Trailer Trash


Three for Thursday (Read 19 times)


    Moonlight - I've ran the DWD race down in Florida a few times. The Green Swamp. A very nice race. Armadillos and gators!! (actually I did not see any gators).


    DHuffman - Hope you get those back issues straightened out and get more good races in your future. Must be frustrating.


    Gatsby - Jealous of your redwood and Tahoe trail runs. Hope you were drinking during Bay to Breakers.


    Queenie - Still impressed by the ease of your hundo. Running through the night is surreal isn't it!!


    WC/George - You win for best memory... 70 and 71! I wasn't even quite a young punk then.


    Dreamer -  Like AT you like the uphill races.


    GC - Nice! Bonus points for photos.

    In dog beers, I've only had one.
