prairie.

    One kestrel is still around. The past three mornings have been
    cold enough for frost. Most of the small raptors have gone
    south. This one is stubborn or knows the freshly plowed field
    holds breakfast and a day of feeding before taking flight for
    warmer climes. The bald eagles are in the area, but not on the
    nest, way too early.


    I'll go up the cemetery trail and down the bluff access trail
    just a bit to legitimize posting this in a "trail forum"--even
    though that seems to be in jeopardy, discussion, or something.
    Should I editorialize this... no.


    Three ravens remind me loudly that I am not welcome this early in
    the day. The grasses are tall enough and coated with frost.
    After a short distance my gloves are soaked with ice water, silly
    me. Down the dirt road to the paved road, turn right, pause to
    count the black-capped chickadees, 73 of them, maybe, all in the
    wild plum tree, pretending to be Christmas ornaments, pretend to
    pick up the pace for the last half mile, being careful to not
    glance at my watch. Oh great--a yearling cow wants to race.
    Cows don't have good running form. If I can keep his attention,
    he (boy cow) will run into the corner post... nope, he remembers
    from last week. Turn to corner, two tenths to the house. A
    familiar warm smile from the window and a coffee cup held up--not
    trails, but they will still be there this afternoon.




    John M.


    Refurbished Hip

      John, there are no rules here.  We are in charge.  And we love your writings, so please keep posting them.


      p.s.  "Parabolic curves."  Love that.

      Running is dumb.

      Wandering Wally

        Good stuff.

        Run!  Just Run!


        Trail Runner Nation Podcast

        Ultra Cowboy

          John we seem to have similar around the block runs.  More than once I've had inquisitive heifers pace me to the corner.  Now that the beef calves are on the ground they sprint like grade schoolers. 


          Keep 'em coming. 




          Faster Than Your Couch!

            Sounds similar in parts to where I run. And that is not trail, either, just the access way to the bike path.


            I like the mix of "road" (paved or very nicely groomed trails) and trail, it makes things interesting and adds a little high-speed running!


            Very nice run, John!

            Run for fun.



              Thanks for writing, John.  


              Actually, Mandy is in charge and guess what, she developed a potty mouth since leaving RWOL. Smile

              “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                Hey John: Good to read your writing again. Hope to see you at Rocky this year (next year...).



                  Nice.  When I run around the block early in the morning all I see are cats and sometimes people walking dogs.


                  Glad you made it over here.
