Trailer Trash


Training Tuesday (Read 19 times)


Le professeur de trail

    Been MIA in the dailies this weekend.  No reason really, I just was.  Got in a lunch run yesterday.  Got some hill work scheduled tonight.  I am actually trying to follow a training plan.  It's my own training plan but at least it's a plan.  No more making it up as I go along.  We'll see how long that lasts.


    QOTD: Do you do well with training plans? Ever created your own?


    Have a great day!

    My favorite day of the week is RUNday




    running under the BigSky

      4 miles on the trails with DW and Tiny Elvis yesterday evening- made it without a headlamp!


      undecided on hitting the trails or hitting the gym, one or the other


      qotd: my “plan” is pretty fly by the seat as far as trails go; my strength training is much more focused; I took a program (Wendler) and adapted it to my needs- only in the gym twice a week (~ 30-40 mins), but have seen good results in strength gains



      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

      2021 goal- 2021 miles √




        Got the SI joint shot yesterday, supposed to do a tempo run today but I think I'll just stay easy for the next couple of days so I don't aggravate what I'm trying to heal.


        qotd: I finally signed up with a coach and I've found I've been more consistent in following the plan.  Before I'd download something on line and that led to a lot of not doing the miles.  I'm the type that without a plan I tend to just laze about always with the "I'll do it tomorrow".  I'm basically lazy at heart 



          Didn't get out as early as planned, so snow was starting as I was beginning my run. Went to a new trail area and "found" a new-to-me trail system.  Will have to go back and explore some more. Got in just over 9 miles.


          QOTD:  Did well in marathon days following a plan (Hal Higdon's).  Used some others from time to time, but mostly just make up my own now.  John M gave me a plan once in an e-mail. It said something like - "Run, Have Fun, Repeat".

          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


            Jaimie: I hope you plan for a plan works!

            Warden: good for you on the dark run!

            Dhuff: hope the shot worked.


            I did nothing today, had an issue at work and I came in uber early to work on it off the clock. I am sore today from yesterday's swim...maybe? Or I am just sore...I dunno.


            Qotd: I have downloaded many plans...and followed none. I have low level self discipline and very high procrastination.


            Today I deleted my Facebook account. I feel sad...because I love the animal stories and memes. But...with current events the way they are, I have problems sure separating some of those I love from their opinions which I strongly disagree with. Just makes me feel bad.soso away it goes for now. Hopefully, I will be running by Friday and I can spend my time outside away from it all.

            January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k


              Got up and did a quick 3 mi this morning.  We actually had very low humidity here this morning which is quite unusual.


              Over the next three days I'll be sitting in Leadership meetings, includes lunch and dinner..... need. to. control. myself...


              qotd:  Yup, this is my plan that followed last year.  I guess I need to update it for my run next September. For me the plan also has to include my crazy travel schedule (shown in green).




                5 today at lunch solo up at the local trail. No zippety-do-da in the legs today. Just sort of plodded around, but still decent enough. Plan to get Baker out for a neighborhood dog jog loop before dark. No snow here yet. Maybe later they say.


                QOTD: Well, I did well with training plans in the past, notably Pfitz plans for road marathons. First 50 miler I did a plan from RW {{shocked}} and it worked awesomely. Basically a bunch of b2b long runs on weekend and some "speed" during the week no faster than marathon pace. I was completely locked and loaded for that first 50 miler as during the taper I could barely wait to go race and I knocked that race out of the park. I sort of settled into my own plans after that. I always found it helpful to sketch out a training schedule for a big race, typically a 12-16 week plan. Sure it would have to change sometimes but it helped me to keep focus.


                Sandy - Yes, I did that too with my plans but mostly had to adjust for on-call weeks for work not travel. Always made those the cutback weeks.

                In dog beers, I've only had one.

                Queen of Nothing


                  Back home....ran the coastal 5.  Jack was dragging....guessing the DH didn’t run to much while I was gone.


                  Qotd:  I mostly pull a plan off the internet to let me know what long run I should be doing. Than it adjust for life.

                   05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                   08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                    ugh. No run yesterday (though a 4 mile hike in the woods with Chowder) and no run today (3 miles dog walk in the mist/rain/snow). But I did do my yoga 'classes' yesterday and today. Felt good. This challenge is focusing a lot on form and thus far is a lot of small strength work and balance. I always need that.  I will run tomorrow.


                    qotd: I'm with Queen on this one. Find one on the internet and loosely follow, though for my marathon this year, I joined the training group and I'm pretty sure my internet plan would not have worked for me in this case.


                    Are we there, yet?

                      Between frustration getting a signal after connecting my new cable box and running 76.6 miles in 11 days, I was beat before I ran even with yesterday being a rest day.  Muddled through 3.4 miles while it was snowing.


                      qotd:  When I've run with a training plan it's always been one either I or I and my coach developed, and it was always open to adjustment or modification at any time, even in the middle of a workout.

                       2024 Races:

                            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                            05/11 - D3 50K
                            05/25 - What the Duck 12-Hour

                            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.