Trailer Trash


Leg Injury (Read 41 times)


Faster Than Your Couch!

    Well I am in a brace and on crutches for a couple months to allow the fracture to heal. I was told there was a tear to my MCL but it is more like a sprain just needs time to heal as well. So I am non-weight bearing for a couple months then I slowly working running back into the mix. I feel fortunate and will be patient to allow this all to heal properly, now ask me in 2 months how I feel. I am sure I will be bat shit crazy. Thanks again for the support and I'll see you in a couple months.


    Tough. Not fun.


    But except for the madness, it does not make too much difference whether it's 4 weeks or 2 months of out time. Once you get back on both feet and running again, you will build up fairly quick again. Just let it heal well for now, especially the knee injury.


    Hope it all goes well!

    Run for fun.


      Dang it!! Sorry about that, Man. When I totally destroyed my shoulder in 2010, I was told I couldn't run for a couple of months. It was difficult, but if I can make it, I know you can, too.



        Well it's a good thing where you are one of those lazy duck hunters that just sits in a blind looking at decoys as opposed to us more athletic upland bird hunters.    And if a very unlucky bird happens to get in the way of one of your errant shots the yellow dog will go get it. Heck, the hardest thing for you is to not spill the thermos.


        I'd suggest a sling type backpack to tote things about while on crutches, bike gloves, netflix, and be happy that football is almost here. Oh, and a little bell to ring so a family member comes a runnin' to wait on you. Didn't work real good for me but maybe you'll have better luck!
