Trailer Trash


New Family Fridailies! (Read 246 times)



    Morning to all.


    I have time for 3-4 miles at lunch on some horsey trails in the Gettysburg Battlefield.  Don't have to worry about hunters, only horse droppings. 


    Congrats "Great" Aunt majope.


    Nice to see the group presence in RA is getting bigger and not smaller.  


    QOTD:  I put light up last week in the warmer weather.  Will turn them on next week and we always cut our own tree from one of the local tree farms. We are heading to Portland, OR for Christmas, to be with our oldest daughter, so won't go overboard on decorating.

    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

      Good morning everyone,


      Another day off from work for me (I typically have Fridays off though).  I'll get in a quick run, then do some more decorating (particularly apt qotd for me today!)  And since it's been a couple of weeks since I've done personals, I figure it's time Smile


      majope -- congratulations great auntie!


      lace_up -- sorry you won't be able to get your run in tomorrow.


      lb2 -- yay on the great run!  And I hear ya about the outside decorations.  We put lights up for a couple of years; not only were they a pain in the ass to put up/take down, we live in a really old house (1906) and whenever I'd fire up my hair dryer while the lights were on I'd break a circuit.


      TrailTromper -- sorry to hear about the bug.  And is your avatar a recent pic?  Yowzers!


      mecrowe -- hope you'll stick around!


      jonferg -- are you sure you aren't MY husband?  (Weegee always grumbles when this time of year comes 'round.  However, after 17 years together, he's starting to warm up to it).


      mjsmith -- be careful on the ice.  Although we rarely get snowy/icy conditions here in Seattle, it does happen occasionally.  That's the ONLY time I'll force myself to get on a treadmill.  


      RoxieRuns -- welcome to the dailies!  Have a safe drive and a great race tomorrow.


      boyjame -- keeping my fingers crossed the new technique will bring some relief.


      sugnim -- hope you stay relatively dry tonight.  Be sure to bring some warm clothes to change in to after Sunday's race!  Freezing rain does not sound like much fun.


      NorthernHarrier -- sounds like a wonderful evening.


      MadisonMandy -- I know something you can celebrate (hopefully soon): your return to running!


      PopcornFrog -- how's the taper madness going?  What's your marathon?  And how long is that marathon?  (I kid!  I kid!)


      Birdwell -- I haven't been exposed to too much music yet, but give it a couple of weeks.  When I first started my personal chef business I was working part-time at Macy's for the holidays; I was ready to pull my hair out by the first weekend in December!


      mtwarden -- enjoy your run tomorrow!  I love it when the weather cooperates.


      AT-runner -- have fun dodging the poop today. Oh wait, we can say "shit" here!  SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT.  


      qotd: I put up my collection of Santas and a few other decorations last night.  Tonight we'll get our tree.  I'm actually a week late for this; I normally put up the decorations the weekend after Thanksgiving.  But I was too busy running races.

      Endurance Guy

      Pain cave junkie

        Hello trail people.


        Leaving for Death Valley in 2 hours for tomorrow's trail marathon.  I'm really excited to be able to run through Titus Canyon and the weather should be good but a tad windy. 


        Be well,



          Tante Majope, congrats.  You are Great...



          Tried to do a 4 mile tempo run in a monsoon.  Got 4 miles in but only 1 mile of the 4 qualifies as speed work according to the splits...

          Had planned on doing an easy 2 this morning but I nearly drowned stepping outside.  I'll try again tonight.


          Good to see Xtreme Taper back with us.  XT you are gonna have to teach us Choctaw Bingo. 




          Refurbished Hip

            Betsy, are you bored today...doing personals?  Big grin  I'm not running again until Christmas at the earliest though.  I don't want to screw up my return again.  I'm really, really tired of being injured.

            Running is dumb.

              Betsy, are you bored today...doing personals?  Big grin  


              I must be!  Especially since a shit-ton of people had already posted.  Last time I did personals I think only 3-4 people had posted.  


              Computer Geek

                Betsy, are you bored today...doing personals?  Big grin  I'm not running again until Christmas at the earliest though.  I don't want to screw up my return again.  I'm really, really tired of being injured.



                does that injury need a rub down?  Cool

                nc tam

                  Hi all.


                  Crazy week at work.  Seems like things may be settling back towards normal (what passes for normal around here, anyway).

                  Did weights and core last night.  Today is a "run" day but I'm not sure if I will be able to keep my "run" time.  Very much looking forward to a relaxing weekend and a calmer week next week.


                  Have really been enjoying the "mapping of the routes" feature on this site.


                  How can I toggle between the thread "pages" while writing without losing my post?


                  qotd:  We have the 2 trees up.  We collect ornaments when we travel and have accumulated too many for one tree in our 20+ years together.  We also still have a few of the glass balls from out first Christmas.  The few additional inside and outside decorations are up.  Would like to get a wreath for the front porch but my work connection is not selling this year.  Maybe I'll stop at one of the trucks parked along the highway.  We don't go overboard, especially outside.  Nothing like a sloping lot and big rhodos to discourage the outside light bomb.


                  Endless trails

                    I managed to get in an 8 miler, in 32* weather, near the beach no less. Still waiting for it 

                    to be cold enough for my brand new CW-X tights, I think 30* is my shorts limit but I was

                    still pretty comfortable today.


                    I came back to welcome Roxie runs and say good luck on your race, we do love race reports so

                    be prepared.


                    Endurance guy: good luck at the Death Valley marathon tomorrow, a few pics would be appreciated.


                      Rocky...I guess we are getting some of the left-over rain that's been soaking you guys


                      7.2 in 37 degree weather with wind and moderate rain...loved every minute of it!


                        PopcornFrog -- how's the taper madness going?  What's your marathon?  And how long is that marathon?  (I kid!  I kid!)


                        I seem to be holding off taper madness fairly well.  Next week will be the real test though.  I'm running the Rehoboth Beach Marathon in Delaware.  Since training didn't quite go as planned, I may have just decided to train through this marathon and aim for a trail 8-hour race in February.  I don't know.  ....  Wait, maybe taper madness isn't being held off at all...


                          oops...I think I posted in the Thursday thread (Misty, I'm just now getting your joke...yeah, I know, I'm slow).


                          Anyway, cross training day for me (swimming), but I'm excited for my first trail run this coming Sunday in Cartersville, VA!



                          Faster Than Your Couch!

                            Good Afternoon,


                            Checking in late today. Taper mode, so no running today.


                            I was happy these past days, seeing Saturday being a nice day in between two rain days - yay! Well, until I realized, the race is on SUNDAY...


                            QOTD: Nothing yet, but DH set up his Total Gym in the living room this morning. Maybe we can decorate that one with ornaments and lights?


                            Enjoy the day, everyone!

                            Run for fun.

                            Queen of Nothing


                              It is really nasty outside or was this am when I came to work.  Blowing and rainy.  So leaving work early, have running stuff but if still nasty will hit treadmill for  6. 


                              LB:  We love those runs and they keep us going.

                              Jonferg: Sounds nice. 

                              RoxieRun:  What kind of dog?  Looks a little like Mandy's which is a Plott Hound.  I have a blue tick/plott mix.  The guy can run forever.  Good luck on race this weekend.

                              sugnim: Where do you live?  You look like a hippy. Smile


                              Ditto on what Northern said.  Argo was good.

                              Endurance:  Good luck and enjoy your run. 

                              RockyII:  Where are you located?  Sounds like our NorCal weather.

                              nc tam:  I open in a seperate window.  But then I have two screens at work.  Nice tradition.


                              QOTD:  Nothing up.  Plan to put lights on the pine tree at the entrance of the drive.  That's it. 

                               05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                               08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                              Refurbished Hip

                                QoN, Roxie and Bella DO look a lot alike.  They spent some time together back in September and had a blast.  I have a picture of them together on my old phone that I can post later. 

                                Running is dumb.
